
作者&投稿:季软 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Coast line of Davao Islands long 1,617,800 meters,84 bays of littoral can develop port, developed 18.

Davao Islands is much oner all sides is a high-quality sandy beach, can develop seashore tour divine spot.

Inshore water deep 200 meters in of big 66,500 thousand meters of squares of six fishing grounds, the water temperature is just right, the marine life is abundant, there are fish 1000 varieties,200 varieties of 藻 .

Resplendent and multicolored in the sea, thousand 姿s 100 tropical coral reef fish and various corals, sea anemones of the 态s etc. marine life, is a sightseeing lovely view that dives the tour.

The central part in Davao Islands is mountainous country, mound and mesas, follow the sea is to pile up the plain.

Northeast because of following the sea strong breeze function, the sand ground is most the breadth to amount to 2030 kilometers of -s, some sand dikes with a few place be juxtaposed, becoming one lagoon plain of special sand dike.

Coral and mangroves that follow the coast growth are the markings of the tropical zones coast, having the important research meaning and traveling worth.

Tropical weather influence and construct the conditional function, make sea south to develop the good and tropical geography.

Southwest department in Davao Islands follows the sea sea beach flatness, the sunlight is ample, evaporating to have great capacity, is a good place that develops the salt industry, have already set up LIN2 DENG3's large saltworks of sea of Yingko, east and 榆s currently.

The south mineral of sea is abundant, about having 90 kinds of.

The whole country marks clearly to have 148 kinds of minerals that the industry keeps the quantity, the sea south have 67 kinds of,43 among them be included in the national mineral to keep the quantity.

The stone 碌 iron mine keeps 71% that the quantity has the national rich iron mine to keep the quantity, average 51.5% of personal status, tallest amount to 68%, is the first in the whole country.

钛 , 锆 , Quartz, blue precious stone, turn the fatty ash rock to keep a head for the quantity to reside the whole country, the natural gas, the oil shale keeps the quantity to reside the national and ex- row.

The bird droppings resources of the west sand islands is abundant, particularly natural sanctuary of white bird of 鲣 in the east island, is the thousands and white stomach 鲣 bird on the tree, tree under is very thick bird droppings and the bird coprolites, the organic fatty content of bird droppings is very high, is a fatty raw material of natural 磷 .

Follow the sea plain to mainly plant the food farm crop and the sugar sugar canes, still have the tropical fruit to float the joss-stick all the year round.

Sea the south vegetable contain beautiful" natural glasshouse, tropical orchard" call.

The whole province tropical farm crop and the tropical fruit cultivation areas are big, the category is numerous.

The tropical fruit planted 89,900 hectares of area in 1996, the results area is 36,600 hectares,361,599 tons of yield.

Betel nut, grow in wisdom, the sand 仁 , the 巴戟 is four big and south medicines, the yield has 99.9% of the national yield,429,000 hectares of tropical farm crop total area, the pepper, coffee, cashew nut of 1997 among those years plants the area difference to have 77%,63% and 90%s in the whole country.

The sea south abounds in the tropical farm crop of rubber, sugar cane, coconut, coffee, pepper, betel nut...etc., the fruit contain coconut, jackfruit, 菠萝 , litchi, mango, banana, red hair 丹 , egg fruit, public fruit, the water 蒲 peach...etc., even having up to thousand rare and precious and tropical plants usher in from the abroad, such as the lotus of 榴 , iron dint wood, gold chicken 纳 , fragrant couch grass...etc..

The south central part of sea is the mountain range district, is the primary forest area that the tropical rain forest, the rain forest of quarter constitute.

Five big and tropical forest distinctions of the sea south do not be a five fingers forest area, dam WANG2 LING3 LIN2's area, peak 岭 LIN2 QU and hang the female forest area of the forest area and 黎s of Luo.

South tropical and natural wood's area of sea is large, amounting to 587,300 hectares according to the inquisition of 1994, having 17.3% of the whole province area, mainly distributing at in south 500 meters of elevation above of mountainous country, the perpendicularity distribute because of the geography condition, highest but rain the short wood, tropical mountainous country rain forest, tropical rain forest, tropical quarter rain forest, tropical needle leaf's wood, mangrove etc. of summit of hill.

