急求国际贸易惯例 英文翻译

作者&投稿:冻宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

根据语境convention; usual practice; customary rule; customs and usages; consuetude都可以。
The convention does not apply to us

convention; usual practice; customary rule; customs and usages; consuetude;
The convention does not apply to us

4.2.1 contract may be expressly or impliedly, to the international economic and trade practice restraint
If the contract by expressly or impliedly, to accept the international economy and trade practices bound to the contract the parties bound by international practice, a legally binding. "United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods," the first 10 pairs of international practice made the following specific requirements:
1. "The parties have agreed that any practices established between them and any practices that are binding on the parties." So-called "already agreed" to be understood as the parties expressly agreed. For example, in the contract clearly indicates that this contract in accordance with international practice XXXX explained that under the XXXX or oral interpretation of international practice, then the international practice is binding on the parties.
2. "Unless otherwise agreed, the parties shall be considered to have implicitly agreed to their contract or the conclusion of the contract apply the parties are aware or should have known of the practice, and this practice in international trade, has implications for the specific trade Similar contracts and the parties know that they often comply with. " "Implied consent" shall be construed as: (1) he should know, (2) in the well-known in international trade, (3) the parties to such transactions often follow.
Therefore, the international economic and trade practices that are often invoked when the parties (usually the parties signed the contract expressly provided by a practice bound by) the parties are binding only. At the same time, allow the parties to the contract used in the special provisions modify, add or remove the provisions in the existing practice. However, once the parties to express some kind of practice, it made changes to exclude or will be added to the agreement that explicitly. Contracts and practices there are contradictions between the contract should prevail; where the contract does not require the matter, it should invoke the provisions of the practice. In addition, the absence of provisions in the contract shall not clear when or if the parties in the contract did not exclude the application of certain practices, from their usual transactions or other circumstances, the inference they already know or should know that such a practice And agreed that such practices applicable to the contract, or contracts for the application of such practices, as well as in international trade are widely used and often follow the practice, by the arbitration body or court decision reference to the practice of dealing with them Between the dispute. In other words, even if not explicitly agreed by the parties, the parties also can be used as implied consent practices, which are binding on the parties.


台江区18626307906: 请准确写出2011年1月1日正式生效的国际贸易术语解释通则的11种贸易术语的英文 -
郸茜盐酸: CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid CPT – Carriage Paid To DAP – Delivered At Place DAT – Delivered At Terminal DDP – Delivered Duty Paid EXW – Ex Works FCA – Free Carrier CFR – Cost and Freight CIF – Cost, Insurance and Freight FAS – Free Alongside Ship FOB – Free On Board

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郸茜盐酸: 一、关贸易术语的国际惯例: 1、FOB: 是Free on Board 或 Freight on Board 的英文缩写,其中文含义为“装运港船上交货(....指定装运港)”. 使用该术语,卖方应负责办理出口清关手续,在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内,将货物交到...

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郸茜盐酸: 1.Accoridng to your request,we prepared 4 documents:Company profiles incuding brief introduction,products parameters,Manufacturing facilities and approved certificates.You can choose what you want for your customers.2.About resolution of ...

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郸茜盐酸:[答案] The First China Macheng Azalea Culture and Tourism Festival 参照广东和深圳旅游文化节的翻译

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郸茜盐酸: 事由:圣诞装饰物敬启者: 我方作为英格兰的主要经销商之一希望了解上述货物的细节. 请寄给我们圣诞树装饰用的各种颜色的电灯泡、铃铛和小动物以及其它...

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台江区18626307906: 中英翻译(关于国际贸易的问题)急啊!! -
郸茜盐酸: I am very glad to received your mailing. My manager asked me to tell you that the offer of two bottles were ex-factory price (the Department of FOB ) 1 yuan and 3 yuan (excluding tax). If you have any questions, I am very pleasure to answer you and convey to my manager.(希望你满意)

台江区18626307906: 英文国际贸易合同,求翻译!急!3. PRICE 3.1 The total Contract price is: CIF Tianjin Xingang Seaport, China INCOTERM 2010, USD 109,440.00 • (Say: ... -
郸茜盐酸:[答案] 3. PRICE价格 3.1 The total Contract price is: CIF Tianjin Xingang Seaport, China INCOTERM 2010, USD 109,440.00 • (Say: USD one hundred and nine thousand four hundred and forty only.)CIF合同的总金额是...

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