
作者&投稿:进殃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.He is_________(our/ours) English teacher. _________name is Sam(男人名).
2. Jane (女人名) is my friend. She has got long hair. _______hair is yellow.
But_________(my/mine) is black.
3._________(mine/my) dog is white .But_________(her/hers) is black.
4.--Whose computer is it ? Is it your father’s ? --No,it’s not________.
It’s my mother’s. -- Oh, it’s__________. (it’s =___ ___)
5. -- Look ! _________car is it ? Is it__________(your/yours) ?
-- No,_________(our/ours) car is old (旧的).
-- It’s_________(their/theirs) car .__________is new.
1.--Are these___________(you) pencils?--Yes ,they are_________(our).
2. –Whose pencil is this ?—It’s_________( I ).
3.She is__________( I ) friend.
4.Miss Li often look after (照顾)_________(she) brother.
5.—Are these_________(they) bags ?
--No,they aren’t ________(their). They are______(we) . (aren’t =______ ______)
6.This bike is my sister’s . It is________(she).
7.This isn’t_______( I ) book . ________(my) is in the bag. (is’t =____ _____)


1.This isn’t_______knife. ________is green. (she)
2.These are your books, Kate. Put______in de desk,please. (they)
3.______must look after (照顾)_______things. (you )
4.Wei Fang, is that_______ruler ? Yes, it’s . (you)
5.They want(想要) a football . Give_______the green one. Please. (they)
6.It’s Lin Tao’s bag . Give it to________. (he)
7.Is this pencil-box Li Lei’s ? No,_______is very(非常) new.(he)
8.This box is too heavy(很重). I can’t carry(携带)_____.(it) (can’t =_____ _____)
Don’t worry ,Let_______( I ) help_______. (you)
9. ______is a boy. ______name is Mike(男人名). Mike’s friends like_____very much(非常). (he)
10. My sister is in______room. _______is a teacher. (she)
11. Jane is a little girl . _____mother is a nurse(护士). (she)
12. We are in______classroom. ______classroom is bag. (we)
13. My father and mother are teachers. ______are busy(繁忙). (them)
14. You are a pupil(儿童). Is_______brother a pupil , too ? (you)
15. I ate(eat的过去分词) all______sandwiches yesterday. (I) Can I have one of_______.(they)
16. Jack(男人名) has a dog and so have I(我也有一只). ______(he)dog and_____(I) had a fight(打架).
17. George(男人名)has lost(丢失了)_______(his) pen. Ask Mary(女人名) if (是否)she will lend(借) him_______.(she)
18. The teacher wants you to return that book of________.(he)
19. Mr and Mrs. Green(男人名)and a friend of________are coming to see us. (they)
20. We are going to Paris(巴黎) to stay with a French(法国) friend of________(we).


1._______(她)is a student. _______(她)sister is a student too.
2.________(我)want_______(你) to do it today.
3.________(他)brother is a worker(工人). ________are twins(他们).
4.________(你们)are English. ________(我们)are Chinese.
5.All of(所有)________(我们)love______(我们)teacher.
6.This is______(我)book. That is_______(你).
7.These pens are_______(他们).______(你们)are over there(在那边).
8.Can_____(你)read it for_______(我们).

V. 补全对话
1.----Whose bike is it ? Is it______(your/yours)?
----No,it’s not______.(my/mine) _______is red. But this bike is blue .
----Is it Jane’s ?
----Sorry, I don’t know. Maybe it’s_______.
----Jane,is this______bike ?
----No,it’s not______.You can ask Bill(男人名). Maybe it’s________.
----Bill,is this bike_______ ?
----Oh,yes,it’s_______bike.Thank you very mnch!
2. ----Whose classroom is it ? Is it_______(our/ours)classroom ?
----No,it’s not________. It’s_________(their/theirs)
----__________(their/theirs) classroom is big.
----Yes ,you are right.
----But_______is small.


1.Mary works in a bookstore(书店). ______likes_____work very mnch.
2.Jone and I are in the same(相同的) school. ______go to school together(一起).
3.She is a friend of_______. We got to know each other(彼此、互相) two years ago.
4.Her sister makes all______own(自己的) dresses.
5.I have many friends. ______are all good at(擅长于) English.
6.----May I use(使用)_______bike ?
----_______is broken(故障、坏的).


