求一篇英语作文(书评or影评) 高中水平,写的不用太好,语法错误也没关系。 150字左右。

作者&投稿:郗苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

First,i think you can't give up your study.Grades cannot represent everything.You must believe in yourself.
Second,you should try your best to improve your study ,not for others but for yourself.For this,you can easily get progress.
Third,you must find yourself in right ways,and find your own advantages,this will help you improve your study.
Finally,if you keep on study,you can find many useful knowledge that will be usefull in the future.


Among the movies that I have ever seen , I like <<Who am I >> best. This is an action movie and its hero is Jack chen. In the film ,the hero lost his memory because of an unexpected accident. He tried his hard to finish his task in danger of losing his life. He had been in trouble for many times but he managed to get over them. During the time he gradually recovered his memory and realized his situation. With the help of many other kind people , he gradually got rid of many difficulties . The hero's optimistic attitude and his persistent spirit moved me most. It will inspire me to face all kinds of difficulties bravely. It convinces me that only by working hard and persisting all the time can we have the chance to succeed. This film has very exciting plots, which makes us very interested in it .

Among the movies that I have ever seen , I like <<Who am I >> best. This is an action movie and its hero is Jack chen. In the film ,the hero lost his memory because of an unexpected accident. He tried his hard to finish his task in danger of losing his life. He had been in trouble for many times but he managed to get over them. During the time he gradually recovered his memory and realized his situation. With the help of many other kind people , he gradually got rid of many difficulties . The hero's optimistic attitude and his persistent spirit moved me most. It will inspire me to face all kinds of difficulties bravely. It convinces me that only by working hard and persisting all the time can we have the chance to succeed. This film has very exciting plots, which makes us very interested in it .



2、2009年全国各地高考优秀作文,选开头和结尾各6个,摘抄并点评(点评字数不限,最好在50字左右)3、读一本有关数学知识的书(可选有关数学家、数学史、趣味数学、数学谜语等),写一篇读后感,要求400字以上,注明所读的书名和作者。不要流水账 4、求10篇英语日记,要求语法正确,不要流水账,要...

荣获美国纽约时报书评、亚马逊网读者五星级评论。 7. 神奇校车英语作文40词 There is no law that requires a school to chauffeur students back and forth. But it is the law that children attend school. Parents are required to see to it their children are educated. Ensuring a child gets to ...

速写怎样才能打高分 最关键的是动态的把握.这个说白了就是看你如何找出画面人物的用力点,受力点.再用线条的虚实表现出来. 线条要流畅,切忌不能一条线死描.要大气,一笔就是一笔. 然后很遗憾的告诉你,现在模仿叶军的风格已经很难拿到高分了.高中英语作文到底要怎么写才能打高分呢 英语作文怎么...

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③看外刊。因为考研英语的阅读文章多来源于外刊,再加上我个人英语基础较好,所以我在暑假期间平均3天看一篇外刊培养语感。 10月 —11月 ①重复做错误率较高或看不懂的真题。②专攻完形填空和新题型。③背诵和整理英语作文模板。③背单词。 11月—12月 ①卡时间做近三年真题当作模拟训练。②自己写英语作文 12月...


因此我很喜欢徐涛教的逻辑,所以也就没有背政治的痛苦(英语作文也是这个思路,拒绝没有经过思考的“模版化”)。我觉得只要掌握了逻辑这个终极武器,加之积累相关的基础知识以及专业素材语料,可以应对所有的文科性写作与考试,包括考公考编考一些资格证之类的。 复试根据疫情分为线上线下,线上主要是专业问题的回答,一般...


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