He would not be suited to the job. 为什么加个be

作者&投稿:南惠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.be in fashion,时髦,流行。

2.Would you like…?你愿意……吗? 这个句型常用于表示委婉的请求或提议:

Would you like to go with us? 你乐意与我们一起去吗?

3.as well,同时,也。通常用于句末。如:

He knows Spanish as well. 他还懂西班牙语。

too与 as well一般不用于否定句,否定句中用 either。

4.Could you…?您能……吗? 用于表示请求,比 Can you…?更加婉转客气:

Could you tell me the way to the post office? 您能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?

5.like that one,像那件那样的。


语法 Grammar in use


A 大多数单音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成是在其原级后面加上-er和-est:

small----smaller----smallest new----newer----newest

B 许多单音节形容词只有一个元音字母,其末尾为一辅音字母。在比较级和最高级形式中,这个辅音字母要双写:

big----bigger----biggest thin----thinner----thinnest

C 许多单音节形容词以-e结尾,如 nice。这些形容词只需在原级形式后加-r和-st:

large----larger----largest nice----nicer----nicest

D 有些形容词以-y结尾,而在-y前是一个辅音字母。这些形容词一般有两个音节。变为比较级和最高级时,-y要变成-i,末尾再加-er和-est:

easy----easier----easiest heavy----heavier----heaviest

E 但有少数形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记,如:

good----better----best bad----worse----worst

F 大多数较长的形容词(即有两个以上音节的词)可与more连用构成其比较级形式,与most连用构成其最高级形式。



This coat is longer. 这件外衣较长。


That girl is the tallest student in our class. 那位姑娘是班上个子最高的学生。

词汇学习 Word study

1.compare v.
The article compares the different features of imported cars on the market.

Compared to our little garden, his garden seemed like a park.

2.suit v.
Finding a place that suits us all is very difficult.

‘One o'clock? That does not suit me.’

He would not be suited to the job. 他不适合干那份工作。

Blue suits her. 蓝色与她相配。

练习答案 Key to written exercises
Lesson 108
1 It is cool today, but it was cooler yesterday.
2 It is wet today, but it was wetter yesterday.
3 He's late again today, but he was later yesterday.
4 This test is easy, but that one is easier.
5 This bookcase is large, but that one is larger.

1 I am older than you are.
I am the oldest in the class.
2 I am taller than you are.
I am the tallest in the class.

3 I am lazier than you are.
I am the laziest in the class.
4 I am heavier than you are.
I am the heaviest in the class.

5 I am luckier than you are.
I am the luckiest in the class.
6 I am fatter than you are.
I am the fattest in the class.

7 I am thinner than you are.
I am the thinnest in the class.

8 I am bigger than you are.
I am the biggest in the class.

1 But that street is cleaner.
It is the cleanest street I have ever seen.
2 But that man is older.
He is the oldest man I have ever seen.
3 But that river is longer.
It is the longest river I have ever seen.

4 But that woman is shorter.
She is the shortest woman I have ever seen.
5 But that knife is blunter.
It is the bluntest knife I have ever seen.
6 But that car is cheaper.
It is the cheapest car I have ever seen.

这句话宾语从句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是: to reach a peaceful conclusion to the conflict.
would not be all that difficult 是系表结构,would not be 是谓语部分,all that difficult 是表语,all that 修饰 difficult,做状语成分,可以翻译为:没那么困难。

这个问题得先了解动词suit 的用法。这项工作适合你,英语是:The job suits you. 而要表达"你适合这项工作",就得把上面这个句子变为被动语态,即:You are suited to the job. 你给的句子就是再加上了情态动词would ,其后应接原形,are , is 或者 am 的原形是be。现在你知道为什么要加个be了吧?

He wants you to stop.他要你停下来 He wants to stop you.他要阻止你两句看起来没什麼差别,可是就是不一样。wants 和wants to意思大致上一样,这俩个词之後的放名词或动词,其它不行。只是wants to 之後的动词必须是原词,不能加ing,ed或其它。wants 和wants to就只有这样的差别,希望帮到你

would 后面要用原形动词,不加be怎么能接过去分词suited 呢?

陵川县17221215217: he must be eat too much , otherwise he would not be that fat .其中的would 起什么作用谢谢. -
实冯复合: he must be eat too much , otherwise he would not be that fat .其中的would表虚拟,表示与事实相反,不符 他肯定吃太多了,否则他将不会那么胖的.

陵川县17221215217: Would用法 -
实冯复合: 一般情况下不可以的!would的用法1) 用于提出提议或邀请例:Would you like to change a seat? It's warmer here.(您要不要换一下座位?这里暖和些.)Would you prefer a hardback edition?(您要不要买一本精装本?)2) 用于提出客...

陵川县17221215217: 高分求一篇题目为The Teacher - Student Relationship的英语作文,词数为150左右,... -
实冯复合: How to set up a good teacher-student relationshipIt is important to set up a good teacher-student relationship, because it can help us to study well. What is a good relationship between the teachers and students? First, teachers should ...

陵川县17221215217: 英语35.He would not be defeated in the next match so long as he - ----- - practicing. -
实冯复合: C 虚拟语气.要是他过去继续练习的话,他后来就不会被打败.(已经被打败了,说的是过去的事,as long as +过去完成好时,表示“要是过去...样的话”)

陵川县17221215217: would的用法 -
实冯复合: 我感觉这三个WOULD是一个用法都是 [表示意愿]愿; 偏要的意思 用法 would [wud, wEd, Ed, d] v. aux. (will 的过去式) [表示过去将来时, 用于第二、三人称](第一人称英国用 should, 美国用 would) 将, 会 He said he would come. 他说他要来...

陵川县17221215217: 高中英语的虚拟语气怎么判断? -
实冯复合: 虚拟语气表示说话人的主观愿望、猜测建议或与事实不符的假设.虚拟语气可分为三种:(1)一般虚拟 (2)混合虚拟 (3)特殊句式 一.一般虚拟的构成:(省略if, 要将should/were/had 提到句首) (1). 对现在的虚拟:If +S.+ did/were ...

陵川县17221215217: 用虚拟条件写首英语诗 -
实冯复合: If he were a girl he would not be a boy. If she were a boy She would not be a girl. If LiGang had no father he would die. If there had not been YaoJiaXin She would not die. If you had not hearts you would not ask such a question!!!!!!

陵川县17221215217: he would not do this 这里的would用到的是什么语法知识? -
实冯复合: 虚拟语气 在文法中,虚拟语气(subjunctivemood)(有时称为连接语气(conjunctive mood))是很多语言都有的动词语气.它典型的用在从属子句中表达希望、命令、情绪、可能性、判断、必然性、或与当前事实相反的陈述.虚拟语气的详情随语言而不同.应用条件 在表示虚假的、与事实相反的或难以实现的情况时用虚拟语气,表示主观愿望或某种强烈情感时,也用虚拟语气.即当一个人说话时欲强调其所说的话是基于自己的主观想法,愿望,假想,猜测,怀疑或建议,而不是根据客观实际,就用虚拟语气.he would not do this 是虚拟语气.要是把 would 换成 will 也可以,所表达的口气更加肯定.

陵川县17221215217: 孔子语录英汉对照 -
实冯复合: 孔子语录(英汉对照) 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?To learn and to practice what is learned time and again is pleasure, is it not? To have friends from afar is happiness, is it not? To be ...

陵川县17221215217: he would not be able to keep his job. 他不能保住他的工作.能不能改成 he can't keep his job?
实冯复合: be able to do sth. 比较有主观原因,而且原句用would not ,语气比can't 弱. 当然可以改,但意思稍有不同.

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