
作者&投稿:瞿府 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #三年级# 导语】阅读是运用语言文字来获取信息、认识世界、发展思维,并获得审美体验与知识的活动。它是从视觉材料中获取信息的过程。以下是 考 网整理的《三年级小学生阅读的英语美文》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda cant take it home.

  Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her. She watches the bike. I know! I have a good idea. she jumps and shouts happily, I can roll a pumpkin. Its like a wheel.

  So she rolls the pumpkin to her home. When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised, Oh, my God! How can you carry it home? the little panda answers proudly, I cant lift it, but I can roll it. Her mother smiled and says,What a clever girl! Use you heard to do something. 


  One fine hot bay Mr. Hare met with Mts. Tortoise. Mr. Hare said to Mrs. Tortoise: “What a slow walker you are! You cannot run so fast as I, to be sure!” “Well, my friend, let us run a race and see which of us will win. Let us run up to the top of that hill,” said Mrs. Tortoise. “All right!” said Mr. Hare. So they started a race. Mrs. Tortoise walked with a slow, steady pace, up to the top of the hill. She never stopped a moment. But Mr. Hare ran, almost flying like an arrow. On the way he often stopped to eat grass. When he went halfway up the hill, he lay down for a nap, saying, “If Mrs. Tortoise passes by me, I can easily catch up with her.” When he awoke and looked around, he could not see her. Then he ran up the hill as fast al he could, and at the very top, he found Mrs. Tortoise at rest. She had won her success. “Slow and steady wins the race.” ”Slow and steady wins the race.”


  A Woodman came into a forest to ask the Trees to give him a handle for Ax. It seemed so modest a request that the principal tree at once agreed to it, and it was settled among them that the plain, homely Ash should furnish what was wanted.
  No sooner had the Woodman fitted the staff to his purpose ,then he began laying about him on all side.Felling the whole matter too late, whispered to the Cedar: "the first concession has lost all ;if we has not a sacrificed our humble neighbor, we might have yet stood for ages ourselves."


  the hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "i have never been beaten," he said, "when i run at full speed, no one is faster than me." the tortoise said quietly, "i will race with you." "that is a good joke," said the hare. "i could dance around you the whole way."the race started. the hare darted almost out of sight at once. he soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.the tortoise plodded on and on. when the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.
  moral: pride goes before a fall. only by persevering can we achieve our goals.


  it’s sunny day in spring. miss cat is fishing. suddenly the fishing rod moves. “great! oh, it’s so heavy!” miss cat says happily.
  the fish is plucked out of the river. “oh, a big fish! how big the fish is!” she cheers. but she puts the fish into the river and goes on fishing.
  at the time mr. horse goes by and sees it. “why do you set it free?” he asks. “because my pot is too small, i can’t cook it,” miss cat says.

12.《小真的长头发》:孩子关于长发的所有想象 13.《不可思议的旅程》:无字绘本,冒险、想象力 14.《“我爱阅读”黄色系列》:适合小学中低年级的儿童阅读,针对具有一定词汇量的孩子 15.《雅诺什绘本王国》:桥梁书 16.《不一样的卡梅拉》:乐观、勇敢,勇于尝试和冒险 17.《一年级大个子二年级小...



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祢呢健脾:[答案] happy day Today I'm very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park. It's a sunny day ,the bird is singing,I'm singing too.When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them.We play very happy.Then I have lunch with my friends.We both ...

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祢呢健脾: One afternoon an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand. She was going to do some shopping. Just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down. One of her legs was hurt and she couldn't move any more. A kind cleaner ...

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祢呢健脾: Shanghai host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo was an honor for all of the Asians. Our government has promised that it was the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, had more chances to develop quickly. 关于世博的,我已经不能给你检查过了,没什么打我问题.

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