
作者&投稿:牢固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He can complete his studies and work in high efficiency and quality. I was extremely impressed that in the busiest sophomore school year, he was still able to maintain his high efficiency and high quality of learning, work and competition. As the captain of the football team, he had to lead the school football team to train with his teammates at 19:00-20:00 every day, and conduct simulant debating with his teammates of debating team at 20:30-22:00 every evening to prepare the Debating Compitation of East-China compitation division sponsored in that year; as the Minister of Organization Department of the Student Union, he took a lot of time to organize and arrange the daily work and large-scale activities of the Organization Department; he also attended the school speech contest, dance competition, etc. and had achieved excellent results. In addition, he participated in the regularly volunteer activities every Saturday morning.Although having a lot of extracurricular activities, and highly pressed sophomore school year's schoolwork, he could rely on taking full use of odd hours to consolidate his learning, and maintain a good professional results ranked second.


Any character that we play, no matter how perfect it is, is incomparable with our true self (What we really are) Reality (Truth) is the beauty.

It is indeed unnecessary to cater others and lose who you really are because one with a complete personality and self will be apprecaited by others.


Vietnam is one of the Chinese Lunar New Year is also one of the few countries. On the eve of the Spring Festival is a family reunion day, have the same essential food is dumplings. In the capital Hanoi, new year's Eve, people will take the firecrackers, gathered in central Hoan Kiem Lake, waiting for the arrival of midnight. Wait until the midnight bell rings, all the firecrackers were set off, the scene is very spectacular. Many in Vietnam have the spring festival customs are similar with China during the Spring Festival, but they have 3 decorations is essential : peach, kumquat bonsai and " five fruit bowl ". Is the symbol of evil and lucky.

Vietnam is also a few across the country one of the countries of the lunar New Year. New Year's eve is a family reunion, having the necessary food is rice dumplings. In the capital Hanoi on New Year's eve, people will take off firecrackers, and gathered in downtown also sword lake, waiting for the arrival of the moment at midnight. Wait until the midnight bell rang, all the fireworks set off together, the scene is very spectacular. Vietnam many Chinese New Year traditions were similar with China, but they have three sample during the Spring Festival decorations is indispensable: peach blossom, kumquat miniascape and "five fruit bowl". Is wizardry and symbol of good fortune

此题XL=ωL=25Ω,电感电压为25V,可得电流为UL\/XL=1A.电阻电压UR=√[(100\/√2)^2-25^2]=66.14V 电阻R=UR\/I=66.14Ω 由于电压U的相量为基准0度,RL电路的电流滞后于电压,滞后的角度为:φ=arctgXL\/R=20.7ºi(t)=√2cos(10^3t-20.7º)A ...

4÷2=2 (4+6)X2÷2 =10x2÷2 =10 2X3.14=6.28 10一6.28=3.72

3 .须臾--一会 片时 片晌 少间 少顷 瞬息 转瞬 一忽儿 片刻 一下子 半晌 少焉 一会儿 斯须 一霎 已而 俄顷 一刹 顷刻 霎时 移时 洪亮--嘹亮,响亮 嘈杂--鼓噪、吵闹、嘈吵、喧哗、喧闹、喧嚣 外号--绰号 4.天上的太阳,并不因为云朵在前方就停止发光。海上的船只,并不因为...

比如说一个长方体不同的摆法有不同的三视图。由所给的俯视图可以看出,所画的正方体应该是AA1边正对着你,而不是面ABB1A1正对着你。所以正视图是一个三角形而不是像俯视图一样是一个正方形,正视图的就是以B1D1为底边等于2√2cm,C1C为高等于2的等腰三角形。所以面积就是2√2了。望采纳 ...

...的平假名歌词 没有的话罗马音也成 感谢,采纳后追加悬赏
以下为中+日+罗,如满意请采纳,不满意请追问。粋恋 - 水树奈々 词:岩里佑穂 曲:K-WONDER&SAS3 sakura fu ru na tori no sora 桜降るな鸟の空 樱花纷降 飞鸟掠过的天空 aware mujou no yoruyo 哀れ无情の夜よ 悲哀又无情的夜晚啊——Wow———wo—wo———u-- so re ga kie n...