1.This is_______father. 这是我的爸爸。
2.Is that bike _______? Yes,it’s_______. 那辆自行车是你的吗?是,它是我的。
3.______like_______car. 我喜欢他们的小汽车。
4.Our school is here, and_______is there. 我们的学校在这儿,他们的在哪儿。
5.Whose bike is this ?It’s______(=It’s____ ____). 这是谁的自行车?是她的吗?
6.Is that car_______? Yes,it’s________. 那辆车是你的吗?是的,它是我的
1. This is my book. __ are over there.
A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine
2. Whose pen is it? It’s __.
A. her B. hers C. she D. his
3. __ bag is new and __ is new, too.
A. Our, he B. Ours, his C. My, his D. My, her
4. This room is ours, and that one is __.
A. they B. them C. theirs D. their
5. Whose pencils are there? They’re __.
A. my B. me C. mine D. our
6. Is the new watch __? Yes, it’s __.
A. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my D. your, mine
7. Whose shoes are these? They are __.
A. me B. mine C. my D. I
8. She is a student , __ name is Han Mei.
A. its B. her C. hers D. his
9. It’s a dog. I don’t know __ name.
A. its’ B. its C. it D. it’s
10. This ruler isn’t mine. I think it is __.
A. he B. him C. his D. her
11.__ schoolbag is beautiful. But __ is more beautiful.
A. Jims, my B. Jim’s, mine
C. Jim’s, me D. Jims’, I
12. __ am a boy and __ is a girl.
A. My, she B. I, her C. I, she D. Mine, she
13.I like __ new dress.
A. She B. her C. hers D. his
14.I often help __ mother do __ housework(家务活)。
A. me, she B. mine, her C. my, her D. I, hers
15.Is that __ hat? No, it’s not __. It’s __.
A. your, my, Toms B. you, mine, Tom’s
C. yours, mine, Tom D. your, mine, Tom’s

1.Oue/His 2.Her/mine 3.My/hers 4.his/hers 5.Whose/yours/our/their/It
1.your/ours 2.mine 3.my 4. her 5.their/theirs/ours 6.hers 7.mine/mine
1. her/hers 2. them 3. You/your 4. your 5. them 6.him 7. His 8.it/me/you 9.He/his/him 10. her/She 11. Her 12our/Our 13.They 14.your 15.my/them 16. His/mine 17.his/hers 18.his 19.them 20.us
She/her 2.I/you 3.His/they 4.You/We 5.us/our 6.my/yours 7.theirs/yours 8.you/us V.
1. She/her 2.We 3.us 4.her 5.They 6.your/Mine
1.my 2.yours/mine 3.I/their 4.theirs 5.hers/her bike 6.yours/mine



1.Is that car yours? Yes, it is ______.
2.How is Mr Li? _______is fine, thanks.
3.Put on______ hat! I am going to put it on.
4.Who is that over here? It is_______.
5.The old man lives by ______.
6.I am sure I can do it all by _______.
7.Look,is this room beautiful? I painted it _____.
8.I’d like to go for a walk. ______ too.
9.What are ______jobs? They are students.
10.We think to _________.
11.Mary is old enough to take care of ______.
12.It is perfume, I made it __________.
13.Look at ____. She is very well.
14.Can you carry this box upstairs by _______.
15.You and she did very well in the test.
The teacher said that he would praise _____ and______.
16.The story ______was very good, but you are did not tell it well.
17.Give Jane this watch.. Give______ this one too.
18.Sara is not pleased with ______in this English test.
19.Did you enjoy _______at the party yesterday?
20.She wants to buy a car of _____own.
1. Mr. More has more money than Mr. Little . But he doesn’t enjoy _______.
A. he B. him C. his D. himself
2. Lily was 9 years old. _____ was old enough to go to school ________.
A. She , she B. She , herself C. Her, herself D. Her. she
3. Jim’s watch is much newer than _________.
A. hers B.she C. her D. herself
4.Would you like _____for super?
A: something Chinese B:Chinese something
C: anything Chinese D: Chinese anything
5.______ piano is too old ,but she still liked playing it.
A. She B. She’s C. Hers D. Her
6.Who taught you English last year?
Nobody taught me . I taught ______.
A. me B. myself C. mine D. I
7.That bike is _________?
A.he B. him C. his D. it
8. We bought ______ a present, but _______ didn”t like it.
A. they, them B. them , they C. themselves , their
D. theirs, they
1. mine
2. he
3. your
4. her
5. here
6. myself
7. myself
8. me
9. those
10. ourselves
11. herself
12. myself
13. her
14. yourself
15. you, her
16. you made
17. her
18. her results
19. yourself
20. her
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. B

++++希望可以帮助你 被你采纳 我也可以加分哟 哈哈

没有什么规则,可记忆为:瑞士、中、日不变,荷兰、英、法、变,其它各国人把s加后边 单、复数形式相同 a Japanese- two Japanese 2个日本人, a Chinese- two Chinese 2 个中国人, a Swiss- ten Swiss 10个瑞士人 变词尾的man为men an Englishman - some Englishmen 一些英国人, a Frenchman...

没有人喜欢生活在那个沙漠地区。nobody,none,no one这些代词均表示“没人”之意,区别:1、nobody普通用词,表单数,只能指代人,不能用于加of表范围的结构中。2、none可指代人或物,表示对三者以上的否定,可跟表范围的of结构。3、no one只用于指人,通常后面不连用of。

没有一点英语基础的人,从最基本的学起。1.首先学会准确地读单词。学会26个字母。学会拼读,然后规范书写,然后背诵,这个难度不大。了解5个元音字母a, e, i, o, u。接着学习48个音标,20和元音和28个辅音,音标是词的语音形式也是音的最小的单位。英语中有48音素;了解音节:由元音和辅音构成的...

