新概念英语同步测试卷5 Book2Test5(Lesson17~20)的答案?

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|新概念英语2答案同步测试卷TEST5的答案(新版) - 已解决
2009-08-07 08:06
2009-08-08 12:08
A卷:一.1-5AABCD 6-10DCDAC二,A:1.appear 2.stocking 3.sock 4.bright 5.stage 6.pub 7.landlord 8.bill 9.hurry 10.pity 11.sadly 12.return 13.exclaim 14.catch 15.waste 16.realize 17.fisherman 18.boot 19,office 20.darlingB.1.walking,sit 2.will,e 3.would,meet 4.was walking,met 5.is flying 6.stopped 7.has gone 8.was working 9.is 10.is sleepingB卷:三.1-5ADDBB 6-10AABAC 11-15CCBCA四.1.他说他必须马上离开2.这个女演员肯定四十岁了3.他担任工程师的工作4.He is too young to enter for the match5.My father has given up *** oking五.1.She has to be patient with him2.You must be tired after such a long walk3.Could i use your pen please4.Who hurried to the theatre just then?5.He sat in the classroom without saying a word六.1.T2.F Walking is good for our health3.F I must apologize for having interrupted you4.F After having waited for a whole dat,he left without saying anything5.T七.wind Snow on Don't idea air down flew too for八.CBCDD
2009-08-08 12:23
2009-08-04 12:29
2009-08-04 16:06
一appear stage bright stoching sock pub landlord bill hurry pity exclaim sadly catch boot waste realize fisherman return immediately ticket二CDABD CABDA三CABBD BCDAB四DBDDB五1F it's too dark now,we have to leave now.2F her daughter is interested in drawing.3T4F the child is afraid of going out alone at night.5F the boy who is sitting beside her is her son6 T 7 F he might have telephoned me last night.8 F i haven't seen him for three years.9 F i prefer staying at home to going fishing.10T六actress had happenedcollecti,7,新概念英语同步测试卷5 Book2Test5(Lesson17~20)的答案



新概念2英语同步测试卷7 25-28课
听力部分(20分)一、1、 B 2、 B 3、 B 4、 A 5、 C 二、6、 A 7、 A 8、 C 9、 C 10、 A 三、11、 B 12、 B 13、 A 14、 B 15、 C 笔试部分(80分)一、单项选择(15分)16、 C 17、 B 18、 B 19、 B 20、 C 21、 D 22、 C 23、 A 24、 B 25、 B ...


新概念英语同步测试卷 book1 test7 (lesson 31--35)
答案:一.1.a 2.a 3.i 4.i 5.or 6.i 7.i 8.o 9.a 10.ow 11.o 12.ee 13.ea 14.oa 15.oo 16.u 17.ee 18.oao 19.ir 20.e 二.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 三.1.are doing 2.Which 3.What colour 4.for 5.Put 6.do going to ...

回答:看我的真是苦了你了啊。孩子。大热天还要去上课最重要还有卷子呢。看看我的昂。我有。 先看看题是不是啊。一、填入下列单词中所缺的字母。(10分)1.w_lcome. 2.cr_ _d是吧? 好了。开始写答案了啊、————————————————————————————————————...

答案:一.1.a 2.a 3.i 4.i 5.or 6.i 7.i 8.o 9.a 10.ow 11.o 12.ee 13.ea 14.oa 15.oo 16.u 17.ee 18.oao 19.ir 20.e 二.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 三.1.are doing 2.Which 3.What colour 4.for 5.Put 6.do going to ...

1.—What class are you in?—I’m in ___, ___.A. grade seven,class three B. class Three, grade Seven C. Class Three,Grade Seven 答案:C 2.—What color is the coat?—It’s ___.A.heavy B.fifty-four C.blue 答案:C 从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填...

