
作者&投稿:拔高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I have never seen such an amazing film since I saw The Shawshank Redemption. Shawshank encompasses friendships, hardships, hopes, and dreams. And what is so great about the movie is that it moves you, it gives you hope. Even though the circumstances between the characters and the viewers are quite different, you don't feel that far removed from what the characters are going through. It is a simple film, yet it has an everlasting message. Frank Darabont didn't need to put any kind of outlandish special effects to get us to love this film, the narration and the acting does that for him. Why this movie didn't win all seven Oscars is beyond me, but don't let that sway you to not see this film, let its ranking on the IMDb's top 250 list sway you, let your friends recommendation about the movie sway you. Set aside a little over two hours tonight and rent this movie. You will finally understand what everyone is talking about and you will understand why this is my all time favorite movie. 二、《肖申克的救赎》的影评 The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ name, but in face it is a jail——a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behaved brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seemed that only those utterly worthless people who gave up everything could survive. That’s where the story happened. The part impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jai. He extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw the faith win the darkness, discharging light dazzling the eyes in the dark blue sky. Under the light, I could feel my recreant innermost being shivering as his voice said: “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!” That’s why I like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live once, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough. The faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief happiness that this world affords, and the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the happiness hope brings. " What’s that do you think? It’s the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.” 这个故事也许看似简单,但是其中的道理却是发人深思的。我第一次听到这电影的名字时,曾以为“肖申克”是个人名,但事实上它是一所监狱的名字--鲨堡。说它是人间地狱,不仅那里狱卒残暴,狱霸横行,而且它还侵蚀着人的心灵。生命在漫漫无期的等待中消逝,似乎只有那些行尸走肉般放弃了所有的人才能够活下去。 这就是故事的开始。最让我感动的是安迪逃出牢狱时候的情景。大雨滂沱之中他伸出手臂似乎在迎接新鲜空气和自由。此刻,我看见自信战胜了黑暗,其光芒照亮了深蓝天空中的眼睛。在此光辉下,我可以感觉到自己那颗怯懦的心在颤抖,似乎在说:记住,希望是好东西,也许是人间至善,而美好的东西永远不会消逝。 它激励人们为人类的尊严而斗争,为生命的美丽而感恩,最重要的是它让我们永怀希望。这就是我喜欢这部电影的原因。 有出生,就会有死亡,人人均是如此。唯一不同的是--忙着活,还是劳碌死。电影告诉我们,虽然人只能活一次,但是如果带着信心和希望好好地活,一次也就足够了。信心就像在黎明前看到曙光的鸟,而希望则是这个世界给我们的最重要的礼物,生命应该充满鸟儿的歌声和希望带来的快乐。 你认为如何你呢?我想这是心房的跳舞,思想的歌唱,灵魂的翱翔,以及对自由的渴望。 三、Have you ever known a famous experiment of the flea? In my point of view, I think it has some commons with the film Shawshank Redemption. First I'd like to introduce the experiment. It was an experiment about the flea. A zoologist put some fleas in a glass cylinder,then used a piece of glass to cover it. At first every flea did all it can in jumping. It must be painful.So after several times,they jumped a little lower,in case of knocking the glass.After three days,when the zoologist took off the glass,he found that no flea would jump out of the glass cylinder.Why? Because they got used to jump gently. We can find the glass is a visible prison to the fleas,but they build an invisible prison for themselves after three days. The same with the film,the characters like the fleas in a visible prison which is called Shawshank. There are three characters made a deep impression on me. They are Andy 、 Red and Brooks. Though they are the same in the visible prison,they are different .The difference between them is whether there located an invisible prison in their heart. Brooks who lives in the Shawshank for fifty years.He likes the flea in the experiment,when he gets the chance to leave Shanwshank, he chooses to threaten his mates in order to stay in Shanwshank. But he fails,his only hope is broken.During the fifty years,he builds an invisible prison for himself. I remember the first time I watched this film was in my senior high school,and I still remember that I cried hard when I saw Brooks hung himself.At that time I thought it's the fault of the society,but now I think it's the fault of the invisible prison.Red's words proves my point:"Man's been here fifty years. This place is all he knows. In here, he's an important man, an educated man. A librarian. Out there, he's nothing but a used up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he applied. You see what I'm saying?”“Believe what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. After long enough, you get so you depend on 'em. That's "institutionalized."” It is the "institutionalized" put Brooks into the invisible prison.He has no hope in the invisible prison,life becomes meaningless.He gets dying. Red,is an man who can break his invisible prison.He is another kind of flea. At first he likes Brooks,he build an invisible for himself.He told Andy that hope is a dangerous thing,hope can drive a man insane,it's got no use the inside,you’d better get used to that idea.At that time,he has already built the invisible prison and broke his hope.He couldn't hack it on the outside.Been in here too long, he is an institutional man now.Like old Brooks Hatlen was.In the prison he is the guy who get it for the others.Out there, he wouldn't know where to begin. But Andy's word influences him"get busy living,or get busy dying."At that time,Red picks up his hope which breaks the invisible prison.When a man has the courage to break the invisible one,let alone the visible one.At the end of film,Red get out of the Shawshank and has a new life in the society with his hope! Red,may short of the word"redemption",and he redeems himself. Andy who is the hero in this film.And he is an amazing flea! There is no prison in his mind.Shawshank is the visible prison which seems very sturdy .But he just uses a small hammer to dig a hole,then he breaks the prison.19 years is a long time! But to Andy,his hope supports him so that he can ignore the time! As the famous sentence goes hope can set you free.I think another different between Andy and the others is that he never has an invisible one in his heart.From the beginning to the end,he is free in his mind.That's why he can do what the others cannot do! During the 19 years,he holds his hope,he still remember the hight which he can reach. The three man are three different kinds of fleas.The fleas tells us not to be prisoned in the invisible prisons and remember hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. We should set us free with our hopes!Let's break the invisible prison! 给你几个,你可以综合一下。