5、有一次,在火车站,雷锋遇见一个老太太,不停的哭,十分伤心,雷锋上前一问,原来老太太出门探亲,刚到这里,钱给弄丢了,雷锋什么也没有说,把自己身上的钱都给了这位老太太,匆匆走了。 ⑥ 名人小故事100字左右 故事1: 宋代苏轼当杭州县令时,有一县民做扇子谋生,可是天凉,扇子卖不出去,于是欠税.东坡就叫他拿...

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of his death in 1919: "No man has had a happier life than I have led; a happier life in every way."当在密尔沃基竟选时,他被一个狂徒射中胸膛.罗斯福很快就复元了,而他在当时讲的话或许更为适合他在1919年去世时:“没有人有过比我更为幸福的生活-在任何方面都幸福的生活”....



名称 总称(谓语用复数) 一个人 两个人 中国人 the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese 瑞士人 the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss 澳大利亚人the an two Australians Australian Australians 俄国人 the Russians a Russian two Russians 意大利人 the Italians an Italian two Italians 希腊人 the Greek a ...

1、侧重点不同 中教老师教学侧重于句型、语法。外教老师教学侧重于交流、运用。2、教学方式不同 中教老师对国内英语教学方式非常了解,教学过程中能举一反三,让学生快速理解,因为中教老师和大家一样经历过学习英语会遇到的问题,比如发音不够标准、容易受母语思维影响,在这样的背景影响下,老师的教学会...


锦江区19188342622: 英语人称物主代词有哪些? -
镇崔可达: 一、人称代词 表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词,叫做人称代词.人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表: 人称 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第一人称 I me we us 第二人称 you you you ...

锦江区19188342622: 英语中的人物代词,物主代词是什么? -
镇崔可达: 正确说法:人称代词、物主代词 一、人称单词:代替人或事物名称的词.如,John 约翰,可以用he(他)来代替; 二、物主代词:代替人或事物主人的词.如,his(他的)、their(他们的)等.

锦江区19188342622: 英语的物主代词有哪些 -
镇崔可达: 人称代词分为(第一人称、第二人称、第三人称)主格(I,we,you,he,she,it,they);(第一人称、第二人称、第三人称)宾格(me,us,you,him,her,it,them);物主代词分为(第一人称、第二人称、第三人称)形容词性的物主代词(my,our,your,his,her,its,their);(第一人称、第二人称、第三人称)名词性的物主代词(mine,ours,yours,his,hers,its,theirs)

锦江区19188342622: 请英语高手为我讲解一下哪些是人称代词,哪些是物主代词 -
镇崔可达: I人 称 代 词 一、主格人称代词有I, we, you, he, she, they, it,主格人称代词就是在句中充当主语和表语的代词1) Archibald Motley's artistic talent 〔A〕 was apparent 〔B〕 by the time him 〔C〕 enrolled 〔D〕 in high school.2) Legends often ...

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镇崔可达: 物主代词分为(形容词物主代词)和(名词物主代词) 形容词物主代词:单数,我的my,你的your,他、她、它的his her its,复数形式,我们的our,你们的your 他们的their 名词物主代词:单数,我的mine,nide your,他、她、它的his hers its,复数形式,我们的ours,你们的yours 他们的theirs

锦江区19188342622: 英语人称带词和物主带词有哪些 -
镇崔可达: 人称代词(主格) I you he she it we you they 物主代词(形容词性) my your his her its our your their 再看看他们的用法,你就会更清楚了.人称代词(主格)通常做主语,相当于汉语中的我、你、他(她、它).Eg: I am a pupil. I have many ...

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镇崔可达: 人称代词: I he she it we you they 物主代词: my his her its our your their

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镇崔可达: 1、人称代词:人称代词代替人和事物的名称,分为主格和宾格两种形式.第一人 称单数 第二人 称单数 第三人称单数 第一人称复数 第二人称复数 第三人称复数 阳性 阴性 中性 主 格 I (我) you (你) he (他...

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镇崔可达: 人称代词 我 他 她 它 你 1.主格人称代词:i,he,she,it,you 2.宾格人称代词:me,him,she,it,you 3.名词性物主代词:mine,his,hers,its,yours 4.形容词性物主代词:my,his,her,its,your 指示代词 指示代词是用来指示或标识人或事物的代词.指...

锦江区19188342622: 人称代词和物主代词的区别和用法?(English)人称代词(主格、宾格)物主代词(形容词性、名词性) -
镇崔可达:[答案] 人称代词:代替某事物名称的代词叫人称代词.在句子中作主语或宾语. 主格的人称代词比如 I(第一人称单数),you(第二人称单、复数),he(第三人称男性单数),she(第三人称女性单数),it(第三人称指单数物品、小动物,或用于指婴儿)...

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