0.77×2÷0.7-1 =1.54÷0.7-1 =2.2-1 =1.2


回答:y ying 辶 3 1 j jian 土 4 2 j ju 兴 3 2


长寿区19377403182: (跪求~采纳加悬赏!)求将下面一段话译成英文,万分感激~~意译也可,意思差不多就行、感激不尽~~ -
门软干舒: Vietnam is one of the Chinese Lunar New Year is also one of the few countries. On the eve of the Spring Festival is a family reunion day, have the same essential food is dumplings. In the capital Hanoi, new year's Eve, people will take the ...

长寿区19377403182: 跪求大神帮忙对出下联,采纳了追加悬赏 -
门软干舒: 饮名饮到乐饮到乐饮饮名饮乐饮的名饮越饮越好好喝对不起,我只能想到这了.

长寿区19377403182: 已悬赏,好答案必采纳. 帮忙寻找柳宗元《柳河东集》中“旁推交通”一段.谢谢. -
门软干舒: 故吾每为文章,未尝敢以轻心掉之,惧其剽而不留也;未尝敢以怠心易之,惧其弛而不严也;未尝敢以昏气出之,惧其昧没而杂也;未尝敢以矜气作之,惧其偃蹇而骄也.抑之欲其奥,扬之欲其明,疏之欲其通,廉之欲其节;激而发之欲其清,固而存之欲其重,此吾所以羽翼夫道也.本之《书》以求其质,本之《诗》以求其恒,本之《礼》以求其宜,本之《春秋》以求其断,本之《易》以求其动:此吾所以取道之原也.参之谷梁氏以厉其气,参之《孟》,《苟》以畅其支,参之《庄》,《老》以肆其端,参之《国语》以博其趣,参之《离騒》以致其幽,参之太史公以著其洁:此吾所以旁推交通,而以为之文也.

长寿区19377403182: 复述一下下面的文章,如果选中再加悬赏或QB求亲们快啊! -
门软干舒: 亲爱的星期日截止,我写信给你,你的文章上周日的报纸,“手机让生活变得更容易.“你做了出色的工作,说明手机好点.他们在方便业务很有帮助.我们总是能叫人...

长寿区19377403182: 语文秒采纳急求悬赏50既然敌我力量悬殊,与其负隅顽抗,寡不敌众,不如撤退,以保全有生力量. 这句话哪里有错 -
门软干舒:[答案] 负隅顽抗是贬义词 不能用在这里的 誓死顽抗可以的

长寿区19377403182: 这个的意思?跪求呀!好者的采纳!并加悬赏分 看问题补充! -
门软干舒: ……但是我格外健康.我通常在每天从学校回家以后坚持锻炼身体.我的食欲非常好.我每天都尽量的吃很多的蔬菜、水果并且喝很多的牛奶.我从不喝咖啡.当然,我也喜欢吃一些快餐食品,但是我坚持每周只吃一次.对了,我每天保证9个小时的睡眠.所以你能了解,我很留意自己的健康.我良好的健康习惯帮助我提高学习成绩.良好的饮食和锻炼帮助我的学习更加进步.翻译完成,谢谢采纳O(∩_∩)O~

长寿区19377403182: 问问采纳回答后可以加悬赏分吗,具体怎么加?
门软干舒: 你好, 采纳后就不能再追加分数的 要在采纳前,追加悬赏分,就在问题下面有个显示积分的框子,可以选择分数的

长寿区19377403182: 虎丘记(节选)的译文( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊! 只要我问的都回答了,我就采纳再加20分悬赏1 -
门软干舒: 袁宏道【虎丘记】(节选)译文 虎丘离城约七八里路,这座山没有高峻的山峰与幽深的峡谷,只不过因为靠近城市,因此奏着音乐的游船,没有一天不到那儿去.凡是有月亮的夜晚,开花季节的早晨,下雪天的黄昏,游人来往穿梭,犹如织布一...

长寿区19377403182: 求帮忙把一段开场白翻译成日语,一定要有罗马音,谢谢(采纳后追加悬赏) -
门软干舒: みんなさん、こんにちは.私はxxxと申します.今日私の演说テーマは「日本に対して観光事业の良さと悪さ」です.minnasan、konnichiha.watashi ha xxx to moushimasu.kyou watashi no enzetsu te-ma ha 「nihon ni taishite kankou jigyou no yosa to warusa」desu.

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