
作者&投稿:潭闹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3、front matter不是指“前面的问题”,是指前页——书籍正文前的所有材料,包括扉页、序言、目次等;


1. 在光学产品的制造过程中,总的生产成本有很大的一部分是由轮廓磨削操作所决定的,这和随后的研磨以及抛光操作一起严重地影响了最终的产品特点。
2. 事实上,在一般的制造过程中,由于脆性模式的材料去除过程,地面的玻璃表面具有亚光外观,因此,需要进行后续的研磨和抛光操作。



注:ophthalmic lenses 结合具体情况看,如果在摄影术语中则指相机的镜头。但也可在其它情况下为镜片。镜头其实也是由镜片做成的。

In addition to the research prototypes(技术原型) or the special
purpose(特殊目的) CNC machines for high-precision lenses production(
recently some specifically designed(专门设计) CNC contour
grinding machines(研磨机), together with dedicated polishing
machines(专用抛光机) have been introduced(推出) in the market of the
moulds fabrication(模具制造) for ophthalmic lenses mass production(镜头大量生产).


除了对技术原型或对用于高精密度镜片生产特殊目的的CNC机器进行研究外,最近为大批量生产眼镜片,一些专门设计的CNC轮廓研磨机,和专用抛光机被推出到模具制造市场。 备注: 这里的lenses应该是指“镜片。



The family is the basic unit of society, the family structure changes with the development of society. In China for several thousand years of feudal society, the dominant self-sufficient peasant economy, the family is not only the basic unit of life, but also production units. Idea...

I know you have everything you want.(口语中that一般省略)或 I know you have what you want.就是不能像你那么说。

求英语达人帮忙翻一段话 中译英
自己翻译的。Dear Sir,I'm willing to major in the masters degree of your school's chemical profession, and i'm planning to start the semester in autumn of 2009. Please mail the application form to me as soon as possible. If possible, I also wish to get a job as an assiss...

Study by the University of the University is the best financial professional, a good four years of accumulated expertise and professional quality and cultivate outstanding individual comprehensive ability, while studying the financial management of schools is the focus of professional, the prof...

First, from the human needs of their own point of view, if humanity is the status of environmental protection a priority, why should humans from the development to the present to change the environment to suit their own needs, why do humans destroy the environment in exchange for ...

language, comparing the translation standards, combined with the culture elements and translation strategies, and analyses the (通知广告,对说广告,提示广告)key words: advertisement; advertising language; culture; application 专业词汇因为不确定所以没有翻。本人雅思7.0~希望可以帮到你哈~...

those insurmountable creatures. That's why the influences on social values are fairly different with Chinese and Greek myths. More or less, the differences has effect on the communacations and formation of the myths, together with influences on culture and literature in later ages....

专业英语翻译 达人帮忙哦
Thyssen Krupp Fahrzeugguss公司使用他们自己开发的真空系统,叫做“白金模具铸造”。该系统可以在30至80兆帕工作,而且没有真空管,还可安装标准的配料炉。要用标准铝锡合金做具有相应特征的模具铸造的话,就需要低铁含量,以使在矩阵里不产生碎裂现象,也要用到含镁多的金属以确保在热处理过程中能使镁...

as well as a product to go through six stages, development, and marketing, by Zhang, mature, stable, decline. stage in the development of products designed, and often this time of a suitable production programme If a programme is believed to be used as the model of this product...

interest of the students, improve the students' autonomous learning ability and learning results. Finally, it is in "how to plant tissue culture technology" teaching better application of probing into type teaching forward 5 thinking.你的要求真苛刻啊!!!

化隆回族自治县18477421333: 求达人帮忙专业英语翻译 -
笃秋维绛: 1、玻璃研磨过程本身并未完全阐明,材质特性、电脑数控参数、产品质量和经济问题之间的相互关系并未完全得到解决. 2、文献中,对光学产品制造的研究包括玻璃的加工运作,在理论和实际上都与切削力学问题息息相关. 3、front matter不是指“前面的问题”,是指前页——书籍正文前的所有材料,包括扉页、序言、目次等;doi是一种数字对象标识体系,doi编码是一种识别符,详细内容参照百科,我就不赘述了~希望能帮到你~有问题追问哈

化隆回族自治县18477421333: 求达人帮忙光学方面的专业英语翻译 -
笃秋维绛: The critical aspect in the lens design phase(镜片的设计阶段) is the local control of the geometric curvature(几何曲率), as both the tolerance(公差) on the optical parameters(光学参数) and the relevant curvature(曲率) path, due to ...

化隆回族自治县18477421333: 求达人帮忙翻译成英文 -
笃秋维绛: 一,Products testingWe have tested products ( Hard Disk Spring Arm) by many ways,including frequency,roughness degree,distortion degree,rigidity and so on .)We will control product...

化隆回族自治县18477421333: 求助:专业英语翻译.哪个英语达人帮忙下,翻译地规范一些,谢谢.
笃秋维绛: With the development of computer networks, especially, the Internet makes us step into an unprecedented Information Age. Applications,represented by E-commerce applications,have penetrated into every corner of the socic-economic field. ...

化隆回族自治县18477421333: 专业英语高手帮忙翻译一下
笃秋维绛: Rates are NOT subject to CAF. 费用不受币值调整费影响. Rates are subject to BUC and all other additional VATOS. 费用可受燃油附加费和其他出运当时有效的费率影响. 注:这里有三个缩写: CAF = Currency Adjustment Factor 币值调整费 BUC = Bunker Charge 燃油附加费 VATOS = valid at time of shipment 出运当时有效(费率)

化隆回族自治县18477421333: 求助英语专业达人!!帮忙把下面的一段话翻译成工程管理的专业英语
笃秋维绛: Theoretically, a. The legal construction elements points substantial requirements and form two categories, specific requirements, including: 1 main elements. The project must have the distribution package portion of the project or services, ...

化隆回族自治县18477421333: (求助达人)英语专业翻译难题
笃秋维绛: john doesn't beat his wife because he loves his wife. 约翰不打他的妻子,是因为他爱她. 约翰没有打他的妻子,是因为他爱她. 一种意思是,约翰不打他的妻子,从来不打,是因为他爱她.另一种意思是,约翰没有打他的妻子,(他妻子让他很生气),是因为他爱她.

化隆回族自治县18477421333: 求专业人士帮忙翻译英语句子
笃秋维绛: To enrich student life, to reduce study pressure, the Education Department demanded secondary school students to train for one hour every day. Campus group dance was suggested. (用了过去时态) 如果不是以前的事,改两个字就行了 : demanded - demands, was suggested - is suggested

化隆回族自治县18477421333: 英语翻译:求专业的英语同学帮忙 -
笃秋维绛: I am reasoniable for coordinating and orgazining the work of my teammates,also in charge of the overall project planning and management,joinging in the code writing.All these benefite me in coordinate the aoganization.

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