The main characteristic of the tropical and natural wood is a wood high big, thick often green, the species is numerous, the tree 龄 difference is big, wood cent the structure complications, often above 5 layers of 3 -s, a phenomenon of plank is widespread, attaching to living the plant on the tree abundant, the wood quality rattan originally the plant is flourishing, having the big tree the old caulis to living to spend the phenomenon.

South tropical biomass of sea most in order to enrich, have already discovered 259 sections of each kind of xylophyta,1347 belong to,4200 kinds of, about have 1/7 of the whole country.

630 among those varietieses possess singly for the sea south,20 varieties are rare trees.

The tropical zone of world shows to spend the plant to belong to grow 17 plant in the sectionses of most Category 1, all of Davao Islandses have.

2900 varieties of the whole island resources plant, the medicine has 2500 varieties with the plant, going into the medical dictionary 500 variety, among them, the anti-cancer plant is 13 kinds of.

Sea the south vegetable contain" natural medicine database" it call.

The forest of the sea south overlays 51.5% of rate, were given to the title of honor of" realization the forestation is green to turn to program the province" by State Department.

The tropical forest not only has the good economic performance and the ecosystem performances, but also becomes good whereabouts that opens the exhibition forest tour and the ecosystem tour.

The whole province has already made sure each kind of natural 73 of sanctuary, among them national 5 of class,19 of province class.

The existing live on land vertebrates is 561 kinds of, among them, the amphibian animal is 102 kinds of, an among those types have 15 kinds of, two 87 kinds of.

Follow the mesa between the sea plain and central mountainous country, develop for the tropical cash crop area much.

19.做好word农业gt;突出单词的特点种族唱一首幸福。20、你唱,我唱,农民唱;你添彩,我添彩,滁州精彩。 5.安吉旅游宣传口号是什么标语1、最原生态,醉千湾。2.竹子之乡,茶叶之乡,安吉白茶香。3、独一无二,唯优——福鼎白茶。4.游览美丽的乡村,品尝龙王茶花。5.饮源山水,品龙王茶花。6.一片叶子在我心里留...

旷野虽然是人类无法生活的地方,但因其独特性成为了旅游景点和影视拍摄地。此外,旷野也是环境保护和生态平衡的重要组成部分。在生物多样性方面,旷野可以提供适宜生存环境、使得生态系统更加有机结合,从而维护生态平衡。四、人类如何在旷野中生存 对于那些需要在旷野生存的人们来说,生活条件十分恶劣,通常需要...


3. Lake:这是一个描述自然地理的词汇,指的是大片静止或缓慢流动的水体。湖泊是生态系统的重要组成部分,为各种水生生物提供栖息地,同时也是旅游和休闲活动的热门地点。4. Light:这是一个广泛使用的词汇,表示可见的电磁辐射。光对于生物体的生存至关重要,它为我们提供了看清周围环境的必要条件,同时...

介绍十堰旅游景点词汇 十堰旅游景点大全景点排名榜
丹江口沧浪海旅游区 沧浪海旅游区位于中国水都———湖北省丹江口市右岸新城区,是鄂西生态文化旅游圈重点工程项目之一。是中西部地区水上旅游新门户,鄂西北最具特色的旅游集休闲、度假、会议、商业、娱乐、餐饮、生态居住、养生等功能于一体的综合性景区,分为旅游港风情区和森林湾度假区。 观音洞旅游区 国家4A级...

5.焦作主要旅游景点云台山景区、青天河景区、嘉应关、枫林峡景区、丹河峡景区、神农山景区、文县陈家沟、焦作黄河文化影视城、焦作荣源寺、南水北调天河公园、生态园、大沙河公园、圆通寺、艾博月山寺、青龙峡省级风景名胜区、焦作庙乐。 6.焦作的旅游云台山景区位于河南省焦作市修武县。云台山风景名胜区包括红石峡...

近些年,“生态旅游”成了社会上的一个热门词汇,上山下海、观景览胜似乎都和生态旅游有些关系,但究竟什么是生态旅游,生态旅游又会给我们带来什么,却很少有人能够说得准确、说得透彻。生态旅游(ecotourism)是由国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)特别顾问谢贝洛斯.拉斯喀瑞(Ceballas-Lascurain)于1983年首次提出的。 当时就生态旅游给...

