30道英语中考以词的适当形式填空 30道根据汉语写单词

作者&投稿:叔泰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
中考英语单词填空 100题 谁有!!急需!~

汉语提示和句意填空 1. He’s just the ______ (人) we need for the job. 2. I have ________ (一件不寻常的事情) to tell you. 3. The _________ (金表) cost a lot of money. 4. He likes ________ (滑冰) on real ice. 5. It’s very _____ (和蔼的) of you to say so. 6. We live in ______ (亚洲). 7. He is a soccer player in our _________ (国家队). 8. She (出生于) in 1971. 9. He was still _______(活着的) when I reached the hospital. 10. My ambition is (当一名小提琴家). 11.I have looked__(在各个地方),but I can't find my handbag 12.That's not my __(错误),why do you punish me? 13.Let's clear up this__(杂乱),Mum is coming back. 14.I think junk food should be__(禁止)from school menus. 15.This photo show the__(美丽)of our city. 答案:1. person 2. an unusual thing 3. gold watches 4. skating 5. kind 6. Asia 7. national team 8.was born 9. alive 10. to be a violinist1 11everywhere 12 fault 13litter. 14forbidden 15beauty 1. Amy played a ________(角色) in this play. 2. ____________(青少年)have different ideas about their ideal school. 3.People all over the world love _________(和平). 4. Sandy is a __________girl. She never shows off. 5. The doctor has cured many _____________(people who are ill, especially in hospitals) in this hospital. 6. He never works hard . It's ________for him to pass the coming exam. 7. Hello, everyone. Let me ________________(介绍)a new student to you. 答案:1.role 2. Teenagers 3.peace 4. modest 5.patients 6.difficult 7. introduce 1. I used to (fly) kites in spring. 2. We can go out for a walk (后来). 3. She is not used to (travel) by train. 4. What do you think people in poor (country) need most? 5. I’m too w to go on walking. 6. My father often takes me to the (餐馆) near the park.. 7. Be quick! There is only two minutes l . 8. Let’s (go) to the Oxfam shop. 9. My English teacher is very k to us. 10. I remember you have enough p money. 答案:1.fly 2.afterwards 3.travelling 4.countries 5.weak 6.restaurant 7.left 8.go 9.kind 10.pocket


