
作者&投稿:郜忠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Review of Long-legged Uncle
A beautiful story, a beautiful dream of my childhood, this is what gives me from the magic book Long-legged Uncle.
Each girl has a dream of being a princess and meeting her prince someday. But the dream was too far away from Judy, an ophan growing up in the orphanage. Howerver, no matter how harsh life treated her, she was so optimistic and never lose hope for the future. She worked hard and study hard. She had a tender heart and a smart head. She could write tactful with true feelings. Gold shines wherever it is. The quality and talent of Judy was discovered by the trustee of the ophanage who sent her to college. Judy cherished the chance and learnt a lot during college life. She kept the kindness of the donator in heart and returned it to people around her. Finally, she found out her benefactor and lover, the long-legged uncle she had been writing to, the trustee who paid for her education.
Be kind to the world. Work hard. Neve lose your courage. This is how we realize our dream. This is the best lesson I have got from the magic book.


Judy was in, you can learn a lot. Just returned from the orphanage came to the school when the world around her was full of curiosity. And become Uncle Long Leg tell her only object. However, slowly, she found her with those who have families in the gap between the students, because conditions are different, they know a lot, she did not even know who is the Michelangelo, I do not know Jane Eyre ... ... her in front of their classmates out too ugly, has been ridiculed by classmates. But she did not go so depressed, she used an active approach to deal with, she discovered that the inadequacy of their own after reading every day, and actively make up a missed lesson.
She never concealed his own vanity, she was very honest. Forever Uncle Long Leg may not know the answer, she also appeared antagonistic feelings, but she soon realized his mistake and apologize to the brave. She knew her from him there has been a lot, and should not ask for more. She likes pretty skirt, stockings beautiful ... ...

求一篇英文的《长腿叔叔》的读后感 500字
——读�0�0长腿叔叔�0�3有感 因为你的微笑像阳光一样灿烂,所以想看你的微笑…… ——题记在孤儿院里,总会看见她笑得很美很美,那时还很小。二十岁,对生活充满憧憬和向往的高峰时期,那时的她是孤儿院最大的孩子。因为各棵成绩都格外优秀,所以那一年孤儿...

【动画片】--基本信息 日本名称:watashi no ashinaga ojisan 中文名称:《长腿叔叔》英文名称:Daddy-Long-legs 原著:"Daddy-Long-Legs"by Jean Webster 在日本播出时间:Jan 14,1990 至 Dec 23,1990 集数:40集 属於「世界名作剧场」系列!灰姑娘般的梦想实现 生长在孤儿院的茱蒂 长腿叔叔的赞...

以下是一份纯英文名著分级阅读丛书中《长腿叔叔》的目录,共分为60章,每章内容丰富,适合不同英语阅读水平的孩子们逐步阅读和提升。1. Chapter 1: An Unexpected Adoption2. Chapter 2: A New Life in New York3. Chapter 3: Miss%f's Mysterious Sponsor4. Chapter 4: The Beginning of a Sec...

1. Harry Potter 哈利波特系列 2. Twilight 暮光之城系列 3. Warriors 猫武士系列 4. The Chronicles of Narnia 纳尼亚传奇系列 5. The Hunger Game 饥饿游戏系列 6. Daddy-Long-Legs 长腿叔叔(特别推荐给女孩子读)7. Ella Enchanted 魔法灰姑娘 8. Gone with the Wind 飘 9. Jane Eyre 简爱 ...

这就是“长腿叔叔”的来历。这里的“daddy-long-legs”打了连字符号,其实是指蜘蛛。1.请到谷歌进行图片搜索验证。2.在中国宇航出版社 刘晓媛的翻译中也特别翻译了 大蜘蛛。3.daddy-long-legs第一次出现在原文11段最后,那个时候朱迪并不知道她被资助,请进行逻辑判断。最后daddy单独用的时候我坚持认为...

Judy was in, you can learn a lot. Just returned from the orphanage came to the school when the world around her was full of curiosity. And become Uncle Long Leg tell her only object. However, slowly, she found her with those who have families in the gap between the students...

A beautiful story, a beautiful dream of my childhood, this is what gives me from the magic book Long-legged Uncle.Each girl has a dream of being a princess and meeting her prince someday. But the dream was too far away from Judy, an ophan growing up in the orphanage. ...

求翻译!中译英 关于长腿叔叔的,内容如下,翻译成英文!不甚感激!_百度知 ...
茱蒂在不经意间瞥见那人被车灯拉长的身影,从此,就称这位好心人为“长腿叔叔”。Judy in casual glimpse of the man from the headlights figure, stretched, says the good "daddy long legs.她开始以幽默逗趣而又真情流露的笔调,写信给心目中的“长腿叔叔”,汇报自己的生活、诉说自己的心事。She...

英文的这句话dabby long legs为什么叫做黛比长腿?黛比怎么理解_百度...
应该是 daddy long legs, 长腿爸爸(直译) 或是 长腿叔叔。该名字源自于1912年一本美国的小说,讲述女孩茱蒂因为匿名为“长腿叔叔”的善心人士提供了奖学金资助,而让她有机会离开从小生长的孤儿院,飞向更广阔的世界。进入纽约住宿高中就读时,茱蒂认识了出身上流社会的室友茱莉亚与她的叔叔贾维斯;...

