英语非谓语动词 急急急 可以加分

作者&投稿:佘耿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有关非谓语动词的英语题 回答满意加分~

1.不定式做宾补,it 后的to 是介词,接在 send 后的介词。还原为 send it to which office room.

2.do with 是处理的意思.不定式的用法同上。意思是:在Australia,(实际)需要处理的土地比政府知道的要多。

3.involved 是涉及的意思,Building that railway 作主语,and之后的分句意思是,修这条铁路需要/涉及到打10个隧道。(因此很困难)

4.从 planned 可以看出应该是过去完成时,放在句首必须用动名词形式(成为非谓语动词).Having done /Having been done.可以看作是固定的句型.

5. being 在句中不影响asked to compare 的成分,只表(过去)进行时态。
being asked to compare 前省略 he was 。去掉being也是正确的。

6.后一分句省略which was,主语为house与"隔离"之间为被动关系,所以成了isolated.as 为由于的意思.


1.He did not attend her birthday party because he has to return to school before night fall.
2.Due to his absent of classes, he didn't learn how to solve these problems.
3.He was disappointed with the experimental result, therefore, he has to try again from the beginning.
4.After he has finished reading the novels, he returns them to the library immediately.
5.This girl is too weak to get down from the bed and walk. According to the doctor, she has to lie on the bed for at least a week.
6.Without his address, how are you going to write letter to him? I remember I have given you his phone number.
7.Whenever you have difficulties, ask me for help.
8.Mr.Wang looks younger than his age, but his age is three times of mine.
9.Due to his lack of experience, he is unlikely to be succeed. At the mean time what he has to do is learn from experienced comrade.
10. You don't have to pretend like you know everyting.There will no stupid people for you to fool around here.

答案为:D C A A D A B B C



铁山港区15336063379: 英语中的非谓语动词是什么 麻烦通俗详细点 谢谢 -
佛卖哌拉: 非谓语动词是指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词),即动词的非谓语形式.非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的任何成分.

铁山港区15336063379: 英语中非谓语动词 -
佛卖哌拉: 都可以 跟这个结构无关 如果及物动词就可以接名词 否则就单独一个do动词就可以

铁山港区15336063379: 英语语法 非谓语动词... -
佛卖哌拉: 非谓语动词作定语和状语时,要看主语和动作的关系.如果主语是动作的发出者(即我们通常所说的主动),用动词现在分词.如:The sun is rising.太阳正在升起.太阳是动作的发出者,是主动升...

铁山港区15336063379: they are - ---(肯定)pleased with the players. 急急急急急急急.有加分 -
佛卖哌拉: they are中的are是一种表示一种时态...

铁山港区15336063379: 英语里的状语,非及物动词,非谓语动词是什么啊
佛卖哌拉:状语就是表示状态的,通常是修饰动作的,比如动作的快慢啊,姿势啊.总之看到有"范围,数量,程度等"都可以看成是当状语的; 非及物动词就是不及物动词,就是不用加宾语就可以表示整个动作的词,像CRY,哭,就是不及物的,"你哭了"这就是一个完整的意思了; 非谓语就是不当谓语的,有不定式,动名词,过去分词等,非谓语动词就是可以在句中作除谓语外的成分,你看句子缺什么,用非谓语可以代替名词当主语,宾语,或代替形容词,副词当状语,补语什么的. 明白吧!我自己的话喔.

铁山港区15336063379: 英语非谓动词 -
佛卖哌拉: 好像选B吧 就我目前学的来说,我学到的非谓语动词只有 doing 、done、 to do 、having done 、being done 、having been done 这几种,D这种形式貌似没见过. 选B是因为doing\to do 可以作主语,谓语动词用单数,符合这个题的条件. 不一定对,仅做参考.

铁山港区15336063379: 初中英语非谓语动词用法? -
佛卖哌拉: 有些动词后使用动名词和动词不定式作宾语的差别 1)forget to do 忘记要去做某事(此事未做) forget doing忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生) 2)stop to do 停止、中断(某件事),目的是去做...

铁山港区15336063379: 英语语法 非谓语动词
佛卖哌拉: He is happy. 这句中happy充当表语 I see a girl swimming in the river.其中girl为宾语而swimming为宾补,补充宾语的行为 The bowl fell down ,broking out. broking作状语,表结果.

铁山港区15336063379: 非谓语动词固定搭配表 -
佛卖哌拉: 一、动名词1.动词后加动名词doing作宾语 (V. + doing sth.) admit 承认appreciate 感激,赞赏 avoid 避免complete 完成consider 认为 delay 耽误deny 否认detest 讨厌endure 忍受 enjoy 喜欢 escape 逃脱prevent阻止 fancy 想象...

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