
作者&投稿:南娅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I'm by your side.

2. Love is more than a word,it says so much.
When I see these four letters,I almost feel your touch.
This only happened since I fell in love with you.
Why this word does this,I haven't got a clue.

I'm very glad to have received your letter again. I didn't heard from you for a long time and it make me felt a little worried, i don't know whether you were busy, take good care of yourself.
Best wishes for your work progress,I expect to see the beauty of it.
I'm also very busy,I have a 70-series teleplay to complete in a month, the time is limited, I am nervous,and I often dream about it, I have finished half of it all the better.

一楼有"70集"吗?i全是小写,n个错单词, i am nervours worryed 'cause
teleplay teleplay [简明英汉词典]

Under software environment, power source's modelling simulation research to power source's design important auxiliary function, not only may reduce the development cycle, but may also reduce the designed cost, therefore power source's modelling simulation research already became develops switching power supply's essential part now. This article primary coverage is establishes comprehensive AC under the computer software environment a DC cocurrent switching power supply's simulation model, and analyzes and studies various parameters to the model performance influence. in above commonly used converter analysis situs foundation, this article in view of practical application design in AC a DC cocurrent switching power supply, multianalysis entire bridge converter's principle of work, PWM chip UC3842 structure, principle of work and control circuit design. Based on the theoretical design foundation, establishes in the control circuit when the ORCADPSPICE simulation software the various branches' single model, the simulation analytical study parameter change to various models performance influence, from this according to performance need aided design choice appropriate parameter. Establishes electric circuit's block mold in above the minute model's foundation, the confirmation designa circuit's feasibility. because designs AC a DC cocurrent switching power supply work under the hard switch pattern, has the big switching loss, uses the soft switch pattern to be possible to further raise the efficiency. The phase shifting entire bridge converter was opposite in the bridge-type converter may realize the soft switch, this article has done the phase shifting entire bridge converter's principle of work the concrete study, and has established the phase shifting entire bridge soft switch's simplified model, the simulation research switching valve's zero potential breakover and the shutdown.

Under software environment, power source's modellig simulation research to power source's design important auxiliary functon, not only may reduce the evelopmet cycle, but may also reduce the designed cost, therefre power ource's modelling simulation research already became develops swching power supply's essential part now. This articl priary overageisestablishes comprehensive AC under the compuer software environment a DC cocurrent switching power supply's simulatin model, an analyzes and studies various parameters to the model performance influence. i above commonly used converter analysissitus foundation, this article in view of practical application design in AC a DC cocurrent switching power supply, multianalysis entire bridge converter's rinciple of wok, PWM chip UC3842 structure, principle of work and control circuit design. Based onthe theoretical design foundation, establishes in the control circuit when the ORCADPSICE simultion software the various branches' single model, the simulation analytical study parameter change to various models performance influence, from this according to performance need aided design choice appropriateparameter. stablishes electric circuit's block mold in above the minute model's foundation, the confirmation designa circuit's feasibility. bcause desis ACa DC cocurrent switching power supply work under the hard switch pattern, has the big switching loss, uses the oft switch pattern to be possible to further raise the efficiency. The pase shifting entire bridge converter was opposite in the bride-type converter ma realize the soft switch, this article has done the phase sifting entire bridge converter's principle of work the concrete study, and has established the phase shifting entire bridge soft switch's simplified model, the simulation research switching valve's zero potential breakover and the shutdown.

一段简单的汉语,大家帮帮忙翻译成英文 很急很急 谢谢了 万分感谢啊...
Let one cool down and not be frustrated. After which, go to the library and study, and improve oneself. Reading can help one with problem solving and also allows one to have deeper insights into problems.楼主到底是在哪啊? 一下在自助餐馆,一下在图书馆。。。 不是我翻的不好...


大家帮忙翻译一下这段日语。很急, 谢谢!
试翻,并改正上述翻译的错误;中日酒文化的共同点 日本邻近中国,自古以来就有很多交流。受中国儒学的影响,酒文化有着很多的共同点。两国人民都非常喜欢饮酒,关于酒的文章也有很多。例如,中国三国时代曹操写过的《短歌行》,在日本,《万叶集》的作者山上忆良写过著名的《贫穷问答歌》中有一段写到“...

The western United States the rich mineral resources such as coal, Pennsylvania to Alabama deposits accounted for around 13% of the country, iron ore concentrate on Lakes Superior, and gold, very rich in oil resources, in addition to the western region is also very rich in water ...

Hello everyone, I'm happy to be here with you chat.I am a child from rural areas. To be less crowded than cities, rural areas that people deeply however rise. In the countryside, spend, water well, better. People living in the countryside is carefree, no city that big ...

Nine interlocking rings nine interlocking rings is the Chinese folk toy.Makes 9 rings by the tinsel, the ring coverall on the cross member or various types frame, and passes through handles.When plays, operates repeatedly according to certain procedure, legally causes in nine link ...

