
作者&投稿:禤园 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Tibetan mastiff, the Tibetan plateau from the People's Republic of China, is a large, ferocious, lop-eared kennel. About 120 centimeters in length and body hair, stiff, outer coat is not too long, at the end of hair in cold climates, the thick and soft like wool, cold resistance, can sleep in the snow and ice. And in warm climates, it is very rare. Personality fortitude, strength, haggard remaining, make people terrified. Protection of land, food, good attacks, has strong hostility to the strangers, but very warm and affectionate to his master. Is guarding and herding horses sheep's right-hand man. The Tibetan mastiff is characteristic of the breed in China.

想要写好一篇介绍狗20句话带翻译的英语作文的话,建议你可以学习在线外教英语培训班,跟着外教学英语作文,还是纯外教一对一教学的,同事可以轻松开口讲英语,效果很好的,费用不超过20元每一节课。免费试听课领取:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取专属欧美外教一对一免费试听课!!试听完后还可以免费获得一次英语能力水平测试和一份详细的报告,以及公开课免费看。阿卡索是真人在线一对一纯外教英语在线教育平台,由佟大为夫妇代言的英语培训机构,外教100%持有TESOL等国际英语教师资格证书。一篇介绍狗的英语作文20句话带翻译范文:I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo. I like it very much. It has two big ears, two big and bright eyes. Its hair is brown. It has come to my home for a year. It has become a part of my family. It has its own house, but it likes to sleep under my bed, play in my house. I like talking to it, because it's a friend worth of trusting. I would like to share my happy things with it. When I am sad, talking to it makes me feel good. I am happy to have such a lovely friend.我有一只可爱的小狗,它的名字叫悠悠,我很喜欢它。它有两只大耳朵,两只明亮的大眼睛。它的毛是棕色的。它来我家已经有一年了。它成为了我家的一部分。它有自己的房子,但是它喜欢睡在我的床底下,在我的房间玩。我很喜欢和它聊天,因为我觉得它是一个值得信赖的朋友。我喜欢和它分享开心的事。当我难过的时候,和它聊天使我感觉舒服。我很高兴有这样一个可爱的朋友。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。


