
作者&投稿:西沫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  B:Dear teacher and classmates:

  Good morning!

  F: 亲爱的老师同学们:


  B:Time zipped by and the year was soon over

  F: 光阴荏苒, 转瞬又是一年。

  B: 3 years walked free from anxiety but hurry; three years of bumpy road but hard; three years of sweat and hard work but fun

  .F: 3年的步履塌实而又匆忙;3年的道路坎坷而又艰辛;3年的汗水辛劳而又快乐。

  B: We came with hearts full of hope, We took a beautiful vision of, We are pleased to get together with, We took a parting of the implication.

  F: 我们带着满怀的希望,我们带着美好的憧憬,我们带着相聚的欣喜,我们带着离别的寓意。

  B: Today, we gather together to spend together this wonderful and memorable moments

  F: 今天 我们济济一堂 共同度过这个美好而难忘的时光。

  B: The passage of time get rid of the persistent dream of times do not go with the Flying Spur is also the eternal heart

  F: 岁月的流逝挥不去执着的梦 时光的飞驰也带不走永恒的心

  B: That will be the last day of Resurrection, in this moment.

  F: 那过去的日子将在这一瞬间复活

  B: In future years will be in this moment Prospect.

  F: 将来的岁月将在这一瞬间展望

  B: Let us pull the soul mantle streamers

  F: 让我们拉开心灵的幡幔

  B: With singing, with applause, with Xinyu use our best posture

  F用歌声,用掌声,用心语 用我们最美好的姿态

  B: Students left the last hint of deep memory

  F:: 留给同学最后一抹深深地记忆

  B: Parents will now start graduate

  F: 毕业家长会现在开始.

  B: First of all, look at our students to prepare their own programs

  F: 首先,请看我们同学自己准备的节目.


  B: Happy time is always so short-lived


  B: Coming here, and our self-display goes to the end.


  B: Now, come in spring, spring will be across their faces that we graduated from some of our students will leave, and we forget, classmate of three years, we never forget!


  B: Flying his ideal rhythm futurists

  F: 放飞心中的理想,畅想未来的旋律。

  B: To grasp the joy of chasing a successful no regrets tomorrow

  F: 追逐成功的喜悦把握无悔的明天

  B: This song, vivid memories, the world fades away,

  F: 歌声响起,往事历历在目,天下没有不散的筵席,

  B: Let us devout prayer, blessing each other, right here waiting into a recollection, but was already in Wang Ran.

  F: 让我们虔诚祷告,祝福彼此,此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。

  B: Singing passing away, the road ahead begins with a single step and look forward to the next magnificent reunion,

  F: 歌声逝去,前程始于足下,期待下次瑰丽的相逢,

  B: Even if we parted ways, and we will not forget the classmate of three years, we still are students, we still remember this time! Although no longer together, but we still students!


  B: The following address to ask Dr the teacher.



  A:Good Moring, ladies ,gentlemen and my fellow students: I’m very pleased to be the hostess for today's competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the “My college and my Dream” Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show. There are 17 contestants coming from different Classes .All of they are freshman. I hope you can have a good day!


  A:Now,I will tell you something about this contest in general,Today’s contest includes Prepared contest,Questions and Answers, Impromptu speech and Talent show。The judges will judge you by substance style,delivery and pronunciation of your speech。The rewards contain a First winner two Second winners three Third winners and five Excellent winners


  A:In Prepared contest,you have about four minutes to take you speech Something important is you have to speech without draft,then,you will face the Impromptu speech, after you choose the question, you have 40s to prepare ,2 minutes to answers。And judges may ask you something.


  A:Ok, now ,I think it’s better for me to introduce our judges let’s warmly welcome .


  A:Let’s warmly welcome they again!


  A:Thank for join us,it’s time for show.


  A:Let welcome to the first contestant xx come from class xx


  A:Thank for you wonderful show, Let welcome to the next contestant xx come from class xx




  A:Thank you thank you ,so well! I almost can’t believe my eyes, everyone is versatile,I think you must have worked hard all the time. And the fantastically time is coming! I will tell you the scores of the past run




  A:Ok,contest is continue, I’m exciting to say,let’t begin the Prepared contest. expect your wonderful performance.


  A:Welcome to the first contestant xx




  A:Thank all of you, thank your wonderful performance. one minute on the stage and ten year for pratice,the road to success is never smooth and easy, but we truly believe if we work hard and never give up, our dream will come true! I believe all the contestants in this stage have proved this undoubtly.

  B:谢谢你们,谢谢你们精彩的表现,罗马不是一日建成的,成功的'道路永远充满着艰辛和曲折,但是我们坚信只要努力不懈,梦想的曙光一定会出现在你的面前! 我觉得在场的每一位选手都毫无疑问的证明了这一点。

  A:After the seeing the fierce contest, you may feel a little serious, let’s have a rest,now,you will hear a beautiful song, you will have an unforgettable time, welcome our beautiful learn elder sister 彭瑞玥carry with ROLLING IN THE DEEP, now the stage belong to you!