As a minor subject, I started taking Japanese classes in junior high school. Among various subjects I had studies and had exposure to, I developed a great interest in Japanese animations and TV series. In college, I was very fortunate to have a Japanese major and to continue ...

Sides tacking heads pressure regulator.侧面定位铆前部压力调节器 This pressure shall be set at 3 BAR.该压力应设定在3巴(〈气〉巴(气压单位,多用毫巴, 1毫巴等于0.75毫米水银柱的压力)In case of lasting of boots or very thick uppers, it can be increased according to operator’s ...

5月第二个星期日)Memorial Day(Last Monday in May)烈士纪念日(5月最后一个星期一)Flag Day (June 14)国旗日( 6月14日)Father's Day (Third Sunday in June)父亲节(6月第三个星期日)上面两个学过英语没?翻译的什么啊,从软件翻译上直接拉过来的吧 对于完美口感,送你2个字 可悲 ...

自去年相识以来,我们一直保持着联系。We have been keeping in touch since we acquainted with each other last year.阅读时,你不必碰到生词就查字典。You need not consult the dictionary when you find a new word in reading.他被我们大家公认为是一个诚实的孩子。He is recognized by us as ...

嵩县18061353640: 请大家用英语帮我翻译下这句话 谢谢了 这个客户很挑剔 不要用机器的 简单易懂就可以了 谢谢大家1我们画有分普通的和麻布的两种质量 一般客户都是要求... -
甄娣干复:[答案] Our pictures have two kinds of materials,one is general material,which is prefered by most clients,and the other is gunny cloth used only for special order.when you ordered,you did not request us to use the gunny cloth. We have did every effort to satisfy ...

嵩县18061353640: 帮忙翻译一下文言文,很简单的,谢谢!愚溪 夫水,智者乐(喜欢,爱好)也.今是溪独见辱于愚,何哉?盖其流甚下,不可以灌溉;又峻急,多坻石(突出... -
甄娣干复:[答案] 1.(1).是(这 ) (2).屑(顾惜,重视) 2、 对世人没有什么好处.3、作者把愚溪的纯洁秀美和自己的高尚情操、文学才能联系起来,把对愚溪不能有益于世的惋惜心情和对自己抱负不能施展的抑郁情绪融合在一起.他深深感...

嵩县18061353640: 请高手帮忙把下面这句话翻译成英语,很简单,要要准确,谢谢了!由
甄娣干复: As it is a valuable item, would you please send it by certified or registered mail for it will be more secure and available for tracking.

嵩县18061353640: 翻译题:1. 其为德也,与天地同,与日月并,岂直规规治疾方术已哉?请大家帮忙翻译下,谢谢. -
甄娣干复:[答案] 这种得行,是可以和天地日月相提并论的,难道仅仅是简单机械的治病手段就完了吗? 1.其:代词,指代前面的XXX,估计是为医之德. 2.天地日月两句可以翻译在一起. 3.规规:疑似形容词,就是循规蹈矩的,机械的. 不一定准,您看着办

嵩县18061353640: 日文翻译成中文. 就一句,很简单.. 大家帮下忙 谢谢 -
甄娣干复: ありがとうございます是谢谢的意思,ありがとう 就是 arigatou,很常见吧?=) 至于ございます就是日文里敬语要加的部分.而太阳……(笑)楼主应该看得懂吧?^.^ 所以合起来,可以翻作“非常感谢你,太阳”的意思.

嵩县18061353640: 帮忙翻译一下文言文,很简单的,谢谢! -
甄娣干复: 1.解释词语 (1).是(这 ) (2).屑(顾惜,重视) 2、 对世人没有什么好处. 3、作者把愚溪的纯洁秀美和自己的高尚情操、文学才能联系起来,把对愚溪不能有益于世的惋惜心情和对自己抱负不能施展的抑郁情绪融合在一起.他深深感到,...

嵩县18061353640: 请大家帮忙翻译下.谢谢了 -
甄娣干复: Sorry, I hurt you. I'm worried that fits you now can not contact. Really worried about you. You can still in contact with no? I can call you in shijiazhuang.

嵩县18061353640: 请大家帮忙翻译一个简单句子 谢谢
甄娣干复: we have known each other long time ago. Or to be simple: we are old friends.

嵩县18061353640: 请帮忙把下面这句话翻成英语,很简单,但要求准确,谢谢了!我看到
甄娣干复: “我看到A商品是10月17号寄出的,但一个多月了,到今天我还没有收到,请问这是... and I still have not received the shipment. Please advise as to what happened to the ...

嵩县18061353640: 请大家帮忙给下面的这段文字翻译成英文,谢谢了谢谢你给我发照片慢点
甄娣干复: Thank you for sending me the pictures, and take your time cause I am not in a hurry, thanks for helping, we will not forget you if we plan for shopping or some outdoor fun, or ...

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