1. Your ideas are difficult, but they have____________(confident).
2. I’m considering____________(change) a new job. I will leave my new address in a few days.
3. It’s an ____________(education) experience for children to watch this movie.
4. There were 12 people ___________(kill) in the accident, ____________(include) two babies.
5. The beach is famous, ____________(especial) in summer.
6. What a ____________(bored) game! The winner was in doubt until the last minute.
7. The village is far from the big city. It looks very ____________(peace).
8. She is a ____________(live) girl. We all like her.
9. He feels like____________(do) morning exercises every day.
10. Would you like____________(drink) some orange juice?
11. The girl felt very ____________(tire) and didn’t want to run any longer.
12. He said he ____________(be) a scientist some day.
13. It’s easy for the young girl ____________(work) out the problem.
14. ____________(stand) here too long will make you ____________(tire).
15. I think you are supposed ________(ask) your parents for help when it is __________(need).
16. I would like ____________(travel) to an ____________(excite) place.
17. The MP3 costs only 300 yuan. I think it’s ____________(expensive). I can afford it.
18. We want to take a trip this summer somewhere in ____________(east) China.
19. Our teacher often tells us ____________(not talk) in class.
20. Don’t _________(do) it all by________(you) . Let Helen________(help)you ________(do) it.
21. Here are the ____________findof the survey.
22. The book needs ____________(read) again.
23. It’s very ____________(excite) to sail down the river.
24. It is ____________(report) that 200 people were killed in the accident.
25. The classroom was very________(noise) because some students are talking________(noise).
26. ___________(like) football, basketball is played with five members on each side.
27. Could you please____________(not trouble) me and ____________(give) me a hand? 28. I would rather____________(not eat) anything that’s been___________(cook) in oil.
29. I prefer____________(get) together____________(discuss)this question.
30. There are many places of____________(interesting) near the city.
1. Let's go to__________(一家) Chinese restaurant.
2. My elder brother is _______ (一个) university student.
3. The poor old man is _________ (一个) honest person.
4. The foreign visitors will be ___________(能) to come tomorrow.
5. Later a neighbour told me __________ (关于) him.
6. Today there are _________(大约) 900,000 people in this city.
7. The planes were flying ____________ (在…上) the clouds.
8. __________ _______ (据…说) Peter, she’s a really good teacher.
9. Mr Li is going to swim __________ (横渡) the Changjiang River next week.
10. ____________(行动) are more important than words.
11. If you _________ 4 to 3 you get 7.
12. Do you know his home ______________(住址).
13. I am ___________(恐怕) you are wrong about that.
14. Don't be ___________ _________ (怕) the dog.
15. The students in the school are not allowed to go out _________(…以后) dark.
16. I'll call him __________(…以后) I get to the school.
17. There will be a meeting _______ ______________ (今天下午).
18. The singer sang the song _________ ________ ____________(一遍又一遍).
19. Please put the ladder _____________(靠在) the wall.
20. I haven't seen her for a______________ (很长时间).
21. A short while __________(之前), my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.
22. The engineer _________ ____________ (同意) the worker’s idea.
23. The engineer _________ ____________ (同意) the worker.
24. Birds fly in the _____________ (空中).
25. My parents bought three _________________ (空调机).
26. The road is_________(全) covered with snow.
27. Hurry up! It's_____________(差不多) time for school.
28. The old lady was ____________ (独自) in the house.
29. We went for a walk ___________(沿着) the river.
30. She had _____________(已经) gone when I arrived.

hi int. 嗨!(表示问候或用以唤起注意) hill n. 山,小山 hole n. 洞,坑 inside prep 在……里面 its pron. 它的 lady n. 女士 league n. 联盟,社团 mend v. 修理,修补 mum n. (口语)妈妈 ( 美国英语 mom ) ninety num. 九十 ninth num. 第九 none pron. 无任何东西或人 ours pron. 我们的...

get in 进入;收集 get in the way 挡道 get off 下车 get on 上车 get ready for 为……作准备 get rid of 摆脱 get tired of 对……感到厌倦 get to 到达 get up 起床 give back 归还;送回 give out 分发 give sb. a hand 助某人一臂之力 give up 放弃 go ahead 先走;向前走;去吧;干吧 go...

首先,好好背单词,英语么,万变不离其宗,不就是那么些个单词么 其次,如果你语法不好,就多读一读英语,培养语感,答好选择题 接着,阅读完型都是靠练,多做题可以了解出题人意图,听力就只有多听听了…… 最后,作文么,就是自然的用一些句型和短语和少量高阶词汇,就差不多能混出高分了~ 中考英语怎样靠考好 中考...

like hitting a pencil lightly against something again and again, often mean the person is nervous or not patient.___70___ someone who point at you while talking with you--that person might be angry at you or feel better than you.61....

另外,对一些音似、形似、意似、极易混淆的词或词组要做特别比较,澄清易混点,处理好常用词汇的搭配和辨析,并配以适当的练习加以巩固。实践证明,学生只有过了词汇关,学起英语来才能得心应手。(2) 听力部分听力测试是城乡之间英语学习差异的集中体现,但是听力理解能力是语言学习和运用能力中最基本的能力,它一方面...

采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 中考英语语法讲解资料及练习(共18讲) 第1讲:名词 名词当然是大家都很熟悉的了,我们吃的food,喝的drinks,穿的clothes 都是名词。It is easy, right? 但是你可能被名词的单复数变化、名词作定语以及名词所有格等问题搞得糊里糊涂的,到底该怎...