藏獒 预备犬组 整体外观 尊贵威猛。藏獒体型巨大,身体长度稍长于高度,强壮有力,骨骼肌肉发育良好,威严肃穆,表情冷静,头面宽阔,头骨宽大,眼炯炯有神,呈杏仁状,稍斜。肌肉宽大且伸展,形成一种立体感。它的尾巴很有特色,尾位与背部齐平并自然卷起附于背部,而下垂时会覆盖生殖器;与头部保持平衡。被毛和鬃毛很厚,尤其是颈部的鬃毛像一条厚围巾缠在颈部。 本犬种的典型特色是警觉性高,主要用于家庭和财产的守卫,对陌生人有强烈的敌意和杀伤力,绝对忠诚地保护它的主人和财产。 大小、比例、特质 大小:公犬肩高最低26英寸,母犬肩高最低24英寸。公犬和母犬再矮也不得低于各自的最低高度1英寸。 比例:身长稍长于高度,(长:高=10:9)如高比长,从胸骨到坐骨,应稍大于肩胛到地面的距离。 特质:藏獒有给人深刻印象的特质。骨骼和身体都很健壮。比其他同等大小和比例的犬都要优秀,不仅仅在高度上,就连其他特质上,藏獒都是最优秀的犬。 头部 头面宽阔,头骨宽大,成狗有皱褶,从眼睛上端一直延伸到嘴角,对本犬种来说正确的头部特征和脸像对它的繁殖是非常重要的。 表情:尊贵、机智、警觉、孤傲。 眼睛:中等大小,眼睛深邃,自然分开呈杏仁状,稍斜,黑中闪着亮光,非常有神。 耳朵:中等大小,V字型,自然下垂,紧贴面部靠前,警觉时自然提起,耳部覆盖着短且柔软的绒毛。 面部:头面宽阔,头骨宽大,鼻梁坚挺。 额段:深且明显。 脸部肌肉:宽且大,从各种角度来看都非常的充实和立体。 比例:从枕骨到头断和头断到鼻尖的比例基本相等。 鼻子:宽且大,鼻内侧外翻。 嘴唇:突出,厚实,上唇两侧适度下垂。 咬合:呈剪刀式咬合,水平咬合也可以接受。牙齿的紧密是必须的。如此才能保持肌肉的平整。 牙齿:长,健壮,后天遭破损的牙齿,不视为缺点。 缺陷:缺齿,上颚或下颚突出的,或下前牙突出的。 颈、背、躯干 颈:颈部肌肉丰满,呈拱形。头部下方有垂皮。特别是公犬,头部围绕着厚厚的直立的鬃毛。 背:背线直,脊背到尾骨是水平的。 躯干:粗壮,背部挺直宽阔,肌肉发达,柔韧性好,整体有稍微下蹲的感觉。胸深,并低于上肘部,躯干长度略大于高度。 尾巴:中等长度,长度不能超过踝关节,和背部呈一条直线,自然卷起。当警觉时,尾巴翘起,或朝向任何一边。尾巴双卷,或完全卷起而不能自然放松的是尾缺陷。 前驱 肩:双肩平顺,骨干的肌肉发达。 前腿:直立,骨骼肌肉粗大,覆有短的粗毛。直立时会有轻微的倾斜。 前足:猫足,相当大,健壮结实,趾与趾之间有毛。指甲可能是黑色或白色。单个的悬趾可能出现在前足。 后躯 后躯:强壮有力,肌肉发达,所有部分都有棱角。从后面看,后腿和膝盖是平行的。跗关节强壮,自然下垂(大约是腿长的1/3)与足垂直。 足:一个或是两个的悬趾(狼爪)可能会出现在后足上,可选择于出生后切除。 被毛 总的来说,公犬的皮毛看起来比母犬厚。被毛的质量比数量更重要,双层的被毛相当浓密,丰厚的颈部鬃毛及原来柔软的内层绒毛将会在夏天变得稀疏。毛发浓密坚韧直立,丰厚的下层皮毛显得特别的粗犷。颈部和肩部有更长更粗的毛,特别是显示在公犬身上。藏獒的外貌是自然的,无谓的修饰是不被接受的。当然,悬趾的切除,又另当别论。 颜色 栗色、褐色、蓝/灰色,所有的颜色都可能有或没有棕色或金黄色的饰斑,而饰斑的颜色深浅不一。足部有白毛出现是可以接受的。饰斑可能在下列部位出现:眼睛上方的圆点,或可能围绕在眼周围,脸的内侧,咽喉,前腿下部分和前腿内侧的延伸部分,后腿的内侧,后腿膝关节的前方和腿前宽阔的地方,后跗关节到脚趾,臀部和尾巴的下端。臀部和尾巴下端的毛可能比其他部位的颜色稍浅。内层绒毛在黑色或棕色的公犬身上可能是棕色或灰色,如果黑色、褐色、白色出现在身体的其他部位,或是身上出现大块的白斑,视为缺点。另外,除上述颜色以外的其他颜色,也可以接受,但也视为缺点。 步态 藏獒的步伐是轻盈而有弹性的,自然而有力。从侧面看启动和停止都出现最有力,最伸展的动态,而运动时发出的声音和有力感比速度更加重要。 习性 藏獒非常机敏,独立,自主意识和领域意识强。远离陌生人,对自己的领域和财产高度的保护。在展示会上会显得保留或比较温柔,但是作为一种护卫犬种,任何胆怯的表现都不被接受,而且是一种严重的缺陷。当然,任何的事物实地去观察要比阅读资料更为重要,更为清楚。 2004年11月8日批准 2005年1月生效