我永远不会忘记的是,安迪爬出五百码长的污水管当晚那场明亮的雷雨,它像《勇敢的心》里华莱士最后那声著名的“FREEDOM——”一样振聋发聩。是的,自由。之前的那些最精彩的桥段,比如安迪脸上挂着奇异的微笑请大家喝酒,比如安迪一手建起全州最好的监狱图书馆,比如安迪不计后果地让高亢的女声穿透云遮雾掩的层层封锁响彻云端,都是对自由的由衷礼赞,即使身陷囹圄,但“只要这里 (心里)有音乐,就有自由”——这也是《欢乐颂》盛名不败的理由,我们都知道,在德文中,“欢乐”和“自由”的发音很接近。
“Get busy living... or get busy die.”我们汲汲于生,或汲汲于死。但不论何时何地,只要梦想的启明星在天空闪烁,希望的晨曦就照耀着人生。
肖申克的救赎 观后感 200字左右
1 浏览45832020-02-11
《肖申克的救赎》,这部拍摄于1994年的电影,历经十几年的时光却始终闪烁着无尽的魅力。想念电影最后那片蔚蓝的海面,平静而辽阔,亦如安迪的内心。片中那些黑色压抑的画面最后都消融于无垠的海域里,给人以豁然开朗的感觉。心里的梦想和希望在经历挫折和痛苦之后化为写在笑容里的完美现实。影片传递给人的是一种近乎倔强的对希望和自由的坚持,经得起时光雕琢的不屈的信念。细看电影,你会发现电影中有很多东西是值得深思和学习的。      肖申克,并非人名,而是一个监狱,一个原本用来让人改过自新的地方。在这里,所有的囚犯无论吃饭、睡觉、甚至是上厕所都得报告,最终在肉体和心灵的双重摧残下成为失去灵魂的行尸走肉。长久的习惯在这里演化成可怕的悲剧,每天一成不变的生活磨蚀着他们对于未来的憧憬。没有希望、没有自由、没有尊严,仿佛生命的价值在这里已经消亡殆尽。正如瑞德所说:“刚进入监狱时,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它生存。”显然,在这部电影里,监狱已被赋予了更深层次的含义。      老布,一个已在监狱里度过了半个世纪的七旬老人。对他而言,管理监狱里那个狭小的图书馆已然成了他生活的全部。在这里,他可以凭借自己受到过的教育赢得一点点其他犯人的尊重。某一天,他突然被告知自己获得了假释,恐惧开始占据他早已干枯的心灵。半个世纪的铁窗生涯将他对自由的渴望冲刷的一干二净,剩下的只是老朽的躯壳和束缚了的灵魂。像笼中的鸟儿被关的太久之后已失去了飞翔的能力一样,老布已没有了在社会上生存的能力,因此不可避免地被社会淘汰了。      事实上,老布也曾尝试着融入社会,可是五十年的距离成了不可逾越的障碍。老去的躯体连同老去的心最终一起结束在昏暗狭小的屋子里,留下的仅是那几个歪歪斜斜的字:Brookswashere。写完这些字,他默默地笑了然后从容地结束了生命。在他看来,那些字让他的死有了些许的尊严和价值。      老布的悲剧让人心痛,也让我想到了现实生活中很多发生在大学生身上的悲剧。面对巨大的就业的压力而不知所措的学生们,不正像老布一样对外面的世界存在强烈的恐惧感吗?电影里,瑞德认为老布的悲剧是因为体制化,并觉得自己,甚至是整个监狱,都正在沦为体制化的牺牲品。那么从现实来看,一些心理素质不强的学生也正在演绎着同样的悲剧。(www.9xwang.com)有些学生在学校里待了太久,进入社会后,像老布一样,因为缺乏生存的能力而得不到社会的认可。在经历挫折之后,就不堪重负而了断自己年轻的生命。不同的是,老布是因为太老而无能为力,而他们还没来得及领悟生命的价值就因为太脆弱而过早地埋葬了自己。那么究竟如何才能应对这样的压力,寻获属于心灵的自由呢?电影告诉我们的恰是如何进行这样的一场心灵救赎。      安迪本是一个年轻而有前途的银行家,可是一夜之间他被控告杀害妻子和情夫而锒铛入狱。事实上,安迪是被冤枉的,杀人凶手另有其人。可是,有时候生活中总会有不公平的事情发生。安迪最终被判两个无期徒刑,进入了肖申克的高墙之内。这里等待他的除了严酷的管理体制,还有来自“三姐妹”的肉体折磨。遇上这样的事情,谁都会失去理智,然而安迪却例外。安迪从不抱怨生活的不公,只是默默地努力去把握住自己的命运。冷静、勇敢、顽强、从不放弃用智慧来进行反抗,这正是安迪的不同之处,也正是我们面对困难和挫折时所缺乏的。面对困难,我们总是过于浮躁,急着去抱怨而不是去思考;总是过于怯懦,急着逃避而不是去面对。      当所有的人,包括瑞德认为安迪快被体制化压垮的时候,安迪在一个暴雨滂沱的夜晚爬过500码的充斥着恶臭的管道后寻获了属于他的自由。事实上,安迪始终是自由的,即使他被困在高墙垒起的监狱。正如他所说的:莫扎特的音乐在我的心里,谁也夺不走。是的,谁也夺不走我们坚定的信念和对自由的希望,心灵的自由能够带来生命的奇迹。6年,每周一封信,最终令50年不曾改变的图书馆开始有了改变。他改为每周写两封信,这样的坚持使得图书馆的规模不断扩大,最终成为新英格兰最棒的监狱图书馆。20年的时间,一把石锤,坚韧的毅力,最后缔造出一条瑞德认为要600年才能凿出的通往自由的道路。
12 浏览10352016-02-17
电影《肖申克的救赎》 英语 观后感 字数 200左右
I have never seen such an amazing film since I saw The Shawshank Redemption. Shawshank encompasses friendships, hardships, hopes, and dreams. And what is so great about the movie is that it moves you, it gives you hope. Even though the circumstances between the characters and the viewers are quite different, you don't feel that far removed from what the characters are going through. It is a simple film, yet it has an everlasting message. Frank Darabont didn't need to put any kind of outlandish special effects to get us to love this film, the narration and the acting does that for him. Why this movie didn't win all seven Oscars is beyond me, but don't let that sway you to not see this film, let its ranking on the IMDb's top 250 list sway you, let your friends recommendation about the movie sway you. Set aside a little over two hours tonight and rent this movie. You will finally understand what everyone is talking about and you will understand why this is my all time favorite movie. 