请帮忙翻译几个句子 用上非谓语动词 谢谢

作者&投稿:边池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请用非谓语动词翻译下面句子。高中英语 求助~~谢谢~~~

1 我今天想洗衣服 因为衣服太需要洗了
----- I want to wash the clothes because they very much want / need / require washing / to be washed
2 你常让人洗衣服吗?
-----Do you often have your clothes washed (by others) ?
3 是的 我常常让人洗衣服
-----Yes, I often have someone wash my clothes.
4 为啥不在那里点个油灯呢?
Why not / why don't you have an oil lamp burning?

1 Don't forget to turn off the lights
2 playing badminton
3 interesting her, dancing
4 not taking my teacher's advice
5 you calling back this afternoon
6 I can't stand being criticized by him
7 Not knowing what to do, he turned to his teacher for help

【Nobody can prevent us from executing our plan.】

【Some measures must be taken to prevent the air from being polluted.】

【You should have made good use of the time you spent together to discuss this thing.】

【Looking at these photos, I couldn't help thinking of the days I spent in London.】

【15 people are present at the meeting, including the chairman.】








5。 15人参加了会议,包括主席在内。


英国牛艺术团倾情奉献,但不质疑,满意,请记得采纳回答,谢谢您的^ _ ^!

1. No one can prevent us from carrying out our plan. (动名词)
2. Some measures must be taken to prevent the pollution of the air. (不定式)
3. You should have made good use of the time you spent together to discuss it. (不定式)
4. Looking at these photos, I can't help thinking of the days I was in London. (现在分词、动名词)
5. There are 15 people attending the meeting, including the president.(现在分词)

1. No one can stop us from executing our plan.
2. Measures must be taken to prevent the air polution.
3. You should've spent your time together to discuss this matter.
4. I can't help but thinking about my days in london when I'm looking at these pictures.
5. 15 people have attended, including the chairman.

岢岚县17018143962: 麻烦高手翻译几个句子(每句都要求含非谓语动词形式) -
乾曲莲胆: 1, The doors and windows need painting. 2, Protecting the environment is the obligation of everyone. 3, I think it's wise to give up the requirement. 4, With his car breaking down, Peter had to go by bus. 5, Having been there for many times, he put ...

岢岚县17018143962: 用非谓语动词翻译句子 -
乾曲莲胆: 1 Don't forget to turn off the lights 2 playing badminton 3 interesting her, dancing 4 not taking my teacher's advice 5 you calling back this afternoon 6 I can't stand being criticized by him 7 Not knowing what to do, he turned to his teacher for help

岢岚县17018143962: 用非谓语动词翻译下面句子 -
乾曲莲胆: I am sorry to keep you waiting. The teacher's warning, he never make the same mistake. Under his encouragement, I am determined to work harder to learn. Magazine may not be taken out Yuelan Shi. We found that all these years this village big ...

岢岚县17018143962: 用非谓语动词翻译下面句子.一定是非谓语.. -
乾曲莲胆: 1他到了家,结果发现父亲已经走了 He arrived the home,only to find that his father has gone.(only to do表意想不到的结果) 2他坐在沙发上听音乐 He sat on the sofa,listening to music(伴随状语) 3这个穷人去世了,没有给他儿子留下任何东西 The poor man died,not having left anything for his son动名词 4所有人都参加了上星期举行的会议 All the people took part in the meeting hold last week(过去分词作后置定语)

岢岚县17018143962: 翻译以下句子与找出非谓语动词...
乾曲莲胆: 附近,一个穿着深色衣服,戴着羊毛围巾的买花女孩也在避雨. 主干是: a girl is sheltering from the rain. 非谓语动词是wearing

岢岚县17018143962: 非谓语动词翻译句子,请英语高手帮忙!(对不起,财富价值过低,不能给分,请大家见谅,下次一定给) -
乾曲莲胆: 1. You/I saw/met the engineer having invented this new machine yesterday.2. I had my glasses repaired yesterday.3. The professor did the experiment watched by the students.4. Having missed the bus, we had to walk home.5. She spent the whole night helping me practicing pronunciation.6. I don't know how to deal with it.

岢岚县17018143962: 英语翻译,要用非谓语动词,要人工翻译,急等! -
乾曲莲胆: 1 there may be a day you or someone you love your family will need to be permanently or temporarily use a wheelchair2 Therefore, to a certain extent, a person's intellectual limit has been fixed at birth (fix), but whether he can reach this limit depends on the external environment.

岢岚县17018143962: 如何在英语作文中用非谓语动词如题,希望能举几个例 -
乾曲莲胆: 说白了,就是句子里的第二个动词.但是,在英语语法习惯里,一句句子中只允许有一个谓语动词,并列结构不算.而有的时候要表达2个动作,需要用到2个动词,又不能破坏这条规则,所以就只好引进一个非谓语动词的概念.非谓语动词...

岢岚县17018143962: 分析翻译句子(非谓语动词) -
乾曲莲胆: 过去分词作状语,用在与逻辑主语成被动关系的时候, 而此句中,Seen from the space ,the earth is a blue planet. earth是主语,因此地球是被人看,所以要用被动. 而不是说什么动作者不是说话者,这是不准确的.

岢岚县17018143962: 两句英语的翻译,和非谓语动词有关,请大家进来看看,谢谢!
乾曲莲胆: 1.要加was原因是before是个连词后面连接完整的时间状语从句was在从句中冲当谓语.在整个句子中谓语是had lived 2.第二段话谓语是had enjoyed 3.不是although引导让步状语从句it往后才是主句.从句谓语是has improved 整句谓语是has brought. 楼主对句式结构不熟要多学多问.

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