TIBETAN MASTIFF BREED STANDARD OF AMERICAN TIBETAN KENNEL CLUB Tibetan Mastiff Miscellaneous Class General Appearance Noble and impressive: a large, powerful, heavy, well built dog, well muscled, with much substance and bone, and of solemn but kindly appearance. The Tibetan Mastiff stands well up on the pasterns, with strong, tight, cat feet, giving an alert appearance. The body is slightly longer than tall. The head is broad and impressive, with massive back skull, the eyes deep-set and almond shaped, slightly slanted, the muzzle broad and well-padded, giving a square appearance. The typical expression of the breed is one of watchfulness. The tail is well feathered and carried over the back in a single curl falling over the loin, balancing the head. The coat and heavy mane is thick, with coarse guard hair and a wooly undercoat. The tail and britches are well feathered. The Tibetan Mastiff has been used primarily as a family and property guardian for many millennia, and is aloof and watchful of strangers, and highly protective of its people and property. Size, Proportion, Substance Size: Dogs - minimum of 26 inches at the withers. Bitches - minimum of 24 inches at the withers. Dogs and bitches that are more than one inch below the minimum heights to be severely faulted. Proportion: Slightly longer than tall (9-10), (i.e.,the height to length, measured from sternum to ischium should be slightly greater than the distance from withers to ground). Substance: The Tibetan Mastiff should have impressive substance, both in bone and structure, as well as strength. When dogs are judged equal in type, proportion and movement, the more substantial dog, in terms of substance and bone, not merely height, is to be given preference. Head Broad, heavy and strong. Some wrinkling in maturity, extending from above eyes down to corner of mouth. A correct head and expression is essential to the breed. Expression: Noble, intelligent, watchful and aloof. Eyes: Very expressive, medium size, any shade of brown. Rims to be black except in blue/grey, blue/grey and tan dogs and brown dogs, the darkest possible shade of grey or brown. Eyes deep-set, well apart, almondshaped, and slightly slanting. Any other color or shape to be severely faulted since it detracts from the typical expression. Ears: Medium size, V-shaped, pendant, set-on high , dropping forward and hanging close to head. Raised when alert, on level with the top of the skull. The ear leather is thick, covered with soft short hair, and when measured, should reach the inner corner of the eye. Skull: Broad and large, with strongly defined occiput. Broad back skull. Stop: Deep and well defined. Muzzle: Broad, well filled and square when viewed from all sides. Proportions: Measurement from occiput to stop and stop to end of nose, equal or slightly shorter. Nose: Broad, well pigmented, with open nostrils. Black, except with blue/grey or blue/grey and tan dogs, the darkest shade of grey and brown dogs, the darkest shade of brown. Any other color to be severely faulted. Lips: Well developed, thick, with moderate flews and slightly pendulous lower lips. Bite: Complete scissor bite. Level bite acceptable. Essential that dentition fits tightly, to maintain square form of muzzle. Teeth: Canine teeth large, strong, broken teeth not to be faulted. Faults: Missing teeth, overshot, undershot bite. Neck, Topline and Body Neck: The neck is well muscled, moderately arched, and may have moderate dewlap. The neck, especially in dogs, is shrouded by a thick upstanding mane. Topline: Topline straight and level between withers and croup. Body: The chest is rather deep, of moderate breadth, with reasonable spring of rib. Brisket reaching to