二、《肖申克的救赎》的影评 The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ name, but in face it is a jail——a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behaved brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seemed that only those utterly worthless people who gave up everything could survive. That’s where the story happened. The part impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jai. He extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw the faith win the darkness, discharging light dazzling the eyes in the dark blue sky. Under the light, I could feel my recreant innermost being shivering as his voice said: “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!” That’s why I like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live once, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough. The faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief happiness that this world affords, and the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the happiness hope brings. " What’s that do you think? It’s the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.” 这个故事也许看似简单,但是其中的道理却是发人深思的。我第一次听到这电影的名字时,曾以为“肖申克”是个人名,但事实上它是一所监狱的名字--鲨堡。说它是人间地狱,不仅那里狱卒残暴,狱霸横行,而且它还侵蚀着人的心灵。生命在漫漫无期的等待中消逝,似乎只有那些行尸走肉般放弃了所有的人才能够活下去。 这就是故事的开始。最让我感动的是安迪逃出牢狱时候的情景。大雨滂沱之中他伸出手臂似乎在迎接新鲜空气和自由。此刻,我看见自信战胜了黑暗,其光芒照亮了深蓝天空中的眼睛。在此光辉下,我可以感觉到自己那颗怯懦的心在颤抖,似乎在说:记住,希望是好东西,也许是人间至善,而美好的东西永远不会消逝。 它激励人们为人类的尊严而斗争,为生命的美丽而感恩,最重要的是它让我们永怀希望。这就是我喜欢这部电影的原因。 有出生,就会有死亡,人人均是如此。唯一不同的是--忙着活,还是劳碌死。电影告诉我们,虽然人只能活一次,但是如果带着信心和希望好好地活,一次也就足够了。信心就像在黎明前看到曙光的鸟,而希望则是这个世界给我们的最重要的礼物,生命应该充满鸟儿的歌声和希望带来的快乐。 你认为如何你呢?我想这是心房的跳舞,思想的歌唱,灵魂的翱翔,以及对自由的渴望。 三、Have you ever known a famous experiment of the flea? In my point of view, I think it has some commons with the film Shawshank Redemption. First I'd like to introduce the experiment. It was an experiment about the flea. A zoologist put some fleas in a glass cylinder,then used a piece of glass to cover it. At first every flea did all it can in jumping. It must be painful.So after several times,they jumped a little lower,in case of knocking the glass.After three days,when the zoologist took off the glass,he found that no flea would jump out of the glass cylinder.Why? Because they got used to jump gently. We can find the glass is a visible prison to the fleas,but they build an invisible prison for themselves after three days. The same with the film,the characters like the fleas in a visible prison which is called Shawshank. There are three characters made a deep impression on me. They are Andy 、 Red and Brooks. Though they are the same in the visible prison,they are different .The difference between them is whether there