such as to 与so as to 区别可以举个列子吗

作者&投稿:店冰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
such as to 与so as to 区别可以举个列子吗~

such as to
His injuries were not such as to need a surgeon.
2. America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.
3. You have to type in commands, such as "help" and "print"
4. You'll need such information to use as a baseline for measuring progress.
5. They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.

so as to

为了…; 以便; 庶几乎; 庶乎

1. How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?
2. He inclined forward so as to hear more clearly.
3. He interacted closely with us so as to finish the difficult task.
4. The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.
5. The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.

such as to的这个词组里,such是做代词,到如此程度以致;如此…以致; 而so as to 里面,so不能做代词成分,为了…; 以便;

This book is such as to interest me a lot.

I get up early so as to arrive at school on time.

so as to和such as to都可以表示结果,区别如下:
so as to的so为副词,后面可以接形容词、副词或动词,as to后面是动词原形,如:
The building is so tall as to resemble a tower。
He was so angry as not to be able to speak。

such as to的such为形容词,后面可以接名词,也可以放在be动词的后面,as to后面也是动词原形,如:
His anger was such as not to be able to speak。
The height of the building is such as to resemble a tower。

钦州市17517715126: such as to和so as to的区别 -
纪叔尚德: such as to和so as to在释义上、词性上、用法上有所不同. 一、释义不同 1、such as to有“这样,这种,如此(地步)”的意思. 2、as to是以至于,按着.连起来有点这个意味:这样以至于....常用于表示强调,夸张的语气中. 二、词性不同 1、such as to的这个词组里,such是做代词 2、so as to 里面,so不能做代词成分. 三、用法不同 1、so as to 用在肯定句中. 2、such as to 用在否定句中.

钦州市17517715126: so as to和such as to有什么区别 -
纪叔尚德: so as to 和 such as to 的意思一样,只是so as to 用在肯定句中,而such as to 用在否定句中,such that 的意思是“如此,,以至于”And he said the nature of land in New Mexico was such that slaves could not be used.这是一个例句.

钦州市17517715126: so as to与such as to有什么区别 -
纪叔尚德: so as to:为了.;以便. 例: The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating. 考试题保密以防作弊. such as to:到如此程度以致;如此.以致 例:The pain in her foot wasn't such as to stop her walking. 她脚疼,但还不至于不能行走.

钦州市17517715126: to与 to 的区别 -
纪叔尚德: 用法:such 后面 + 名词,so后面+形容词,意思没区别 比如 such a pretty girl, so pretty a girl...

钦州市17517715126: such 和so 的区别讲下修饰什么词! such as to ,so as to 的区别呢? -
纪叔尚德:[答案] such ...that 和so ...that 要表达的意思一样,都是“太怎么怎么样以至于...”,只是so后面接的是你要说的形容词或副词,... 举个例子 he is so bad that i don't like him 和 he is such a bad person that i don't like him .so that ...== in order to 表示目的 such as...

钦州市17517715126: so as to和such as to的用法和区别是什么? -
纪叔尚德: so as to有“in order to”的意思,即“为了....” eg.:Mail your package early so as to ensure its timely arrival.为了保证能按时到达请早点邮寄你的包.such as to ,such在这里是代词,有“这样,这种,如此(地步)”的意思,as to:以至于,按...

钦州市17517715126: so as to; such as to; such to; as much as to 的区分 -
纪叔尚德: 答案应该 和 such 都有“如此,这么的”的意思.so搭配形容词,such搭配名词.句中既无被修饰的名词也无被修饰的形容词.重点应该在动词“annoy”上,因为它前面可以加个副词词组.也就是as much as to.译文:他的发言让所有与会人员愤怒的无以复加.(as much as to annoy——要多让人生气就有多让人生气) C是个干扰项,也就是本身语法错误.A和B都需要有因果关系的语境才可以使用,显然根据译文是不能用滴.

钦州市17517715126: such as to 与so as to 区别 -
纪叔尚德: such as to的这个词组里,such是做代词,而so as to 里面,so不能做代词成分.比如This book is such as to interest me a lot.这本书是这样的,以至于引起了我的兴趣.注意这句话读的时候要这样读,This book is such先停顿一下,再连下去读as to interest me a as to举例,I get up early so as to arrive at school on time.

钦州市17517715126: so as to 和such as to 有什么区别吗
纪叔尚德: such as to 达到这样的程度以致 【摘要】 such as to:达到这样的程度以致例句: His speech is such as to incur enmity. 他的 演说会引起别人的敌意. such 指代前面的名词(即remarks),so as to 中的so 不能 ... so as to 为了… The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating. 考试题保密以防作弊.

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