just below elbows. Underline with pronounced (but not exaggerated) tuck-up. The back is muscular with firmly muscled loin. There is no slope or angle to the croup. Tail: Medium to long, but not reaching below hock joint; well feathered. Set high on line with top of back. When alert or in motion, curled over back or to one side. Tails that are double curled or carried in an incomplete curl to be faulted. Forequarters Shoulders: Well laid back, muscular, strongly boned, with moderate angulation to match the rear angulation. Legs: Straight, with substantial bone and muscle, well covered with short, coarse hair, feathering, and with strong pasterns that have a slight slope. Feet: Cat feet. Fairly large, strong, compact, may have feathering between toes. Nails may be either black and/or white, regardless of coat color. A single dewclaw may be present on the front feet. Hindquarters Hindquarters: Powerful, muscular, with all parts being moderately angulated. Seen from behind, the hind legs and stifle are parallel. The hocks are strong, well let down (approximately one-third the overall length of the leg), and perpendicular. Feet: A single or double dewclaw may be present on the rear feet. Removal of rear dewclaws, if present, optional. Coat In general, dogs carry noticeably more coat than bitches. The quality of the coat is of greater importance than quantity. Double-coated, with fairly long, thick coarse guard hair, with heavy soft undercoat in cold weather which becomes rather sparse in warmer months. Hair is fine but hard, straight and stand-off; never silky, curly or wavy. Heavy undercoat, when present, rather woolly. Neck and shoulders heavily coated, especially in dogs, giving mane-like appearance. Tail and britches densely coated and heavily feathered. The Tibetan Mastiff is shown naturally. Trimming is not acceptable except to provide a clean cut appearance of feet. Dogs are not to be penalized if shown with a summer coat. Color Black, brown, and blue/grey, all with or without tan markings, and various shades of gold. Tan ranges from a very rich shade through a lighter color. White markings on breast and feet acceptable. Tan markings may appear at any or all of the following areas: above eyes as spots, around eyes (including spectacle markings), on each side of the muzzle, on throat, on lower part of front forelegs and extending up the inside of the forelegs, on inside of rear legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to the front of the rear legs from hock to toes, on breeches, and underside of tail. Undercoat, as well as furnishings on breeches and underside of tail, may be lighter shades of the dominant color. The undercoat on black and tan dogs also may be grey or tan. Other markings such as sabling, brindling, white on other areas of the body, or large white markings, to be faulted. All other coat colors, while accepted, are to be faulted. Gait The gait of a Tibetan Mastiff is powerful, steady and balanced, yet at the same time, light-footed. When viewed from the side, reach and drive should indicate maximum use of the dog's moderate angulation. Back remains level and firm. Sound and powerful movement more important than speed. Temperament The Tibetan Mastiff is a highly intelligent, independent, strong willed and rather reserved dog. He is aloof with strangers and highly protective of his charges and his property. In the ring he may exhibit reserve or lack of enthusiasm, but any sign of shyness is unacceptable and must be severely faulted as inappropriate for a guardian breed. Conversely, given its aloof nature, judges should also beware of putting a premium on showiness. Approved: November 8, 2004 Effective: January 1, 2005


