哪位大神可将以下内容翻译成英文,非常感谢! 工作描述: 工作内容:

作者&投稿:魏季 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Management trainee:goods in and out ofwarehouse operationmanagement,in charge ofmaterialmanagement of accountsand tracking,6S warehousemanagement,suppliesand maintenance,inventory of goods,reports,documentsfiling.
Material controlCommissioner: the development,analysis andreportingresponsible for material requirementplan,to ensure thatmeet the demand of the production;responsible forusage analysis,trackingofgoodsand receivefollow-up;prevention and treatmentfor thecontrol,sluggish materialsonmaterial inventoryof thework,andtheanomalyanalysis and solution.
Operatorposition:in charge of import and exportcargo booking,transportation arrangement,arrangement ofinspectionandcommodity inspection,customs,cargo trackingthe production of various types ofdocuments andrelevant documentscheck,AR,and dealing withemergenciesand other matters.

Primary of work: 1. Preparation before the contest. 2. Assist all departmental managers and coordinate to the arrangement of the contest's location / forum. 3. Back-up service after the contest. 4. Proper filing of departments reports, drafts and files. 5. Manage and distribute internal resources to all departments. 6. Accomplish the requests from superior.

Job description: description
Job description: work day has engaged in 1 major raw materials procurement, responsible please purchase pre calculation, supplier delivery and safety inventory to meet production line production and marketing balance. 2 Manufacturing Director, in human with reasonable adjustments, every day the ability to control the production situation in a timely manner, and other departments should answer 3 problems in coordination and communication. Equipment management (Matsushita, universal high speed plug-in machine and peripheral automation equipment), to prepare personnel. With reasonable adjustments, the daily equipment inspection and maintenance cycle project reasonable arrangements for preparedness, arrangement of preparedness workers technical training regularly, cooperate with other units to coordinate the abnormal.
Self evaluation:
Pragmatic and motivated, good team cooperation consciousness.

Job Description

Work content:  

     I engaged in following three parts in working period :

  1. Purchasing officer: I am mainly responsible for the budget of raw material purchasing, supplier delivery and keep the stock safe by  balancing the production line in both production and sales.

  2. Manufacturing director: I charge for human reasonable allocation, arrange daily production capacity situation on a regular basis, coordinate with other departments in problem solving.

  3. Manager of Equipment Management: Mainly in panasonic, global high speed component inserter and surrounding automation equipment. I focus on the allocation of personnal and equipments, setting the check points and making arrangement of maintenance and technical training, coordinating with other departments.

Self evaluation:

Pragmatic and motivated, consciousness of team working


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人皆为他人之树,皆宜习而负彼为树之任。——题记 一人为贾,富甲一方。然为贾若于水泛舟。水能载舟,亦能覆舟。贾业乃沙场也,明争暗斗,刀枪相举。此番,其败矣。唯一时之不慎,乃至家资尽倾。昔之巨贾为过眼云烟,债台高筑乃为其实。贾至崖傍,欲跃之以了此生。立于崖,俯视崖壁竟生一大...

印文为“信平侯印”信平侯是西汉御史杜恬。汉高祖刘邦封诸侯王时,杜恬被分为长修平侯排名108位,后惠帝改长修平侯为信平侯.封地为山西省新绛郡。汉代的官职 汉代印章的材质二千石以上使用银印;信平候不足二千石,所以只能用铜印。

金庸的小说如果是按照他成书的时间来讲的话 1955年是书剑恩仇录,1956年是鸳鸯刀和碧血剑 1957年是射雕英雄传。1959年是神雕侠侣和雪山飞狐。1960年是飞狐外传。1961年是倚天屠龙记和白马啸西风,鸳鸯刀。1963年是天龙八部和连城诀。1965年是侠客行。1969年是鹿鼎记。1971年是碧血剑。十五部作品连起来时。


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南长区17758998148: 哪位大神可将以下内容翻译成英文,非常感谢! 工作描述: 工作内容: -
繁晶君欣: Job Description Work content:I engaged in following three parts in working period :1. Purchasing officer: I am mainly responsible for the budget of raw material purchasing, supplier delivery and keep the stock safe by balancing the production line ...

南长区17758998148: 哪位大神能将以下一段话翻译为英文,谢谢.水是生命赖以生存的重要自然资源.地球上的生物所需要的水,绝大部分来自河流、湖泊、冰川和海洋等.这些可... -
繁晶君欣:[答案] Water is an important natural resource which is essential for the livings. Most of the water the creatures need on the Earthcomes from rivers, lakes, glaciers and oceans. The supplement of the...

南长区17758998148: 哪位大神可以帮我把以下这段话译成英语,十万火急,哪位英雄可以拔刀相助:在第一站图片里面这是我的父母这是八岁的我我们那时在水立方那时是夏天天气很热在下一张图片里面我们在龙凤山庄那是我10岁这是我的cousin那是他四岁那是是冬天天气很冷
繁晶君欣: In the first picture this is my parents this is eight years old I we at that time in the water cube was in summer, the weather is very hot in below one piece of picture we in dragon and phoenix mountain villa that is I was ten years old, this is my cousin that ...

南长区17758998148: 哪位大神可以帮我把下面这段文字翻译成英文呢? -
繁晶君欣: 为了促进教育公平,中国投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部农村义务教育.这些基金用于改善教学设施,购买书籍,使116万多所中小学受益.资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材,现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿...

南长区17758998148: 那位大神帮我把下面的文章翻译成英文,谢谢 -
繁晶君欣: Truman is an average, ordinary like life around us. He has a lot of desire and easy to meet. Therefore, he sometimes ecstasy, sometimes RuSangKaoBi, most of the time is stray depressed, helpless. At this moment, genius of director again have ...

南长区17758998148: 翻译 英翻中 求大神把下面这篇文章翻译成英文!! 万分感谢!!! -
繁晶君欣: 当很多人访问中国的城市,看到常见充斥纽约和巴黎时尚精品店的奢侈品牌,他们仍然感到惊讶.但是,在一个越来越多年轻人成为大消费豪客的国家,世界顶级品牌吸引着二十及三十来岁的人.在最近的一次调查中,他们说要“抓住一切机会...

南长区17758998148: 哪位大神帮我把下面的文字翻译成英文:流年似水,光阴似箭.眨眼之间我们就要天各一方.想起我们一起度过的那段纯真岁月,有快乐,也有彷徨.只是不知,是否还能和你一起回忆那美好时光.
繁晶君欣: Time went by. The flight of time. The blink of an eye we are apart. Remember that we had the age of innocence, have happiness, also have loss. Just do not know, if I can remember the good times with you.

南长区17758998148: 求哪位大神把下面这个句子翻译成英文,不要机译,在线等,不要有语法错误 -
繁晶君欣: I know it's really hard for you to forgive me,but could you please just give me another chance?trust me!I won't let you down.全程自己翻译,比较适应 恳请 的态度,比较礼貌委婉点.求采纳啊!!

南长区17758998148: 哪位大神可以帮我把下面这段文字翻译成英文呢?为了促进教育公平,中国投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部农村义务教育(... -
繁晶君欣:[答案] 为了促进教育公平,中国投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部农村义务教育.这些基金用于改善教学设... 36 billion yuan to improve the installations and strength the mid-western towndown compulsory education. This fundation will ...

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