
作者&投稿:守独 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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It is an ordinary English has a larger difference. Is mainly reflected in the choice of words, sentence structure and rhetorical instruments.

I really appreciate what you've done for me.
Thanks again!
I am so grateful to you.
I am full of gratitude.
I would like to express my gratitude to you again for...

Millions of thanks.
Tons of thanks.
Oceans of thanks.


如是在要表多次,除thanks again 还可换种感谢方式如really appreciate...

the more thanks to you
thank you for you again
thank you form my heart

thanks again

thank you very much
thank you from my heart
thank you from my bottom
evetything can't exepress my heart

we once again express our gratitude to you.
your efforts are appreciated.
we are much obliged to you.

My super grandpa I call my grandpa "super grandpa" for he can help me a lot with lots of things. For instance, he often helps me with my homework. He cares about all details, so he does a good job helping me with trivial works; when I have something that I don't ...

随着社会的不断发展,英语学习变得越来越重要,如果想有一份高薪的外企工作,就要学好口语。这篇关于如何成为英语口语高手的文章,希望对你们有所帮助。一、录音是学习英语的最佳伙伴 学习英语是枯燥乏味的,那么伴着录音便能巧妙地避开这一点。反复听录音,疯狂模仿录音的节奏,刻苦操练,这是世界上最有效...


英语高手来 朋友刚当老师不久,教学生英文的比较级,突发奇想想用歌曲的...
shorter than the giraffe. Taller than the tiger. Bigger than the elephant.Smaller than the bird.Younger than the mountain.Older than the tree. Slower than the plane.Quicker than the jeep.这是剑桥少儿英语二级里的歌曲,可以有节奏的让孩子边拍手边说。

请教英语高手,下面一句怎么理解? My morning routine varies little fro...
我每天早晨做的事情几乎都一样,没有多大变化 你去查查routine的意思,就是例行公事,常规,每日工作之类的意思 my morning routine就是我每天早上做的事情;varies是vary的单三形式,是变化的意思;varies little也就是不怎么变化;from day to day则是每天的意思。整体的一句话就是我每天早晨做的事情...

(比较:We all heard the lecture.)Do they agree to the plan?他们同意这个计划吗?(to不可省去)b)有的动词在英语里能用作及物动词,而在汉语里则不能用作及物动词,如serve为…服务。Our children are taught to serve the people wholeheartedly.我们的儿童被教以全心全意为人民服务 ...

有这样一句俗话:世上无难事,只怕有心人!它对应的英语翻译是:nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it. 或者是:nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it.从这两句可以知道,"用心"该怎么样表达 mind是"思想"跟头脑有关,所以,可以说use head,...


34. Where are they watching TV?35. What are Linda and Paul talking about?36. What is your grandfather doing?37. She is reading English now.38. What are the students doing?39. It is snowing today.40. How about the weather?

She cowered in fear, remembering all the ghost stories her mom had told her before bed. Sneaking down the corridor silently, she glanced around the living room, finding no one.正统版:There was light coming out of the backyard, she heard whispers that she sounded vaguely familiar....

郎溪县13719749504: 【求教!!】请教一下英语高手,一句话该怎么说.
禹轮硝酸: Please put the stamp in order 高手不敢当,希望这对你有用

郎溪县13719749504: 请教英语高手一句话
禹轮硝酸: What's up?

郎溪县13719749504: 向 英语顶级高手请教一句话的翻译方法~ -
禹轮硝酸: go the extra yard for意思等同于go the extra mile for:不只是做,并且是非常努力的做,以达到最好效果,或使某人满意.extra yard:not a yard, but more yards,不止一码,此外更多的.来源于《马太福音》:“Whosoever shall compel thee to go ...

郎溪县13719749504: 请教英语大神帮忙翻译一句话,翻译成英文.
禹轮硝酸: Please tell us when they want to disembark. 举例说明. When news quickly spread of the threat, their reactions were mixed: some wished to disembark immediately;others took a more stoic view and reasoned that as the pirates hadn't attacked us it ...

郎溪县13719749504: 请教英语高手帮忙翻译一句话 -
禹轮硝酸: the most different of human brain and computer is the boundless creativity .或者 the boundless creativity is the most different of human brain and computer .o(∩_∩)o

郎溪县13719749504: 请教英语高手 两个名词和一句话的翻译 请指点!谢谢!好的话追加分1China Aid Association2Texas - based lobby group3ZHAO XIAO, a former Communist ... -
禹轮硝酸:[答案] 1:应该是中国援助机构 2:以德克萨斯州为基础发展的游说团体 3:up to 是高达的意思.大概是:赵翔-前共产党员后改信基督教,端着茶微笑的说,他认为在中国,基督信徒已高达13000万之众. 这是我的意见,仅供参考.

郎溪县13719749504: 请教英文高手英文中有没有包括26个字母又不重复出现字母的单词?或者是一句话.再或者谁能写出这样一句话.要有26个字母的.字母不重复出现~谢谢补高分... -
禹轮硝酸:[答案] The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 有重复

郎溪县13719749504: 请教英语高手翻译一句:天真的以为,一句对不起就能换回从前的快乐·· -
禹轮硝酸:[答案] Once I had a naive idea that a simple "sorry" could bring back the lost happiness.

郎溪县13719749504: 中译英 虽然你让我伤心 但是你依然是我的唯一请教英语高手把这句话翻译的好一点 -
禹轮硝酸:[答案] Even though you had made me heart-broken,you are still my sole lover.

郎溪县13719749504: 请教英语高手,求一句话的翻译
禹轮硝酸: 大学能给人带了乐趣:在象性和心象上起着重要作用.

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