located an invisible prison in their heart. Brooks who lives in the Shawshank for fifty years.He likes the flea in the experiment,when he gets the chance to leave Shanwshank, he chooses to threaten his mates in order to stay in Shanwshank. But he fails,his only hope is broken.During the fifty years,he builds an invisible prison for himself. I remember the first time I watched this film was in my senior high school,and I still remember that I cried hard when I saw Brooks hung himself.At that time I thought it's the fault of the society,but now I think it's the fault of the invisible prison.Red's words proves my point:"Man's been here fifty years. This place is all he knows. In here, he's an important man, an educated man. A librarian. Out there, he's nothing but a used up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he applied. You see what I'm saying?”“Believe what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. After long enough, you get so you depend on 'em. That's "institutionalized."” It is the "institutionalized" put Brooks into the invisible prison.He has no hope in the invisible prison,life becomes meaningless.He gets dying. Red,is an man who can break his invisible prison.He is another kind of flea. At first he likes Brooks,he build an invisible for himself.He told Andy that hope is a dangerous thing,hope can drive a man insane,it's got no use the inside,you’d better get used to that idea.At that time,he has already built the invisible prison and broke his hope.He couldn't hack it on the outside.Been in here too long, he is an institutional man now.Like old Brooks Hatlen was.In the prison he is the guy who get it for the others.Out there, he wouldn't know where to begin. But Andy's word influences him"get busy living,or get busy dying."At that time,Red picks up his hope which breaks the invisible prison.When a man has the courage to break the invisible one,let alone the visible one.At the end of film,Red get out of the Shawshank and has a new life in the society with his hope! Red,may short of the word"redemption",and he redeems himself. Andy who is the hero in this film.And he is an amazing flea! There is no prison in his mind.Shawshank is the visible prison which seems very sturdy .But he just uses a small hammer to dig a hole,then he breaks the prison.19 years is a long time! But to Andy,his hope supports him so that he can ignore the time! As the famous sentence goes hope can set you free.I think another different between Andy and the others is that he never has an invisible one in his heart.From the beginning to the end,he is free in his mind.That's why he can do what the others cannot do! During the 19 years,he holds his hope,he still remember the hight which he can reach. The three man are three different kinds of fleas.The fleas tells us not to be prisoned in the invisible prisons and remember hope is a good thing, mayb


