stick当坚持讲时后面用to do还是do 还是doing

作者&投稿:淫缪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
stick to do还是stick to doing?~

是stick to doing,to是作为介词,动词+介词to+动名词,后面跟名词或者动名词。
stick to doing 坚持做某事
词根: stick
stuck 被卡住的;不能动的
sticky 粘的;粘性的
sticker 汽车价目标签的;汽车标签价的
sticking 粘的;有粘性的
stickily 粘的;粘乎乎地
sticker 尖刀;难题;张贴物;坚持不懈的人
sticking 粘辊;附着;坚持性
stickler 坚持细节的人;顽固的人;费解的事物
stickiness 粘性;胶粘
stuck 刺(stick的过去式)
sticking 粘住,坚持(stick的ing形式)
sticker 给…贴上标签价

1、admit to doing sth 承认做了某事
2、apply to doing sth 适用于做某事
3、object to doing sth 反对做某事
4、see to doing sth 负责做某事

stick to doing
to 在这里是介词
一、动词+介词to+动名词1. admit to doing sth 承认做了某事 2. apply to doing sth 适用于做某事3. object to doing sth 反对做某事4. see to doing sth 负责做某事 5. stick to doing sth 坚持做某事6. take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事应用实例:He admitted having stolen the money. 他承认偷了钱。These methods apply to learning English. 这些方法适用于英语学习。He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩子看待。Reporters should stick to investigating the facts. 记者应坚持调查事实。Soon he took to sleeping late. 不久他就养成了睡懒觉的习惯。

二、动词+宾语+介词to+动名词专心致力于做某事把……献给做某事9. devote oneself to doing sth 献身于做某事10. limit sth to doing sth 把…限制在做某事的范围内 11. reduce sb to doing sth 使某人沦为做某事12. give one’s life to doing sth 献身于做某事13. give one’s mind to doing sth 专心做某事14. have a dislike to doing sth 厌恶做某事15. have an eye to doing sth 注意做某事15. have an eye to doing sth 16. have an objection to doing sth 反对(反感)做某事17. pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事 18. set one’s mind to doing sth 决心做某事应用实例:She applied herself to learning English. 她专心学习英语。Hunger reduced them to stealing. 饥饿使他们沦落为盗贼。She devoted herself to helping the poor. 她致力于帮助穷人。I have a strong dislike to playing cards for money. 我极讨厌打牌赌博。He has a strong objection to getting up so early.他很反感这么早就起床。
  事 20. be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事so-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-hansi-f 21. be opposed to doing sth 反对做某事22. be reduced to doing sth使某人沦为做某事23. be devoted to doing
三、be+形容词(含过去分词)+介词to+动名词19. be equal to doing sth 等于做某事,能胜任做某sth 把时间(钱,精力等)献给做某事24. be limited to doing sth把……限制在做某事的范围内应用实例:This is equal to saying that he’s a cheat. 这就等于说他是个骗子。She is used to living in the country. 她习惯于住在乡下。I’m opposed to telling him the news at once. 我反对马上告诉他这消息。This dictionary is devoted to explaining word usage. 这本词典是解释词的用法的。四、其他结构+介词to+动名词 25. get down to doing sth开始做某事,认真处理某事26. look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事27. What do you say to doing sth? 你认为做某事如何?应用实例:We are looking forward to receiving his letter. 我们盼望收到他的回信。It’s time we got down to some serious work. 我们该认真干点正事了。


stick to (doing) sth.坚持(做)某事,此处的to为介词,后面接名词或动名词。


一、 stick to 坚持,信守,紧跟,沿着。 

1、stick to one’s guns 


2、Stick to your colors. 


3、Young people should not stick to old ideas and must have the courage to innovate. 

年轻人不应该拘于旧说, 要勇于创新。 

二、.stick out 突出,显眼;坚持到底 

1、If you dress like a tourist, you stick out as a mark for scams at the market. 


2、stick it out 坚持下去 。


stick ,英 [stɪk]  美 [stɪk]


1、意思“粘贴”、“张贴”用法,to attach something to something else using a substance, or to become attached to a surface

例如:This stamp won’t stick properly. 这张邮票贴不牢。

stick sth on/to/in etc sth


Someone had stuck posters all over the walls. 有人把海报贴满了墙。

I could feel my shirt sticking to my back. 我能感觉到衬衫贴在了背上。

The oil keeps the pasta from sticking together. 油可避免意大利面粘在一起。

2、意思“插进、刺、戳、插”用法:[I,T always + adv/prep] ,if a pointed object sticks into something, or if you stick it there, it is pushed into it

The boy stuck his finger up his nose. 小男孩把手指塞到鼻孔里。

stick (sth) in/into/through sth

例如:pins stuck in a notice board 插在布告板上的大头针

stick to doing sth坚持做某事。

解析:stick to中to是介词,所以后面接动词时,需要用分词的形式,即stick to doing。

stick to意思是紧随;紧跟;呆在…近旁;坚持不变;遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定、原则等);遵循(规则)。

例如:I think i'll just stick to doing it the old way。



1、admit to doing sth 承认做了某事

He admitted having stolen the money。他承认偷了钱。

2、apply to doing sth 适用于做某事

These methods apply to learning English。这些方法适用于英语学习。

3、object to doing sth 反对做某事

He objected to being treated like a child。他反对被当作小孩子看待。

4、take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事

Soon he took to sleeping late。不久他就养成了睡懒觉的习惯。

stick to Sth
遵守,坚持 adhere to; persevere; be constant; remain determined
You must stick to your promise.你必须遵守诺言。
He had five different jobs in the last year because he never sticks to anything very long.去年他调换了五种不同的工作,因为他对什么事情都没有常性。
Whatever happens, we'll stick to our original plan.无论发生什么事,我们都不会改变原计划。
The doctors stuck to their research until they discovered how to cure the disease.医生们继续他们的研究工作,直到找到了治疗这种疾病的方法为止。
Einstein stuck to his theories and went on with his work.爱因斯坦坚持自己的理论,继续进行工作。

