宝玩 04 亲子对话

作者&投稿:邴绍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Feel daddy's scratchy face.

Put your finger through mommy's ring.

There are some scratches on my baby’s face.(划痕)

Do you wanna play with me?

Play with your teether. Play with your ball. Play with your teddy bear.

How big are you,baby?So big!

Guess how much I love you?This much.

Wave goodbye.

Where is baby? Behind the curtain!

look in the mirror,

身体乳叫做lotion ['ləʊʃ(ə)n]

smell the flowers, 或者smell the food, smell

I bounce you here I bounce you there, I bounce you bounce you everywhere.

Hey, Sweetie! I see you over there! I’m gonna come over and kiss you! I'm coming! I'm coming! I... gotcha!"['ɡɑtʃə]

It's your tummy time~~~

Look, the dog is wagging its tail~

give me a hug, 或者说hug me。

My baby wants me to carry him all the time.  或者说,My baby wants me to hold him all the time.(carry/hold 长时间的抱)

Do you want mommy to hold you?

Are you a clingy baby?(clingy:['klɪŋɪ]粘人)

Are you bored?Do you want me to pick you up?(pick抱起来)


You don't want mommy to put you down,right?

Ok,I‘ll hold you for a little longer.






pick him/her up。

That was loud. But it's OKay.

比如: It was just a motorcycle.摩托车

Can you give teddy bear something to eat?I can。。。


You can laugh out loud or just giggle.Feel a tickle in your middle。

挠痒痒:Baby,I am gonna give you a tickle.

Don't be afraid. It's just the doorbell/doggy.

Mommy/Daddy is here with you.

Dad is drinking coffee.

He's drinking coffee at the kitchen table.

Lulu sits at the table to eat her breakfast.

Dad is wearing his pajamas.

The toast pops out of the toaster. It's plaid.面包片飞出了面包机,竟然是格子纹的。

toast 烤面包片、烘烤;toaster 烤面包机;pop out:弹出。plaid:格子图案。

Can you see the sun hanging on the wall?

My dad is as warm as the sun.

(1)Where is the bunny? Behind the teddy bear!

(2)Where is the dog? behind the sandcastle. 城堡 ['sændkæsl]

(3)Where is baby? Behind the curtain! 窗帘。

(4)Where is your belly?Belly belly belly,mommy’s touching your belly now.

Where is your toes? Toes,toes,toes,  mommy’s touching your toes.

(5)Where are the ducks?

Ducks on the sofa, quack quack quack.

Cats on the sofa, meow meow meow.

Sheep in the living room, baa baa baa.

Pigs in the bedroom, oink oink oink.

Goats in the garden, meh meh meh.

Chase them away, shoo shoo shoo.

(6)马在哪里 或者 小马在哪里。

宝宝应该还回答不上来,没关系,我们可以告诉宝宝 It’s here或者Here it is.然后指一指马。


Where is the horse? Where is the pony?

提问:Who‘s under the table?/Who's on the sofa?

Who's on the table?/Who's behind the door?

Pigs under the table,oink oink oink.

Cats behind the door,meow meow meow.

Ducks in the bathtub,quack quack quack.

Cows in the kitchen,Moo Moo Moo.

Peekaboo,who are you? It's a bunny!

Can you see little red riding hood (小红帽) outside the door?

Can you see the moving ball?


Can you see the sunrays coming out of his head?

Can you find the three little pigs?

Can you find the running dogs?


Can you find the bananas poking out of the ends of weights?


Can you find the sun on dad’s shirt?

What about the stained glass sun on the door? stained glass:彩色玻璃


What about the smiley faces on dad’s buttons?



Can you you give me your car? Can you give me your ball? Can you give me a banana?



I can give teddy bear something to eat. 接着说:  Can you give teddy bear something to eat?

love to do something(喜欢做某事)这个句型表达。

Dad loves to dance the flamenco.



Dad loves to sing opera.


Dad loves to play football.


Dad loves to make funny faces and make me laugh.

爸爸喜欢做鬼脸,和逗我笑 。

make funny faces


make me laugh


Do you love to eat your banana puree?


puree指果泥,在读这个词的时候英式的和美式的发音重音不一样,英音 [ˈpjʊəreɪ] 重读在前,美音[pjʊˈreɪ]重读在后。

Do you love mommy to touch your belly/legs/arms?


Do you love to dance with me?











Here comes the train, let’s hop on.

Look out of the window.

I see a bridge over there. Can you see it?

We are going through a tunnel.

The car is getting dark.

The car is getting bright again.

The train is slowing down. We are arriving.

Here we are. Let’s hop off.

Baby,did you have a great time on the train?

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