为什么长腿叔叔的英文是daddy long legs而不是uncle long legs
书中男主的角色是收养者,而在一般情况下被收养者对其养父称daddy是很正常的,在西方亲属体系中uncle一般疏离得不带养育义务的。那为什么不用father呢?这就涉及到了宗教问题,美国简称神父God father为father,特别是很多的福利院都有宗教背景的。

乃东县17575178825: 求一篇长腿叔叔的英文读后感,最好是自己写的,150字左右 -
巫杜复方: Review of Long-legged Uncle A beautiful story, a beautiful dream of my childhood, this is what gives me from the magic book Long-legged Uncle. Each girl has a dream of being a princess and meeting her prince someday. But the dream was too far ...

乃东县17575178825: 求一篇英文的《长腿叔叔》的读后感 500字 -
巫杜复方: ——读«长腿叔叔»有感 因为你的微笑像阳光一样灿烂,所以想看你的微笑…… ——题记在孤儿院里,总会看见她笑得很美很美,那时还很小.二十岁,对生活充满憧憬和向往的高峰时期,那时的她是孤儿院最大的孩子.因为各棵成绩都格外...

乃东县17575178825: 跪求《长腿叔叔》的英文读后感,初一水平就好,不要太多,10句多一点就好啦,谢谢哥哥姐姐们~\(≧▽≦)/~ -
巫杜复方: 暑假里,老伯给我买了本故事书——《长腿叔叔》,我很认真仔细地看完了这本书.书中讲述了一位“长腿叔叔”资助了一名在孤儿院长大的女孩,并以“长腿叔叔”的名义一直默默帮助她.女孩也没辜负“长腿叔叔”对她的期望,顺利地完成大学学业,成为了一名对社会有用的人.读完这本我发现,其实在我们身边有千千万万个这样的“长腿叔叔”.从2008年“5.12汶川大地震”到2010年玉树地震,再到前不久发生的舟曲特大泥石流,“长腿叔叔”们都毫不犹豫地伸出了援助之手,去帮助那些需要帮助的人们,让他们重获希望,让他们感受到这个世界充满了爱.我长大了也要做“长腿叔叔”,去帮助社会上需要帮助的人……

乃东县17575178825: 求[长腿叔叔]的英文读后感字数300字左右
巫杜复方: Judy was in, you can learn a lot. Just returned from the orphanage came to the school when the world around her was full of curiosity. And become Uncle Long Leg tell her only object. However, slowly, she found her with those who have families in the ...

乃东县17575178825: 长腿叔叔读后感150字 -
巫杜复方: 书中讲述了孤儿茱蒂被一个不知明的好心人送到了大学读书,并且每个月还个他许多零花钱,有时还送一些礼物.但这位好心人想要的回报就是茱蒂好好学习,每个月写一封信给这个化名是史密斯的先生(但茱蒂常常叫他“长腿叔叔”).最后,茱蒂竟惊讶的发现:长腿叔叔就是她在大学似的恋人.我们应该学习像长腿叔叔这样有爱心的人,更要学习那些坚持不懈,干成大事业的人.他们的经历就如同“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”中说的那样.但与此同时,我们也应该好好学习,为祖国增添光彩.因为“少年强则国强,少年富则国富”.

乃东县17575178825: 关于 长腿叔叔 英语心得的一篇征文 加翻译 100~130个单词左右 急啊!!好心人帮帮忙吧
巫杜复方: In an orphanage, always see she laughs very beautiful is very beautiful, was very small. Twenty years old, life is full of hopes and yearning peak, then she is orphanages the oldest child. Because each tree scores are exceptionally good, so that year ...

乃东县17575178825: 一篇《长腿叔叔》的英文读后感,要深层一点的.
巫杜复方: 字体大,图画生动吸引,适合不同年龄的儿童阅读,能提高他们学习文字的兴趣,打好学习汉字的基础. 本书说明方块字不像...作为书名的《不是童话》是其中一篇,这也暗示了作品的写实性. 《不是童话》以一本散落了的日记为线索,日记的主人是...

乃东县17575178825: 跪求初一英语读后感《快乐王子》 (字数300字左右) 就是要一篇初一的关于《长腿叔叔》或《快乐王子》的读后感!字数在300~400字左右就可以了!最... -
巫杜复方:[答案] There will be many troubles in life,many of helplessness.What kind of life to be happy? Holidays,I啃完with relish to a famous British writer Oscar's.Written by Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince." Prince and the book The Flying Swallow selfless,so my ...

乃东县17575178825: 《长腿叔叔》读后感 -
巫杜复方: 我觉的长腿叔叔是孤儿院的.为什么叫长腿叔叔呢?哈哈,因为他的影子被车灯拉长了.书中的每一段故事都是茱蒂和朋友写给长腿叔叔的信.茱蒂是孤儿,她把自己的每天的事情告诉长腿叔叔,有不高兴的事情,也有开心的事情.长腿叔叔都不回信,我觉得他会不好意思的.因为,长腿叔叔都不说说他的感受.

乃东县17575178825: 英语翻译读《长腿叔叔》有感"读《长腿叔叔》有感"只是把这个题目翻译过来 -
巫杜复方:[答案] 为你提供迄今唯一正确的英文题目吧: Reflections on Reading Uncle Long Legs 注:我无法标出,但你打字时,最好或将Uncle Long Legs变成斜体字,或加底线.千万不要用中文的书名号!

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