I can't stick anybody sitting next to me when I'm reading.我看书时不喜欢别人坐在我旁边。

stick to doing sth 坚持做某事
或者stick to sth

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机械舞教学8连续震动Tick http:\/\/\/show\/k7XybUrrBA3MdE2v.html 机械舞教学9强烈震动Hit http:\/\/\/show\/oA0NYiSq8zvj1R_X.html 机械舞教学10机械舞Robot http:\/\/\/show\/HIG3zJV_EWuKjIRS.html 机械舞教学11高尚机械舞Electric Boogaloo http:\/\/www.ku...

shock实际上是日本专有的, 最早是Buck-tick 和X 当年无论是搞hard rock的X,还是偏向punk的color,抑或是受gothic和new wave影响的D'ERLANGER都是坚持摇滚...当他们出现在大众面前的时候,常常给大家以视觉的冲动,甚至是一种妒忌的冲动。因为在每个渴望出位、标榜自我的乐迷面前,他们仍然可以标新立异、崭新登场。当...

我擦。。。前面的基本上好像跟跳舞无关。。。名词这个东西学好点英文就清楚了。battle ,judge是斗舞的裁判,walk out,flex,neck o flex,cobra,snake,这些是poppin里面的元素。dance to the beat 听节拍跳舞。double pop这个事pop的技术,就好像你做fessonal时候pop两下,可以这样理解。isolation是分离的...

② tick n.( 钟表的)滴答声 2. 由单词发音转化而来的音译词 ③ engine n.引擎,发动机 ④ humour n.幽默 3. 将单词发音与其词义进行联想的谐音词。...当词汇达到一定量的时候,每天坚持在课余时间读一些杂志、报纸、小说等读物。在选择读物时,要注意选择内容新颖、有趣味、贴近生活的短小读物,生词量要适中。

蜷缩双臂,坚持与地面平行。一侧的肌肉活动两次,而后换胳膊。左左,右右。尝尝这个机械舞练习来减缓节奏的Hip Hop \/ Funk音乐,如许你就有更多的时间来看看你的身体看起来和觉得怎样。当你对击打更舒适时,试着把你脚上的分量转换到你袭击手臂的方向。这将为Popping练习增加一些最佳形态。 练习2:霎时停住(Dime Stops...

奈曼旗18813107415: stick当坚持讲时后面用to do还是do 还是doing -
应黄骨刺: stick to Sth 遵守,坚持 adhere to; persevere; be constant; remain determined You must stick to your promise.你必须遵守诺言. He had five different jobs in the last year because he never sticks to anything very long.去年他调换了五种不同的工作,...

奈曼旗18813107415: stick后加什么介词,急急急 -
应黄骨刺: stick后面应该跟介词to或on to,stick to词组的意思是:坚持,坚守 如: He sticks to his point. 他坚信自己的观点. stick on to是迷恋于的意思 如:The boy sticks on to playing computer games. 那个男孩迷恋上了电脑游戏.

奈曼旗18813107415: hold on 与stick with 有什么区别? -
应黄骨刺: stick with “坚持/继续做” stick with + 名词 hold on 作为“坚持”意思讲,常常后面加个介词to... hold on to +名词(坚持主张/真理...”等),但做为“主办/抓住”等意思讲,就直接加名词,比如hold on a meeting.

奈曼旗18813107415: stick只有与to连用时才能解释为坚持吗 -
应黄骨刺: 不用

奈曼旗18813107415: 谁知道stick to 和stick with有何区别 -
应黄骨刺: stick to表示“坚持……(以达到某目的)”,后面跟动词原形; stick with表示“坚持做(某事)”,后面跟名词或动词现在分词.

奈曼旗18813107415: 英语词组stick at 和stick to的区别 -
应黄骨刺: 严格地说没有stick at这个词组,是stick with 与 stick to比较相似 stick with sb./sth. 坚持做某事,与某人保持联系 stick to 除了有 stick with 的意思外,还有“坚守”的意思,包含忠诚的成分

奈曼旗18813107415: stick to .hold on to .insist on 都有坚持的意思,怎么区别 -
应黄骨刺: He insisted on my going.他坚持要我去.1. insist on 意思是 “demand or maintain persistently”,“坚决要求”,“坚持认为”.是对要求、看法、意见或主张的“坚持”.“on”是介词,后面接名词也可接动名词作宾语.如:She insisted on ...

奈曼旗18813107415: stick to do还是doing sth坚持做某事 -
应黄骨刺:[答案] stick to doingto 在这里是介词常用的还有一、动词+介词to+动名词1.admit to doing sth 承认做了某事 2.apply to doing sth 适用于做某事3.object to doing sth 反对做某事4.see to doing sth 负责做某事 5.stick to...

奈曼旗18813107415: stick to和insist on用法上的不同 要求有例句 -
应黄骨刺: 你好!stick to 有忠于(理想等);坚持、继续的意思.它的后面只加名词,强调坚持的是一些观点,理论,态度等 例句:1. Stick to it! 坚持下去! 2. I can stick to my guns. 我能够坚持自己的主张. 3. Reporter should stick to investigating the ...

奈曼旗18813107415: 英语 语法 中有“stick to doing”这个用法吗? -
应黄骨刺: stick to 坚持,to是介词,可以加doing.

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