藏獒 预备犬组 整体外观 尊贵威猛。藏獒体型巨大,身体长度稍长于高度,强壮有力,骨骼肌肉发育良好,威严肃穆,表情冷静,头面宽阔,头骨宽大,眼炯炯有神,呈杏仁状,稍斜。肌肉宽大且伸展,形成一种立体感。它的尾巴很有特色,尾位与背部齐平并自然卷起附于背部,而下垂时会覆盖生殖器;与头部保持平衡。被毛和鬃毛很厚,尤其是颈部的鬃毛像一条厚围巾缠在颈部。 本犬种的典型特色是警觉性高,主要用于家庭和财产的守卫,对陌生人有强烈的敌意和杀伤力,绝对忠诚地保护它的主人和财产。 大小、比例、特质 大小:公犬肩高最低26英寸,母犬肩高最低24英寸。公犬和母犬再矮也不得低于各自的最低高度1英寸。 比例:身长稍长于高度,(长:高=10:9)如高比长,从胸骨到坐骨,应稍大于肩胛到地面的距离。 特质:藏獒有给人深刻印象的特质。骨骼和身体都很健壮。比其他同等大小和比例的犬都要优秀,不仅仅在高度上,就连其他特质上,藏獒都是最优秀的犬。 头部 头面宽阔,头骨宽大,成狗有皱褶,从眼睛上端一直延伸到嘴角,对本犬种来说正确的头部特征和脸像对它的繁殖是非常重要的。 表情:尊贵、机智、警觉、孤傲。 眼睛:中等大小,眼睛深邃,自然分开呈杏仁状,稍斜,黑中闪着亮光,非常有神。 耳朵:中等大小,V字型,自然下垂,紧贴面部靠前,警觉时自然提起,耳部覆盖着短且柔软的绒毛。 面部:头面宽阔,头骨宽大,鼻梁坚挺。 额段:深且明显。 脸部肌肉:宽且大,从各种角度来看都非常的充实和立体。 比例:从枕骨到头断和头断到鼻尖的比例基本相等。 鼻子:宽且大,鼻内侧外翻。 嘴唇:突出,厚实,上唇两侧适度下垂。 咬合:呈剪刀式咬合,水平咬合也可以接受。牙齿的紧密是必须的。如此才能保持肌肉的平整。 牙齿:长,健壮,后天遭破损的牙齿,不视为缺点。 缺陷:缺齿,上颚或下颚突出的,或下前牙突出的。 颈、背、躯干 颈:颈部肌肉丰满,呈拱形。头部下方有垂皮。特别是公犬,头部围绕着厚厚的直立的鬃毛。 背:背线直,脊背到尾骨是水平的。 躯干:粗壮,背部挺直宽阔,肌肉发达,柔韧性好,整体有稍微下蹲的感觉。胸深,并低于上肘部,躯干长度略大于高度。 尾巴:中等长度,长度不能超过踝关节,和背部呈一条直线,自然卷起。当警觉时,尾巴翘起,或朝向任何一边。尾巴双卷,或完全卷起而不能自然放松的是尾缺陷。 前驱 肩:双肩平顺,骨干的肌肉发达。 前腿:直立,骨骼肌肉粗大,覆有短的粗毛。直立时会有轻微的倾斜。 前足:猫足,相当大,健壮结实,趾与趾之间有毛。指甲可能是黑色或白色。单个的悬趾可能出现在前足。 后躯 后躯:强壮有力,肌肉发达,所有部分都有棱角。从后面看,后腿和膝盖是平行的。跗关节强壮,自然下垂(大约是腿长的1/3)与足垂直。 足:一个或是两个的悬趾(狼爪)可能会出现在后足上,可选择于出生后切除。 被毛 总的来说,公犬的皮毛看起来比母犬厚。被毛的质量比数量更重要,双层的被毛相当浓密,丰厚的颈部鬃毛及原来柔软的内层绒毛将会在夏天变得稀疏。毛发浓密坚韧直立,丰厚的下层皮毛显得特别的粗犷。颈部和肩部有更长更粗的毛,特别是显示在公犬身上。藏獒的外貌是自然的,无谓的修饰是不被接受的。当然,悬趾的切除,又另当别论。 颜色 栗色、褐色、蓝/灰色,所有的颜色都可能有或没有棕色或金黄色的饰斑,而饰斑的颜色深浅不一。足部有白毛出现是可以接受的。饰斑可能在下列部位出现:眼睛上方的圆点,或可能围绕在眼周围,脸的内侧,咽喉,前腿下部分和前腿内侧的延伸部分,后腿的内侧,后腿膝关节的前方和腿前宽阔的地方,后跗关节到脚趾,臀部和尾巴的下端。臀部和尾巴下端的毛可能比其他部位的颜色稍浅。内层绒毛在黑色或棕色的公犬身上可能是棕色或灰色,如果黑色、褐色、白色出现在身体的其他部位,或是身上出现大块的白斑,视为缺点。另外,除上述颜色以外的其他颜色,也可以接受,但也视为缺点。 步态 藏獒的步伐是轻盈而有弹性的,自然而有力。从侧面看启动和停止都出现最有力,最伸展的动态,而运动时发出的声音和有力感比速度更加重要。 习性 藏獒非常机敏,独立,自主意识和领域意识强。远离陌生人,对自己的领域和财产高度的保护。在展示会上会显得保留或比较温柔,但是作为一种护卫犬种,任何胆怯的表现都不被接受,而且是一种严重的缺陷。当然,任何的事物实地去观察要比阅读资料更为重要,更为清楚。 2004年11月8日批准 2005年1月生效