我永远不会忘记的是,安迪爬出五百码长的污水管当晚那场明亮的雷雨,它像《勇敢的心》里华莱士最后那声著名的“FREEDOM——”一样振聋发聩。是的,自由。之前的那些最精彩的桥段,比如安迪脸上挂着奇异的微笑请大家喝酒,比如安迪一手建起全州最好的监狱图书馆,比如安迪不计后果地让高亢的女声穿透云遮雾掩的层层封锁响彻云端,都是对自由的由衷礼赞,即使身陷囹圄,但“只要这里 (心里)有音乐,就有自由”——这也是《欢乐颂》盛名不败的理由,我们都知道,在德文中,“欢乐”和“自由”的发音很接近。

“Get busy living... or get busy die.”我们汲汲于生,或汲汲于死。但不论何时何地,只要梦想的启明星在天空闪烁,希望的晨曦就照耀着人生。

  周末看了一部美国影片《肖申克的救赎》(《The Shawshank Redemption》)







喀什市13199814433: 肖申克的救赎 观后感 200字左右 -
杜食搏拿: 周末看了一部美国影片《肖申克的救赎》(《The Shawshank Redemption》) 讲的是一位因冤案入狱的年轻银行家在牢中如何追寻自由的故事. 不同的人看同样的影片可能都有不同的感受.对于目前无力改变现状的我,看完这部影片后最深...

喀什市13199814433: 肖申克的救赎观后感200字 -
杜食搏拿: 《肖申克的救赎》是一场关于笼中鸟如何飞往自由的梦,用我一位网友的话来说,看了它,甚至会让人觉得重生. 我永远不会忘记的是,安迪爬出五百码长的污水管当晚那场明亮的雷雨,它像《勇敢的心》里华莱士最后那声著名的“...

喀什市13199814433: 电影肖申克救赎200字观后感 -
杜食搏拿: 《肖申克的救赎》,这部拍摄于1994年的电影,历经十几年的时光却始终闪烁着无尽的魅力.想念电影最后那片蔚蓝的海面,平静而辽阔,亦如安迪的内心.片中那些黑色压抑的画面最后都消融于无垠的海域里,给人以豁然开朗的感觉.心里的...

喀什市13199814433: 肖申克的救赎影评精要概括 200字左右 -
杜食搏拿: 这个故事也许看似简单,但是其中的道理却是发人深思的.我第一次听到这电影的名字时,曾以为“肖申克”是个人名,但事实上它是一所监狱的名字--鲨堡.说它是人间地狱,不仅那里狱卒残暴,狱霸横行,而且它还侵蚀着人的心灵.生命在...

喀什市13199814433: 电影《肖申克的救赎》 英语 观后感 字数 200左右呐个是 传说中的 之一 .还有 重点是 不要 全都和大众一样啊 .呐个 可以 、、童鞋啦 -
杜食搏拿:[答案] Weekend i saw an American movie "The Shawshank Redemption" ("The Shawshank Redemption") Talking about a miscarriage of justice due to imprisonment of young bankers in prison how to pursue the story of freedom. Different people ...

喀什市13199814433: 肖申克的救赎 五百字影评 -
杜食搏拿: 肖申克的救赎讲述了年轻的银行家安迪误认为是杀害其妻子与情人的凶手,而被冤入狱,最终通过自己的聪明才智成功越狱,获得自由之身的故事.安迪入狱后,结识了黑人瑞德,瑞德告诉安迪:刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙,慢慢的你...

喀什市13199814433: 肖申克的救赎观后感300字 -
杜食搏拿: 当我看到最后瑞德最后一次申请假释的时候,他说的那段话真让人感动. “我没有一天不在后悔,我回过头去看看往昔,那个愚蠢的男孩儿犯下了可怕的罪行.……小男孩早已不见了,只剩下这个厌物,垂垂老矣.”看似无所谓的话其实充满了...

喀什市13199814433: 阿甘正传和肖申克的救赎观后感 各200字. -
杜食搏拿: 阿甘正传的,340字,不行你改改 人生就像各种各样的巧克力,你永远不会知道下一块是什么味道.”这是阿甘母亲的这一句话.的确,人生就像是一盒巧克力,不去品尝,就永远不会知道它的味道.生活的巨轮不会停止地向前滚动,如何去...

喀什市13199814433: 谁能给我写一篇关于《肖申克的救赎》的读后感 -
杜食搏拿: 《肖申克的救赎》读后感想了很久不知道用什么样的标题来抒发自己读完后的感情,干脆就用这种通俗易懂的标题. 昨天晚上,确切的说应该是今天早上凌晨,花了两个小时把这本经典给读完了.真的很震撼. 昨天一系列被偷事件让我倍受打...

喀什市13199814433: 肖申克救赎观后感我要的是自己看完的感觉.最好是心理的感觉.500字左右. -
杜食搏拿:[答案] 一个人活出了好多个人的人生,这是我的心理感受.主人公是一个银行家,如果他一直是个银行家,那一定事业有成,前途无... 而是一个提醒,这让安迪明白,他只是一个罪犯,与肖申克监狱每一个罪犯一样没有区别.最后在海滩上的安迪,应该是在享...

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