be admited in是什么意思?是不是被什么录取的意思

作者&投稿:类梁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
be admitted by什么意思,为什么被大学录取是be admitted to?~

be admitted. to/into,,,被录取到,,,中,显然是到,,,里面,用to或into


be admitted in是被...录取的意思。还有允许进入,承认的意思。

1、An11 year-old girl from Esna district of Luxor governorate developed symptomson18 December and was admitted in the hospital the following day.
2、Consider Mr. McCaffrey, the New York dealer, who first applied for the 2011 fair,was admitted in 2012 and has returned every year since.

3、Ni Zekun won the second prize nationally and the first prize in Jiangsu Province inthe28th National Olympiad in Informatics and was admitted in advance by PekingUniversity.

4、After unit crime was admitted in the criminal law of our country the problem of judicial procedure has existed.
5、With modern Intellectual mechanics, only the IPR acquired by the first inventor ofthe most advanced technology was admitted in the society.


  be admited in:被承认,不是被什么录取的意思。

  1.I admit that there may be something in this contention.

  2.If I am to be completely honest with you , I must admit that there is risk in anycourse we may take .

  3.If you are unhappy yourself, you will probably be prepared to admit that you arenot exceptional in this.

  4.We wouldn't be able to admit failure, thus we are unwilling to leave when we arein trouble.

be admitted in被录取


什邡市18548202410: be admited in是什么意思?是不是被什么录取的意思 -
松葛奥络: be admited in:被承认,不是被什么录取的意思.例句:1.I admit that there may be something in this contention.我承认这个主张是有点根据的.2.If I am to be completely honest with you , I must admit that there is risk in anycourse we may take...

什邡市18548202410: be dressed in 和 dress in的区别 -
松葛奥络: be dressed in和dress in的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、含义不同 dressed in 释义:穿着,dressed是动词dress的过去式和过去分词. 2.dress in 释义:给、穿上、衣服,dress既可以做动词也可以作名词. 二、用法不...

什邡市18548202410: be dressed in是什么意思?它是不是dress in的被动结构? -
松葛奥络: be dressed (in)意为“穿着...”,如果后跟宾语,则in不可少.如:She is dressed well today.她今天穿得很漂亮.She is dressed in a new skirt.她穿着一条新裙子.

什邡市18548202410: be buried in和be absorbed in还有lost in的区别是什么啊ԅ -
松葛奥络: be buried in、be absorbed in、lost in的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、be buried in:埋头于,专心于. 2、be absorbed in:全神贯注于,专心致志于. 3、lost in:迷失于; 迷恋. 二、用法不同 1、be buried in...

什邡市18548202410: be born with与be talented in区别 -
松葛奥络: be born with的意思是“与生俱来...”,而be talented in的意思是“在...方面具有天赋”. 前者既可用来表示褒义也可用来表示贬义.with后面接褒义词或词组时,其意思是“天生就有...优点或长处”;with后面接贬义词或词组时,其意思是“天生就有...缺点或不足”. 后者be talented in始终都是褒义的.

什邡市18548202410: be covered with, be covered by, be covered in三者有什 -
松葛奥络: be covered with,be covered by和be covered in的区别:用法不同、强调重点不同.具体如下:1、be covered with意为盖满、被…覆盖着,是一个系表结构,表示处于某种状态; 2、be covered by意为被…覆盖住,是被动语态,强调动作; 3、...

什邡市18548202410: be in有没有加入的意思老师教我的是有 -
松葛奥络: be in是有加入的意思的,它的同义短语是join 而join表示的是加入强调的是动作,be in则是强调状态,特别在现在完成时中需要注意,比如句子后面加时间段,例:I have been in the art club for a year.后面有时间段就要接be in,表状态的延续性动词,而如果单单表示一年前我加入了艺术俱乐部这个动作,就用瞬间动词join,即:I joined the art club one year ago.谢谢!

什邡市18548202410: be+过去式+in的短语,意思是被困于……,遇上……是什么 -
松葛奥络: be stuck in被困于

什邡市18548202410: dress in和be dressed in有什么区别?在线等~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
松葛奥络: 没有be dressed in, dress in没有被动语态,当dress解释为装扮时,是vi,不及物动词没有被动语态

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