Why go to USA ? 英文口语高手请进!

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Spoken English in Daily Life

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The British settlers moved to the American colony for a better fortune. The colonists separated into two groups. The people who chose to live in northern American were mostly coming for religious freedom. Some others were tring to escape from the oppression of the British government. The people who choose to live in southern were mostly single young men who left their home to seek wealth. In Britain, land meant money because the land and inheritance could only pass to the fisrt son of a family. As a result, the sons who could not lawfully own lands in Britain came to America for the abundant land and nature resourses.

你可以说:nothing,because i like this country as mine study place!
i like this country's history place
Yes , Because i want study Economics in Califaornia State University, Fullerton
because i must go ,my father mother is there too


美国签证不会问那么多的 我办的时候 他只问了一些很基本的话

郯城县15788546963: 我于2015年5月26日去美国大使馆办理签证去读硕士预科桥梁课程签证官会问什么 -
仲春瑞可: 1.why go to US? 2, why this university?3,why this major? 4,how long will you stay in US? 5,what is your study plan? 以及国内的教育背景.祝好运!

郯城县15788546963: 美国交流访问学者签证 J - 1 Visa 面签问题有哪些啊? -
仲春瑞可: 一般会问到下面几个问题:Q1:why do you want to apply for J1 visa/ why do you go to US/ what is your purpose to go to US? (为什么申请出国,出国目的)提问频率:99%,也就是说是几乎每个人都会被问到. Q2:where will you go/ which ...

郯城县15788546963: 美国留学签证的时候签证官都会问那些问题啊? -
仲春瑞可: 你是高中生还是大学生?高中生会这么问.why do you go to America?你为什么要去美国?what do you intend to study in America?你将在美国学习什么?why did you choose America?你为什么选择美国?不出意外.这三个是开头必会问的.还有就...

郯城县15788546963: 对划线部分提问1、go to the USA by piane -
仲春瑞可: 如果是对by plane划线提问,要用疑问词 How 怎样,是用来询问方式的.因为 by plane 是一种交通方式.所以答案为:How do you go to the USA? 你是怎样去美国的?如果是对the USA 划线提问,要用疑问词 where 哪里,是用来询问地点的.因为 the USA 是地方名. 所以答案为:Where do you go by plane? 你坐飞机去哪里?

郯城县15788546963: Why - --go to the zoo with us ?为什么选C啊? -
仲春瑞可: why not do sth. ....?为什么不....如果选A的话应该是why don't you...B没有这种说法

郯城县15788546963: Why you go to school?这个句子符合语法吗 -
仲春瑞可: 严格来讲,这是违法英语语法的,正确的说法是:Why do you go to school?但在不正式的说法中,也可这样说.

郯城县15788546963: ...do you need?3.Have you applied for a visa to another country?4.Have you ever been refused visa?Motivation of study abroad1.Why do you want to go to USA?... -
仲春瑞可:[答案] What is your name and your purpose for this interview?M, 小明, I'm here to apply Student VISA for going to United States.... I would prefer to have a look at the outside world and head on more chanllenges of my studyWhy do you want to go to USA?...

郯城县15788546963: How does Jane go to the USA?怎么回答
仲春瑞可: She go to the USA by aeroplane. 他去坐飞机去美国. by aeroplane 可以换为其他乘车方式

郯城县15788546963: 英语问题 -
仲春瑞可: 不对 TO BE REMEMBERED 在这里不正确 .this is a day to be remembered 这里是正确的.we go to USA to be trained 这里不能用TO TRAIN . AS 就是 像这样的意思 BECAUSE 就是因为的意思 毕业院校 香...

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