采纳率:0% 帮助的人:445万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 学习方法的建议:1.收听英语气象报告 3.善用录音带锻炼听说能力 4.听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 5.从电视,电影中学习英语 7.和朋友表演影片情节 8.唱歌学英语 特别注意英文没有的发音10.背诵名人演说词,找机会复诵出来 11.用英...


1. 来我们来个比赛吧 最先读完这本小说的人将是胜利者 选c finish doing sth. 完成某事 2. 这里有许多面包在冰箱里 不必要今天去商店 选b there be 句型没有ad这俩种说法 bread不可数 3. 最近有许多孩子在校车事故中失去了他们的生命 recently 副词 一般和现在完成时联用 4. 一个好...

采纳率:0% 帮助的人:150万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 中考英语考点归纳(十四)感叹句感叹句的几种结构感叹句通常由what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦等之情。what修饰名词;how修饰形容词和副词。常见的句型有以下几种:1. How + 形容词 + a + 名词 + 陈述语序 How clever a boy he...

蒸湘区13072033559: 30道英语中考以词的适当形式填空 30道根据汉语写单词 -
以魏感冒: 1. Your ideas are difficult, but they have____________(confident).2. I'm considering____________(change) a new job. I will leave my new address in a few days. 3. It's an ____________(education) experience for children to watch this movie. ...

蒸湘区13072033559: 英语用所给词的适当形式填空 -
以魏感冒: 去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:刘杰 如何做用所给词的适当形式填空 用所给词的适当形式填空是中考常见的试题类型之一,旨在考查学生的英语基础知识和综合运用英语的能力.解此类型的试题可遵循以下步骤:1.明确所给词的词...

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以魏感冒:[答案] 21. The station was ___crowded____(crowd) every day. 22. He was at the___doctor's____(doctor). He was ill. 23. While ... tomorrow. 29. When the UFO arrived, I was in the __barber's_____(barber) chair. 30. The girl ___was shopping____(shop) when ...

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以魏感冒: 1.would ware 虚拟语气2.when speaking 3.confidence 名次形式4.应该用safe的具体形式,safe是抽象名词,我忘了,好多年没学英语了5.wouldn't come如果她明天不来该多

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以魏感冒: 初中英语用所给词的适当形式填空考查学生判断句子语法结构和词性变化能力

蒸湘区13072033559: 初三英语:用所给词的适当形式填空.. 急急急... -
以魏感冒: 1.doesn't2.has worked3.sunny4.advice5.to wear 二.1.is used for2. prefer to3.rubbing into4.looks like5.thinks of

蒸湘区13072033559: 六道英语小题,1.用所给词的适当形式填空:I don not think this book is - __(use).2.用所给词的适当形式填空:I am - __(terrify) at the dark .3.单项选择:I ... -
以魏感冒:[答案] 1.useful 这里填一个形容词 (有用的) 2.terrified 这里填一个形容词 (害怕的) 3.D cost表示物体花费某人多少钱 4.C or表示否则的意思 5.B can not help doing 表示忍不住... 6.B leave离开的过去式为left.

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以魏感冒: 1.call up 2.argument 3.found out 4.to keep out 5.in style 6.gets on 7.complain about 8.to compare ....with.. 9.fit....into 10.upset 1.anger 2.fail 3.copy 4.danger 5.village

蒸湘区13072033559: 用所给词的适当形式填空. -
以魏感冒: 1.dance (有名词意思)2.flies(my brother决定三单形势 with只是状语不管)3.helpful(v转adj)4.libraries 5.players(和第二题不同 and连接的就用复数) 6.to buy (want to do/want sth...

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以魏感冒: eleventh (序数词,第几个的意思) us (介词后面用宾格) met (过去式) wash (还原:the robot will wash the dishes,不变形式) chooses (第三人称单数) snowmen (复数) is cooking (强调正在做的事情)

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