TIBETAN MASTIFF BREED STANDARD OF AMERICAN TIBETAN KENNEL CLUB Tibetan Mastiff Miscellaneous Class General Appearance Noble and impressive: a large, powerful, heavy, well built dog, well muscled, with much substance and bone, and of solemn but kindly appearance. The Tibetan Mastiff stands well up on the pasterns, with strong, tight, cat feet, giving an alert appearance. The body is slightly longer than tall. The head is broad and impressive, with massive back skull, the eyes deep-set and almond shaped, slightly slanted, the muzzle broad and well-padded, giving a square appearance. The typical expression of the breed is one of watchfulness. The tail is well feathered and carried over the back in a single curl falling over the loin, balancing the head. The coat and heavy mane is thick, with coarse guard hair and a wooly undercoat. The tail and britches are well feathered. The Tibetan Mastiff has been used primarily as a family and property guardian for many millennia, and is aloof and watchful of strangers, and highly protective of its people and property. Size, Proportion, Substance Size: Dogs - minimum of 26 inches at the withers. Bitches - minimum of 24 inches at the withers. Dogs and bitches that are more than one inch below the minimum heights to be severely faulted. Proportion: Slightly longer than tall (9-10), (i.e.,the height to length, measured from sternum to ischium should be slightly greater than the distance from withers to ground). Substance: The Tibetan Mastiff should have impressive substance, both in bone and structure, as well as strength. When dogs are judged equal in type, proportion and movement, the more substantial dog, in terms of substance and bone, not merely height, is to be given preference. Head Broad, heavy and strong. Some wrinkling in maturity, extending from above eyes down to corner of mouth. A correct head and expression is essential to the breed. Expression: Noble, intelligent, watchful and aloof. Eyes: Very expressive, medium size, any shade of brown. Rims to be black except in blue/grey, blue/grey and tan dogs and brown dogs, the darkest possible shade of grey or brown. Eyes deep-set, well apart, almondshaped, and slightly slanting. Any other color or shape to be severely faulted since it detracts from the typical expression. Ears: Medium size, V-shaped, pendant, set-on high , dropping forward and hanging close to head. Raised when alert, on level with the top of the skull. The ear leather is thick, covered with soft short hair, and when measured, should reach the inner corner of the eye. Skull: Broad and large, with strongly defined occiput. Broad back skull. Stop: Deep and well defined. Muzzle: Broad, well filled and square when viewed from all sides. Proportions: Measurement from occiput to stop and stop to end of nose, equal or slightly shorter. Nose: Broad, well pigmented, with open nostrils. Black, except with blue/grey or blue/grey and tan dogs, the darkest shade of grey and brown dogs, the darkest shade of brown. Any other color to be severely faulted. Lips: Well developed, thick, with moderate flews and slightly pendulous lower lips. Bite: Complete scissor bite. Level bite acceptable. Essential that dentition fits tightly, to maintain square form of muzzle. Teeth: Canine teeth large, strong, broken teeth not to be faulted. Faults: Missing teeth, overshot, undershot bite. Neck, Topline and Body Neck: The neck is well muscled, moderately arched, and may have moderate dewlap. The neck, especially in dogs, is shrouded by a thick upstanding mane. Topline: Topline straight and level between withers and croup. Body: The chest is rather deep, of moderate breadth, with reasonable spring of rib. Brisket reaching to just below elbows. Underline with pronounced (but not exaggerated) tuck-up. The back is muscular with firmly muscled loin. There is no slope or angle to the croup. Tail: Medium to long, but not reaching below hock joint; well feathered. Set high on line with top of back. When alert or in motion, curled over back or to one side. Tails that are double curled or carried in an incomplete curl to be faulted. Forequarters Shoulders: Well laid back, muscular, strongly boned, with moderate angulation to match the rear angulation. Legs: Straight, with substantial bone and muscle, well covered with short, coarse hair, feathering, and with strong pasterns that have a slight slope. Feet: Cat feet. Fairly large, strong, compact, may have feathering between toes. Nails may be either black and/or white, regardless of coat color. A single dewclaw may be present on the front feet. Hindquarters Hindquarters: Powerful, muscular, with all parts being moderately angulated. Seen from behind, the hind legs and stifle are parallel. The hocks are strong, well let down (approximately one-third the overall length of the leg), and perpendicular. Feet: A single or double dewclaw may be present on the rear feet. Removal of rear dewclaws, if present, optional. Coat In general, dogs carry noticeably more coat than bitches. The quality of the coat is of greater importance than quantity. Double-coated, with fairly long, thick coarse guard hair, with heavy soft undercoat in cold weather which becomes rather sparse in warmer months. Hair is fine but hard, straight and stand-off; never silky, curly or wavy. Heavy undercoat, when present, rather woolly. Neck and shoulders heavily coated, especially in dogs, giving mane-like appearance. Tail and britches densely coated and heavily feathered. The Tibetan Mastiff is shown naturally. Trimming is not acceptable except to provide a clean cut appearance of feet. Dogs are not to be penalized if shown with a summer coat. Color Black, brown, and blue/grey, all with or without tan markings, and various shades of gold. Tan ranges from a very rich shade through a lighter color. White markings on breast and feet acceptable. Tan markings may appear at any or all of the following areas: above eyes as spots, around eyes (including spectacle markings), on each side of the muzzle, on throat, on lower part of front forelegs and extending up the inside of the forelegs, on inside of rear legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to the front of the rear legs from hock to toes, on breeches, and underside of tail. Undercoat, as well as furnishings on breeches and underside of tail, may be lighter shades of the dominant color. The undercoat on black and tan dogs also may be grey or tan. Other markings such as sabling, brindling, white on other areas of the body, or large white markings, to be faulted. All other coat colors, while accepted, are to be faulted. Gait The gait of a Tibetan Mastiff is powerful, steady and balanced, yet at the same time, light-footed. When viewed from the side, reach and drive should indicate maximum use of the dog's moderate angulation. Back remains level and firm. Sound and powerful movement more important than speed. Temperament The Tibetan Mastiff is a highly intelligent, independent, strong willed and rather reserved dog. He is aloof with strangers and highly protective of his charges and his property. In the ring he may exhibit reserve or lack of enthusiasm, but any sign of shyness is unacceptable and must be severely faulted as inappropriate for a guardian breed. Conversely, given its aloof nature, judges should also beware of putting a premium on showiness