  B:当看完这激烈的角逐之后,你们多少有些紧张吧,接下来我们将听到一曲天籁之音,你们将会拥有一段美妙的时光,让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎 彭瑞玥学姐带来一曲ROLLING IN THE DEEP,现在,舞台属于你!

  A:How nice sound and what a sweat song,thank,let’s thank her again.


  A:Another exciting time is coming! Now I will announce the scores of the second run……………………

  B:另一个激动人心的时刻到来了,现在我将宣布第二轮的得分…………… A:Challenge is around the conner,now,the Impromptu speech is begin


  A:The first contest is on the way, welcome!


  A:Now,please choose the number,ok your question is …………….now you have 40s to prepare

  Timing beginning!




  A:Good guys! The 17 contests gave us wonderful shows. The meaning of this contest is give us a chance to challenge ourselves, and the contest is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for we students, helping us get rid of dump English and speak out our dreams. Then rebuild ourselves!

  B:太棒了,17位选手给我们带来了奇妙的体验。 其实这次比赛旨在提供给大家一个挑战自我的机会,我们希望通过这次比赛给我们一种学好英语的气氛,大胆的说出你的梦想,沿着你的梦想努力下去,然后升华你自己

  A:I really hope you have learnt something useful through this contest. Now I’d like to invite our judge xx to summary and comment this contest, welcome!


  A:Thank you, thank you for you wonderful comment.


  A:I feel myself is shaking, you know why? Now I will announce the final score of this contest,my dear, don’t be too nervous


  A:First I would like announce the five Excellent winners they are ……



  A:now I will tell you the third winners, they are…………Congratulations B:接下来是三等奖的获得者,他们是。。。。。。。。。。。恭喜你们

  A:Oh!I think I’m more nervous now, and you the second winners are……. Congratulations


  A:Ladies and gentlemen can you feel the most exciting time is coming? What guy is so lucky to win the first prize? Can you guess?


  A:Ok!i think I envy you now, he(she)is xx Congratulations

  B:我想我也嫉妒你了,他(她)就是 恭喜你

  A:let’s Congratulations them by the warmly applause Congratulations


  A:If you want, you can! try your best, and you can do anything! You can not change your past, but you can improve your future, Try and believe,yes,we can!


  A:Ladies and gentlemen, the contest is over! Thank all of you to join us, thank you for excellent speech, thank you for coming! bye!


下面是我给大家整理的校园文艺晚会主持人主持词,仅供参考。 校园文艺晚会主持人主持词篇1 1:尊敬的各位领导、老师, 2:亲爱的同学们, 合:大家晚上好! 1:20XX新年的钟声即将敲响,历史时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕。 2:在过去的一年,我们的领导班子团结务实、开拓创新,用自己的智慧与汗水谱写了“沙中腾飞”...

帮助的人:135 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 晚会主持词串词【1】 合:亲爱的老师、同学们 合:大家新年好 男:新的钟声 女:新的一年 男:新的祝福 女:新的期待 男:20**年在成功和收获的喜悦中渐渐远去了 女:20**年的钟声即将敲响 男:回首往事,我们满怀豪情 女:展望未来,我们重任在肩 男:...

下面是由我为大家整理的“晚会活动主持词串词范本”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 晚会活动主持词串词范本(一) 男:下面,我宣布xx晚会, 合:现在开始! 女:二十年的时光,我们走过了花季、走过了雨季,品味了生命中的苦辣酸甜。日渐成熟的我们遇到问题的时候总会想到一个词,那就是“怎么办”。四月的花,五月的雨,再美...


有请她们。【此处节目编排、串词由李燕、崔玉红负责】 乐队《难忘今宵》起,主持人上—— 男:飞扬的歌声,吟唱难忘的岁月,凝聚心中不变的情节; 女;熟悉的旋律,演绎时代的激越,回荡情怀不改的真切。 男:难忘今宵,我们期待再一次的相聚! 女:在晚会即将结束的时候,让我们再次感谢各位领导、各位来宾的光临。 男:今晚...

帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 文艺晚会的观众层次无论从年龄的差别、 文化 修养的高低还是社会地位的不同来比较,均有很广泛的群众基础,是深受观众喜爱的一种艺术形式。接下来我为大家整理了5篇文艺晚会 主持词 ,欢迎大家阅读! 文艺晚会主持词1 男:各位领导、各位来宾、朋友们: 合:大...

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合:2016年度元旦晚会正式开始! 一、家乡美串词: 主持人C:诗者有云:每逢佳节倍思亲! 主持人D:元旦佳节,谁不想回家与亲朋好友欢聚一堂,谁不想守望一下自己儿时生活的故乡呢? 主持人B:伴着他们优美的舞姿,让我们一睹亲秀美丽的家乡。 主持人A:首先,请大家欣赏舞蹈家乡美 二、好运来串词: 主持人B:逢年过节,...

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