《新概念英语》同步测试卷(第一册)Test 15参考答案,+100!急!
一.1.cinema 2.beautiful 3.never 4.film 5.attendant 6.bring 7.garage 8.crash 9.repair 10.believe 11.since 12.sell 13.because 14.retire 15.cost 16.worth 17.penny 18.pound 19.may 20.Paris 二.1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C ...

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怀远县13948874992: 新概念英语同步测试卷5 book2 Test5答案 -
聊琴卵磷: 回答人的补充 2009-10-18 15:18 text5 ① appear stage bright stocking sock pub landlord bill hurry pity exclaim sadly catch boot waste realize fisherman return immediately ticket ② cdabd cabda ③ cabbd bcdab ④ dbddb ⑤ ftfftffft ⑥ actress had happened collecting given rang ⑦ ccddc caacc ⑧ ffftt ccdd

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聊琴卵磷: I.BACED II.1.bill 2.hurry 3.waste 4.pity 5.catch 6.appeared 7.return 8.exclaimed 9.realized 10.stage III.1.She must appear in a bright red dress.2.He must have arrived by train.3.Bed news has wings.4.He died so that others might live.5.You had better ...

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聊琴卵磷:[答案] Test1 I.c a b d e II.1.abroad 2.exciting 3.until 4.bear 5.attention 6.sent 7.received 8.lend 9.ringing10.spoiled III. 1.He said angrily tome yesterday. 2.Iwillnot see you again until Friday. 3.Mary is...

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聊琴卵磷:[答案] Answers to NCE2 Exercises Lesson 1:bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2:cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3:cacac bccba bb Lesson 4:dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5:cadbc dabcb bd Lesson 6:dacdd adaba da Lesson 7:bccda cdacb ab Lesson 8:dbbac cbbad bb Lesson ...

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聊琴卵磷: Ⅰ.1.A2.B3.C4.D5.A6.B7.C8.C9.D10.D11.A12.C13.B14.A15.B Ⅱ.1.C2.B3.A4.D5.B6.B7.A8.C9.C10.D11.D12.C13.B14.A15.D16.C17.B18.A19.B20.D Ⅲ.BADDB Ⅳ.1.be-been 2.firstly-first 3.feeling-feelings 4.is后面加上to 5.until-if 6.to去掉7.go-...

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聊琴卵磷: L5:Ⅰ.baced Ⅱ.1.bill 2.hurry 3.waste 4.pity 5.catch 6.appeared 7.retuen 8.exclaimed 9.realized 10.stage Ⅲ.1.She must appear in a bright red dress. 2.He must have arrived by train. 3.Bad news has wings. 4.He died so that others might live. 5.You ...

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聊琴卵磷: Test1 I.c a b d e II.1.abroad 2.exciting 3.until 4.bear 5.attention 6.sent 7.received 8.lend 9.ringing10.spoiled III. 1.He said angrily tome yesterday. 2.Iwillnot see you again until Friday. 3.Mary is a spoiled child. 4.I have just received a letter from my uncle...

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聊琴卵磷: C 7.waste 9.B 1.A 4.C 4. 1.A 3.give 8.You had better give up trying to win the game. 3.D 3.B 5.favourite 4.C 3.A 1.empty 7.Bad news has wings1B 2A 3C 4E 5D bill hurry waste pity catch appeared return exclaimed realized stage 1.B 9.Instead 2.C ...

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聊琴卵磷: 1大题 1 E 2 C 3B 4 D 5A 2大题 1 VALUABLE 2 COVERED 3 REQUEST 4 EXPECTING 5 STEALING 6 guard 7call 8 neat 9distance 10service 3大题 1 Up to now ,he has saved plenty of money . 2 In return for help ,he give me a gift. 3 To his ...

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聊琴卵磷: test10 I. 1E 2A 3B 4C 5D II. 1. regretted 2. most 3. struggle 4.fright 5.succeed 6.explained 7.rush 8.toward 9.intend 10.straight III. 1. He left for Nanjing yesterday. 2. I was asked to make a speech. 3. He is sure to succeed. 4. He read so fast that I could...

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