
作者&投稿:童丁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



It was sunny and hot today. I got up early at half past six. I read English and then had breakfast. I helped my mother washed the dishes. Then I did my homework and cleaned my room. I went shopping with my mother in the afternoon. Then I played table tennis with my friends. In the evening I watched TV and read a book. I really had a busy and interesting day.


今天天气晴朗,热。 我在6:30很早就起了床。我读英语然后吃早饭。我帮助母亲洗碗。然后做作业打扫房间。下午我和母亲去买东西。然后和朋友们打乒乓球。晚上我看电视、看书。我今天的确很忙、过得很有趣。


Date:Mon.,April 3 Weather:Sunny

The New Concept Essay will be held in 10 days.

After the literary class, Mr.Lin called me.

He said,"You Will enter the New Concept Essay Contest.You are a representative of our school."

I was happy to hear that.

Ill do my best in the contest.


日期:4月3日 星期一 天气:晴朗







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