英语高手帮忙翻译一句话 :"如果可以的话 请连同回忆也一并删除 ,因为我根本不想记得 ."

作者&投稿:捷伊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.选B.a girl’s name in the Happy Potter movies。
Emma Watson.who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies,seems to have it all.She is one of the most famous and successful actress for her age in history.
Emma Watson在《哈利•波特》系列电影中饰演了Hermione Granger,并因为这个角色而收获了许多。她是历史上同年龄女演员中最著名和最成功的其中一位。
由第一句知道Hermione Granger是《哈利•波特》系列电影中的一个角色,由第二句的主语she知道扮演者是女的,因此知道应该选B。

She acted in the first one when she was just 9 years old.

Although acting has brought her fame and fortune.Emma says she does not act for money.

4.选C.is also a model student
Like Hermione,Emma is a model students in her high school in England.

5.选C. there are seven films in the Harry Potter series
Early next year,she will begin the seventh and final in the series,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


Remove the memory

If possible, please erase my memory as well, because I don' want to remember at all.


If it is possible, please get rid of memory as well, as I do not want to remember/recall at all.

I would rather eliminate all of the memory about you if I could, and that's because of the painful past that I don't want to look back.

If possible, I'd like to get the memory all removed once and for all, as I really decline to get it back, even a little.

东方神起、チャン・グンソク、shineeのファンの基准で见ると私はまだ合格ラインに达していませんが、XXXさんがファンだから、私も彼らのことが好きになりました。そして、いまはもうすっかり彼らの歌声が好きになってきました。私の日本语に対する理解はまだまだなので XXX...

教师在讲解英语词汇时,应尽可能超越课本的局限,充分调动学生的想象力,帮助他们建立英语一词多义的概念。比如,在学习“heavy”这个词时。教师可以先用PPT给出“heavy traffic、heavy eater、heavy heart、heavy sea、heavy drinking、His voice was heavy with sarcasm.”等短语和句子。——When ...

중국에 이런 속담이 있어요."스트레스 있어야 동력이 있다"지금 받는 스&#...

My parents hope me that I could keep a smile on my face to everything(face everything with a smile on my face),and happy every day.

1. ...,and are traditionally celebrated in churches by lighting a candle each sunday during Adrent.翻译:Adrent(指圣灵降临节,圣灵指耶稣)期间(主语)每个周日都在教堂里以点燃一支蜡烛这样传统的方式来庆祝。“are traditionally celebrated”指以传统的方式庆祝。2. But watch out---the pre...

第一句:chào bạn 你好 mình 我,自称 muốn 想 làm quên 熟悉,相识 với 和 bạn 你 你好,我想跟你交个朋友.(直译的话是你好,我想跟你认识一下)第二句:Rất vui 非常开心 là 是,成为 bạn với ...的朋友 những ai xem ...

어버이날이 며칠 남지 않아, 중국에서 시아버지 시어머니께 드릴 작은 &#...

只想告诉你:我今天一整天都在想你,什么都不想做,满脑子都是你! 烦死了!今晚好好玩吧,希望时间能快一些,想早一点见到你! 求韩语高手帮忙,在线翻译的就算了我自己也会用。。。 我一共就30积分,大家帮帮忙吧谢谢了!!!renzhazai | 浏览1951 次 |举报 我有更好的答案推荐...

摘要:Summary:今年是punk诞生三十周年,从三十年前那场punk风潮所衍生出来的punk服装风格至今影响着时尚界,影响着现代服装的设计,随着信息社会的发展,近两年也对中国的街头时尚产生了一定的影响。This year is a punk to is born 30 anniversaries, from 30 year ago that punk unrest the punk ...

and pack will be free of charge.9、要不您对比别家的再参考一下 you are welcome to check the information with other stores if you are really unsure about it.10、慢走,欢迎下次光临 Take it easy and see you then.这基本就是英国电脑商店里面的常用语了,希望能够帮上你。谢谢。

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少梵筋伤: 第一种回答:The company does not engage in production, not involving the procurement of raw materials in the general sense. 第二种回答:This company basic is not engaged in the production service, does not involve in the general sense raw ...

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少梵筋伤: any longer 是短语,断句应该是这样: It's no pleasure/ looking through these /any longer/ because nature is one thing /that really must be experienced. 原句大意是这样的: 看着这样的景色再也没有什么乐趣,因为“自然”应该是一种真的用来...

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少梵筋伤: seek the intersection of future and lines(figures) 最好把上下文拿来看下. 按你修改的意思的话.也许用这个比较好吧:search the future of archetecture from the blueprints.

仁布县19733032840: 英语高手来帮忙翻译一段话
少梵筋伤: I love you so much that I have motivation to study English. I'll make every efforts to study English well, in order to have a look at you. Although there is a long distance between us and a lot of pretty girls around you, I don't care at all. Because I'll support you silently forever. Wish you happy. Come on!

仁布县19733032840: 高手帮忙翻译一句话 -
少梵筋伤: 应该是个病句.大概是 さよなら」と言いたくなくて、あなたが私の命に息きてっいる这样的话 意思就是 不想说再见 因为你呼吸在我生命中

仁布县19733032840: 高手帮忙翻译一个英语句子
少梵筋伤: 您好! 意思是:我们经历了一段在乡村地区通讯非常困难的时期. 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

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