
作者&投稿:窄雯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 this is our destiny that ties us together
2 i wish everybody excels at your studies
3 i hope we can get along with each other

很少这样写文章的吧 一般是按某个主题写的
按照八种时态写一篇文章 我第一次听说

I have ideas (去掉逗号, 改为 and) knowledge, can accept new things quickly ,and (加 I also) like challenges. After (加the) Chinese traditional education for 12years, yearned for the overseas where (paying more attention to quality education, to cultivate students' innovative education system 这一句要重写为 : education systems are innovative, paying more attention to education qualities, aiming at cultivating of students) .So after graduating from high school, I chose to go to a university abroad .

I want to be an accountant beucase (because) I love mathematics and business
very much, I am sensitive to the digital, work carefully, and have a certain
logical thinking ability and strong sense of responsibility,So I chose the accounting
profession。My mother is a (an) acconntants (accountant), While my father is a judge. Because
of the rapid development of China's economy ,They wanted me to engage in
economic work , therefore, they supported me and gave me a lot of advice( in
abroad 改为 about foreign matters),and hoped that I will return to (produce 那为help) China's

On one hand, Australia has a high quality education resources, and relatively
high safety factor of the state. On the other hand, Macquarie University is one
of the best university (universities) of business and accounting, and its unique SIBT opened through university diploma course, convenient and time-saving, I know there will be a lot of difficulties in front of me, so I (make 改为 have made) a study plan.

First, a good command of English in the shortest possible time, and adapt to
the Australian culture, then join the language test into the SIBT learning. After
(a) successful completion of SIBT, enter Macquarie University and complete the
course. Finally, (read a graduate of MBA 要改为: go on to study a MBA course).

After the completion of their (应该是 my) studies, I will go back to China and find a suitable job, (put myself in Australia learn professional knowledge used in the work 这一句很乱,要改写为: putting all my professional knowledge, which I have learned in Australia into my work) , I believe (that) Australia will be another starting point of my life, I'll finish school in this beautifu
country, and to lay the foundation for (my) future success.


I have ideas, knowledge,can accept new things quickly ,and like challenges.

  • (There is nothing wrong with your sentence, but it is not common to put them in this way)

  • I have knowledges and my ownideas. I like to take new challenges and also and to learn new things.

After chinese traditional education for 12 years,I yearned for the overseas where paying more attention to quality education, to cultivate students' innovative education system.

  • After my 12 years' education in the traditional Chinese system, I have suddenly found that I yearned for the oversea education very much as it would pay more attention to education quality and the cultivation of students' innovative abilities.

So after graduating from high school, I chose to go to a university abroad .

  • I have decided to go abroard to continue my higher education as soon as I complete my high school.

I want to be an accountant beucase I love mathematics and business very much,I am sensitive to the digital, work carefully,and have a certain logical thinking ability and strong sense of responsibility,So I chose the accounting profession。

  • I want to be an accountant beucase I am interested in mathematics and business.

    I would like to take the professional accounting as my subject。

    I am good at working working with numbers and normally work carefully.

    I have achieved the ability of logical thinking and I would like to take responsibilities when I have to.

My mother is a acconntants, While my father is a judge .

  • My mother is a acconntant and my father is a judge. (You don't have to make such introductions in your letter. It is better to concerntrate on your own stduy plan.)

Because of the rapid development of China's economy ,They wanted me to engage in economic work ,therefore, they supported me and gave me a lot of advice in abroad ,and hoped that I will return to produce China's development.

  • Thanks to the rapid economic development in China, my parents have also found professional accountant would be highly demanded in the future.They would like me to 

    engage in economic work and they have been happy with my study plan. they wish I would find a decent work after my study abroard and make my contribution to the development of our country. 

On one hand ,Australia has a high quality education resources, and relatively high safety factor of the state. 

  • I chose Australia as a country for my study based on the following considerations:

  • On one hand, Australia has a good reputation in higher education and is safe place for me to live and study there. 

On the other hand ,Macquarie University is one of the best university of business and accounting,And its unique SIBT opened through university diploma course, convenient and time-saving,I know there will be a lot of difficulties in front of me, so I make a study plan。

  • On the other hand ,Macquarie University is one of the best universities in

    business and accounting. 

  • Its unique SIBT attached to the university diploma courses is convenient and time-saving.

  • I understand there will be a lot of difficulties in front of me, but I have made my preparation and my study plan。

First, a good command of English in the shortest possible time, and adapt to the Australian culture, then join the language test into the SIBT learning.

  • Firstly, to conduct a good command of English in the shortest possible time, and 

    to adapt to the Australian culture quickly and then to integret my language training with the SIBT learning.

After successful completion of SIBT.Enter Macquarie University and complete the course.

  • I would like to register at Macquarie University to start my study as soon as I complete SIBT successfully.

  • Finally, read a graduate of MBA.

  • Finally, I would like to continue my study to do a MBA postgraduate study.

After the completion of their studies, I will go back to China and find a suitable job,  put myself in Australia learn professional knowledge used in the work,

  • After my study I would like to return to China to apply my knowledge learned in Australia into  my own work.

I believe Australia will be another starting point of my life, I'll finish school in this beautiful country, and to lay the foundation for future success。

  • I believe my experiece in Australia will be very important and Australia will be the starting point of my career.

