英语翻译 什么是中国梦

作者&投稿:大叔费 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What is the Chinese dream?

英文:What is the Chinese dream?

What is Chinese dream?
英文回答:Everyone has his dream, each nationality also has own dream.

What is Chinese dream


What is Chinese dream

What does Chinese Dream mean?

What is the Chinese dream

滴道区15070808869: 中国梦的具体含义用英文怎样表达 -
盖屈复方:[答案] The "Chinese dream," put forth by Chinese President Xi Jinping, is to build a moderately prosperous society and realize national rejuvenation.

滴道区15070808869: 什么是中国梦英语解释 -
盖屈复方: 什么是中国梦 What is the Chinese dream 重点词汇什么是what is中国China; the People's Republic of China; Sino-; PRC

滴道区15070808869: 中国梦的英文是什么是China dream还是Chinese dream -
盖屈复方:[答案] 用China Dream比较合适. 对应的美国梦的说法,美国人自己用的是American Dream

滴道区15070808869: 用英文说说中国梦是什么 -
盖屈复方: 中国梦 词典 The Chinese Dream 数据来源:中国翻译研究院 中国翻译协会 双语例句百度百科 1 儒家思想和传统美德是中国梦的精神支柱. Confucianism and traditional virtues are the spirits which support for Chinese dream.

滴道区15070808869: 用英文介绍汉字梦的意思,代表了什么 -
盖屈复方: “中国梦”是当今最重要的一个话题,然而它的英文翻译十分混乱,有的翻译成“China Dream”,有的则是“Chinese Dream”.而且第一种译法明显占上风,各大媒体、宣传广告、甚至官方的同声翻译都用的是“China Dream”,然而正确...

滴道区15070808869: 求英语大神翻译下面的文字,跪求,明天就用了!我们每一个人都有梦想,我们的梦想就是一个伟大的中国梦,中国梦在我们心中,我的梦就是中国梦,中... -
盖屈复方:[答案] Each of us has a dream, our dream is a great Chinese China dream, dream in our heart, my dream is China Chinese dream, dream is my dream, I can dream, in order to Chinese dreams, we have to refuel.

滴道区15070808869: 中国梦是英译为chinese dream 还是 china dream -
盖屈复方: chinese dream 因为 chinese是形容词 做dream的定语修饰dream china是名词按道理也可以这么说只是语法上第一个更好些,我的意见是用第一个较好和较准确.做任务望采纳!

滴道区15070808869: 中国梦就是实现国家富强用英语怎么说
盖屈复方: The Chinese dream is to realize national rich and strong (powerful)

滴道区15070808869: 我要最简单的英语作文《中国梦》!!!!! -
盖屈复方: I have a dream rooted in my heart that one day our nation will rise up and become the greatest in the whole world.At that time,all of western countries will bow to us and listen to us. We'll lead the world and change it. That is my dream,my dream of ...

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