
作者&投稿:蓝燕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

can you play the piano, blow a trumpet or play drums? do you want to be a musician? come on and join our band. our school has music festival every year, you can show youself to us by performing in school. if you can singing or dacing, u can also join us.


我们学校每年举办音乐节。如果你是我们的乐队成员,在学校公演时,你可以展示给我们看。翻译:Our school music festival is held every year. If you are our band members, in the school performance, you can show we see
翻译If you can sing or dance, you can also join us

music festive is held by our school every year. if you are the member of our band, you can perform for us in school's performance. if you can sing or dance ,you also can join us.

如果理解为"他们学校每年举办的那些项目"可以这样翻译:those competition events that their school hold every year 如果理解为一个句子:他们学校(主)每年举办(谓)那些项目(宾),可以这样翻译:There school hold those competition events every year....

school hold every year 如果理解为一个句子:他们学校(主)每年举办(谓)那些项目(宾),可以这样翻译:There school hold those competition events every year.

汉译英] 1. 小明想当一名教师。 2. 你能用英语说出它吗? 3. 她在医院工作,她是一名护士。 4. 我们每天有许多作业要做。 5. 你的钢笔是红色的,我的是白色的。 [英译汉] 1. He is very kind to us, so we are not afraid of him. 2. My father works as an English teacher. ...

Do your school be held the artist festival every year?

你们每年举行什么活动?用英语翻译:what events ___you every year...
你们每年举行什么活动翻译英语 What activity do you hold every year?你们每年举行什么活动?译成英文 What kind of activities do you have every year>?你们学校每年举行哪些比赛?英语翻译 What kind of contests does your school hold every year?你们学校每年举行哪些比赛用英语怎么翻译?


We have a sports meet in spring and autumn every year in our school.我们学校每年春秋两季各举行一次运动会。He likes the school, but he does not want to enroll.他喜爱这所学校,但不愿进去读书。There is a small boarding school in the little town.那个小镇上有一所不大的寄宿学校。...

We hold festival of the arts on December tenth every year.

盛大:shèng dà 译义:形容(集体活动)规模大,仪式大而庄严的。造句:1、为了迎接新同学,我们举行了盛大的欢迎仪式。2、我们学校每年都要举行规模盛大的运动会。3、天安门广场上盛大的阅兵式开始了。4、十月一日,天安门广场举行了盛大的阅兵仪式。5、亚运会举行了盛大的开幕式。6、在这个盛大的节...

PartTwo Ban the Band 第二部分:禁止乐队 Every year,our school has a dance for all the students.每年我们学校都会为全体同学举办舞会。It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trouser or colorful dressed,instead of the usual school uniform.看到朋友们穿着干净的鞋子和裤子...

奎文区15791671450: 翻译:我们学校每年举办音乐节.如果你是我们的乐队成员,在学校公演时,你可以展示给我们看. -
宗圣侵利美: 我们学校每年举办音乐节.如果你是我们的乐队成员,在学校公演时,你可以展示给我们看.翻译:Our school music festival is held every year. If you are our band members, in the school performance, you can show we see如果你会唱歌或跳舞,你也可以加入我们. 翻译If you can sing or dance, you can also join us

奎文区15791671450: 英语翻译.我们学校每年要举行一次艺术节 -
宗圣侵利美:[答案] our school can have an art festival once in a year 望采纳

奎文区15791671450: “我们每年举办音乐节”英语 -
宗圣侵利美: We hold the Music Festival every year. 谢谢采纳.

奎文区15791671450: 用英语怎么说:学校将要举办音乐节,如果你周末有时间可以来参加 -
宗圣侵利美: The Music Festival will be held in my school. if you have time on weekend you can come and enjoy it

奎文区15791671450: 英语翻译.我们学校每年要举行一次艺术节 -
宗圣侵利美: our school can have an art festival once in a year 望采纳

奎文区15791671450: 我们学校在四月三日春游. 我们每年就月份举办音乐节. 两句英语翻译 -
宗圣侵利美:[答案] Our school have a school trip on April 3rd Our school hold music festival at September ever year

奎文区15791671450: 我们每年都要举行音乐节英语 -
宗圣侵利美: 我们每年都要举行音乐节 We have a music festival every year.我们每年都要举行音乐节 We have a music festival every year.

奎文区15791671450: 我们学校每年举办一次艺术展.用英语怎么写? -
宗圣侵利美: 我们学校每年举办一次艺术展. There is an art exhibition held in our school every year.

奎文区15791671450: 我们每年举行艺术节 用英语怎么说 -
宗圣侵利美:[答案] We have an art festival every year 我们每年举行艺术节 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校 O(∩_∩)O

奎文区15791671450: 用英语翻译:我们每年12月10日在学校举办艺术节. -
宗圣侵利美:[答案] We hold festival of the arts on December tenth every year.

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