  • I am looking forward to completing my higher education in the beautiful country and expect a solid professional foundation will be laid for my future success。

(Wish you a success in Australia, good luck!)  (by ztlthb)

I have an idea that knowledge is changing quickly with the development of the society,and it is just like challenges we must face. I have accepted the Chinese traditional education for 12 years, and I am longing for going abroad, where educators pay more attention to the quality of education. The teachers cultivate their students' innovative ability. So after graduation from high school, I will choose to go to a university abroad.
I want to be an accountant because I love mathematics and business very much. I am more sensitive to the digital work, and have a certain logical thinking ability and strong sense of responsibility. So I will choose the accounting profession. My mother is an accountant, and my father is a judge. Because of the rapid development of China's economy, they want me to be engaged in economic work. Therefore, they support me and give me a lot of advice about lives abroad, and they hope that I will return to make contributions to the development of the Chinese economy.
On one hand, Australia has high quality educational resources, and the safety factor of the state is much higher. On the other hand, Macquarie University is one of the best universities of business and accounting, and its unique SIBT opens through university diploma courses, which is convenient and time-saving. I know there will be a lot of difficulties for me to overcome, so I must make a good plan for my study.
First, I should have a good command of English in the shortest possible time, and adapt to the Australian culture, and then take part in the language test into the SIBT learning. If I can successfully finish the course of SIBT, I will enter Macquarie University and complete the courses. I am sure I will get a graduate of MBA.
After the completion of the studies there, I will come back to China and find a suitable job to do. I will employ the professional knowledge I learned in Australia into the work. I believe learning in Australia will be a turning point of my life. I'll finish school in the beautiful country, and lay a solid foundation for my future success.
说明:不客气地说,你这篇文章错误较多,很难修改。主要错误有:(1)生造的句子多,词不达意,很难让外国人读懂; (2)多处句子省略主语,这在汉语里行,英语里可不行,另起一句时要有主语;(3)逗号太多事错误,英语里一个句子完了,一定要用句号;(4)拼写错误较多。(9)整篇文章的连贯性不强,这一我没有修改。我不敢说我改的好,但是我可以肯定,我改的是外国人能读懂的正确。希望你认真的把我改的与你的原文比对一下,以求进步。


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哪位PS 老师可以帮我Ps一下证件照,尤其是男生的眉毛帮忙修一下...


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很快修复受侵害的细胞,恢复正常生长。4、加强作物光合作用,对于小叶、黄叶、卷叶、花叶、花少、小果、长势慢等病毒和缺素现象有消除作用。使用方法:本品每袋兑水20公斤,搅拌均匀后对叶面、茎秆、根部全株喷施。严重病情结合灌根,每株100-200克,(具体问当地植保专家)灌完后在根部覆盖新土 ...

高陵县13967918502: 请各位当当英语老师,帮忙修改一下这篇英语文章,谢谢啦~~...急急急!! -
仲孙贾门冬: Good afternoon judges,I am very glad to be here and participate in this competition.My name is Shirley and my Chinese name is Yang Xueran.I am 13 years old.I like studying very much, generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially I ...

高陵县13967918502: 请哪位老师或是英语好的朋友帮忙改下英语作文(考研英语二的),The table above clearly refects the statistic of mobile phone subscription in developing and... -
仲孙贾门冬:[答案] The above table clearly refects the mobile phone subscriptions in the developing and developed counties from 2000 to 2008. According to the diagram, the mobile phone subscriptions in developing countr...

高陵县13967918502: 请各位英语老师,英语能手,请帮我修改一篇英语短文. At last,Zhibin shyly s -
仲孙贾门冬: said shyly he had a beautiful girlfriend if I was more laggard than her I couldn't be her boyfriend I tried to study deep into midnight.

高陵县13967918502: 麻烦各位老师 高手帮忙 一篇英语改错 一共10处错误 -
仲孙贾门冬: 1. one day a man finds a cocoon of a butterfly. finds改为found,文章通篇为过去时态,所以这里要改成一般过去式.2. 2.a small opening appeared,through that it struggled to move its body , that改成which, 后面半句是从句,这里要用which来引...

高陵县13967918502: 请老师帮忙改改英语作文,Dear Eric,Thanks for your email telling me how much you want to work in china.In fact,New Century needs an international sales ... -
仲孙贾门冬:[答案] Thank you for writing to express your interests in working in China. New Century currently has an open position for International sales manager. . (now you need to describe the functions and responsibilities of the sales position, then qualifications - who ...

高陵县13967918502: 请那位老师帮我改改英语作文.十分感谢 -
仲孙贾门冬: nowadays,students feel more pressure than ever before. On the one hand, students have to do so much homework and attend a variety of tests, some of which are difficult even to adults that Students would soon feel tired and frustrated. On the other ...

高陵县13967918502: 我写了一篇英语文章,可是有太多语法错误求各位帮忙修一下!(不要全部修留一两个小错误也行)拜托各位了Kip and his friends wanted to boosted a very ... -
仲孙贾门冬:[答案] to boost (to 后加动词原形)some play boys (some 修饰可数名词复数)all the car stealers (all 意义同上)began(前不加was,加了表被动了)break要用过去式brokedo not do something (don't boost )accept要用过去...

高陵县13967918502: 请老师帮忙改改英语作文,Dear Bob,Last week I made a survey in my class about the universities they would like to go.I'm writing to tell you the result.70 ... -
仲孙贾门冬:[答案] “They think there are more chance”改为There is …… ” 25 percent of them choose university “改为 universities ” It will be more independence“改为形容词independent

高陵县13967918502: 请那位老师帮我改改英语作文.Yesterday,all the students in our school were supposed to go to the hill to plant trees Arriving at the hill at 8:30,we were to plant at ... -
仲孙贾门冬:[答案] Yesterday, all the students in our school were supposed to go to the hill to plant trees. Arriving at the hill at 8:30, we were about to(打算) plant at least fifty trees. Then we started digging ho...

高陵县13967918502: 请各位英语大师帮小弟修改这篇英语作文(The Problem of My Life) -
仲孙贾门冬: . You must be excited to stay in a new house.就将这里的to be 换成to stay,其它的同一楼的

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