这是关于Tibetan Mastiff的简单介绍 (外形)I. GENERAL APPEARANCE.Noble and impressive: a large, powerful, heavy, well built dog, well muscled, with much substance and bone, and of solemn but kindly appearance. The Tibetan Mastiff stands well up on the pasterns, with strong, tight, ...

is a large, ferocious, lop-eared kennel. About 120 centimeters in length and body hair, stiff, outer coat is not too long, at the end of hair in cold climates, the thick and soft like wool, cold resistance,

藏獒 预备犬组 整体外观 尊贵威猛。藏獒体型巨大,身体长度稍长于高度,强壮有力,骨骼肌肉发育良好,威严肃穆,表情冷静,头面宽阔,头骨宽大,眼炯炯有神,呈杏仁状,稍斜。肌肉宽大且伸展,形成一种立体感。它的尾巴很有特色,尾位与背部齐平并自然卷起附于背部,而下垂时会覆盖生殖器;与头部保持平...

英文名: The Call of the Wild 中文名: 野性的呼唤 《野性的呼唤》是杰克·伦敦最负盛名的小说。故事主要叙述一只强壮勇猛的狼狗巴克从人类文明社会回到狼群原始生活的过程。巴克是一头体重140磅的十分强壮的狗。他本来在一个大法官家 里过着优裕的生活,后来被法官的园丁偷走,辗转卖给邮局,又被送...


在讲英语的国家,藏獒又叫马士提夫獒犬或老英国马士提夫獒犬。这是一种体形巨大的短毛犬,吻部短,头颅巨大,在英国已有2000年历史。獒犬指的是一群体形巨大的犬,而不单指一个单独的品种,起源于亚洲。藏獒介绍 别名:西藏马士迪夫犬、藏獒犬、马士提夫犬、马士提夫獒犬 产地:中国西藏。起源:藏獒是一种...

你好,藏獒英文名为TIBETAN MASTIFF ,具体介绍可以上以下网站察看:http:\/\/bandog.cn\/dispbbs.asp?boardid=3&ID=4915

英文名称:Tibetan mastiff 体型分类:大型 犬种分类:工作犬 历史:原产地中国,起源于10世纪。又称为藏狗、羌狗、蕃狗、大猊。原始藏獒生活在青藏高原海拔3000米以上的高寒地带以及中亚平原地区,在西藏、青海、四川、甘肃及尼泊尔甚至新疆、蒙古、宁夏境内均可发现藏獒的踪迹,藏獒是世界上最古老的珍稀犬...

藏獒(Tibetan Mastiff),AKC分类属于工作犬组。属于中国青藏高原的甘肃省甘南藏族自治州河曲地区,又称西藏獒犬,国家二类保护动物,是世界公认的最古老、最稀有的犬种,在世界犬类漫长的血统融合中起着非常巨大的作用,有“东方之神”之美誉。藏獒是世界上唯一不怕野兽的犬种,历史上曾被看做西藏人的...

藏獒(Tibetan Mastiff),Mastiff在英文中可翻译为猛犬,Tibetan英文为西藏的,联合起来就是Tibetan Mastiff。藏獒又名多启、大狗,古称苍猊中华神犬等。产于西藏,2000多年以前藏獒便活跃在喜马拉雅山脉,以及海拔3000多米以上的青藏高原地区。标准的纯种藏 獒多见于广大牧区,有狮头型.虎头型之分,有安多系...

宜秀区13411487462: 关于茶杯犬或藏獒的英文文章 -
尧明盐酸: 要简略的还是详细的写? 藏獒 预备犬组 整体外观 尊贵威猛.藏獒体型巨大,身体长度稍长于高度,强壮有力,骨骼肌肉发育良好,威严肃穆,表情冷静,头面宽阔,头骨宽大,眼炯炯有神,呈杏仁状,稍斜.肌肉宽大且伸展,形成一种立体感...

宜秀区13411487462: 写一篇关于狗与人类的英文文章 -
尧明盐酸: Dog is man's best friend. A dog is very helpful to people, for example, people use dogs to gurad their houses. Some dogs can be used as seeing dogs for blind people. They can not only guide the blinds, they are also able to help them when they are in danger. So I like dogs very much.

宜秀区13411487462: 下面我要讲一篇关于狗的文章英文 -
尧明盐酸: 翻译为: 下面我要讲一篇关于狗的文章 Now I'm going to tell a story about dogs.

宜秀区13411487462: 跪求:一篇关于狗与人类关系的英文文章(60 - 80词) -
尧明盐酸: I think dog is good friend of us. Some people like to have a pet dog. Dogs are very cute.They are very helpful for us.Example,when we are out,they can look after our house.They are also important to the blind man.On the one hand , they can show the ...

宜秀区13411487462: 急需一篇介绍狗的文章,要英文的~ -
尧明盐酸: Eulogy of The Dog <br><br>– George Graham Vest in 1870 at the old courthouse in Warrensburg, MO during a trial about the shooting of a farmer's dog named "Old Drum" by a neighbor. <br><br>Gentlemen of the jury, the best friend a man ...

宜秀区13411487462: 找一篇关于狗的英语文章?
尧明盐酸: My dog My dog returned love for my cruelty.(以德报怨).Several years ago, my brother brought a small, thin and dirty dog back. It looked ugly and I didn't like it. My brother gave him the name "Jackie". Although he soon became the pet in the ...

宜秀区13411487462: 求一篇写狗的英文文章要写出狗的品种,耳朵长啥样,尾巴长啥样,什么颜色的毛,有多高,有多长,有什么特点等等,字数不限,别太长,抄着累,也别... -
尧明盐酸:[答案] I have a pet dog. Its name is Puppy. My family members and I are fond of her. She has big, soft ears but a short tail. Its fur is white, so we all call her "White Puppy". She is 23 centimeters tall an...

宜秀区13411487462: 求一篇简短的关于宠物的英语文章
尧明盐酸:楼上的,你把美洲黑熊当宠物养吗?哈哈. 【狗】 There are many species of animals that share a bonding with the humans.. Foremost among them, the mans most loyal friend has always been the Dog. Humans and dogs have been inseparable...

宜秀区13411487462: 求一篇关于狗的英语文章(200字左右)最好是关于和人类的关系 -
尧明盐酸:[答案] When a dog follows its nose,it's actually being led by thee key senses.Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up ... the dog's brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million.It gives the dog:a completely different picture of the ...

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