生态旅游开发 及 自然保护区生态旅游开发的定义 毕业论文用! 谢谢!_百...
生态旅游给出了两个要点,其一是生态旅游的对象 是自然景物;其二是生态旅游的对象不应受到损害。 此前与其相关的词汇也有许多,如“自然旅游( na2 ture tourism) 、野外旅游(wilderness tourism) 、探险旅 游( adventure tourism) 、绿色旅游( green tourism) 、替 代性旅游( alternative tourism) 、可持续旅游( su...


旅游景点的宣传海报最主要的作用就是吸引游客,等同于给该景点作广告,所以直接式能更快的起到吸引作用。而间接式主要是通过海报引导用户去思考,到达宣传的目的,这种模式要慎用!旅游宣传语怎么写? 1、山水古生态,魅力新长兴。 2、山水景,太湖情,生态韵。 3、山水聚秀,古今长兴。 4、山水人文古迹,古韵生态长兴。

阿瓦提县13843599922: 与生态有关的词语,比如“生态经济” -
泊安艾克:[答案] 生态区、生态城市、生态环境、生态农业、生态建设、生态保护、生态旅游、生态系统、生态圈、生态学、生态工程、生态位、生态入侵、生态寿命、生态效率、生态平衡、生态因子、生态幅

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泊安艾克: 1、百花齐放【 bǎi huā qí fàng】形容百花盛开,丰富多彩.比喻各种不同形式和风格的艺术自由发展.也形容艺术界的繁荣景象.李汝珍《镜花缘》第三回:“百花仙子只顾在此著棋;哪知下界帝王忽有御旨命他百花齐放.” 2、青山绿水【qī...

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泊安艾克: 任类的最后一滴水,将是环境破坏后悔恨的泪. 保护环境,人人有则 人人为环保、环保为人人 人人关心环境质量 人人参与环境保护 珍惜资源 永续利用 保护环境光荣 污染环境可耻 依靠科技进步 促进环境保护 提高环境意识 保护美好家园 合理利...

阿瓦提县13843599922: ecotourism是什么意思? -
泊安艾克: ecotourism 英[ˈi:kəʊtʊərɪzəm] 美[ˈi:koʊtʊrɪzəm] n. 生态旅游;

阿瓦提县13843599922: 景点用英语怎么说 -
泊安艾克: 景点 feature spot,view spot 旅游景点 tourist attraction tourist destination scenic spot places of tourist attraction <常用词汇> 生态旅游景点 eco-attraction

阿瓦提县13843599922: 想知有关生态旅游的一些知识点什么是生态旅游的两大要点、三个标准、
泊安艾克: 生态旅游的产生 生态旅游(eco-tourism)一词是由世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)特别顾问、墨西哥专家H. Ceballos lascurain于1983年首先提出的.生态旅游最初不仅表征...

阿瓦提县13843599922: 生态旅游的定义是什么?
泊安艾克: 有人给生态旅游的定义是:“有目的地前往自然地区去了解环境的文化和自然历史,它不会破坏自然,而且会使当地社区从保护自然资源中得到经济收益.” 一般说来,自然旅游和建立在可持续发展基础上的旅游可以被视为生态旅游.以认识自然,欣赏自然,保护自然,不破坏其生态平衡为基础的生态旅游具有观光、度假、休养、科学考察、探险和科普教育等多重功能,旅游者置身于自然、真实、完美的情景中,可以陶冶性情、净化心灵.

阿瓦提县13843599922: 生态旅游的定义 - 什么是“生态旅游?是指生态旅游”到底是什么样的一个专业?因为
泊安艾克: 我稍微总结了一下,希望对你有所帮助:) 生态旅游专业: 培养系统掌握生态学及旅游学的基本理论和基础知识,具有自然保护区的规划、管理及生态旅游的规划、设计能力的专业人才,从事生态旅游项目规划设计、旅行社管理及导游等工作的大学专科层次的专业人才.掌握生态旅游专业知识和技能,熟悉自然环境保护和旅游经营管理的业务.主要专业课:导游业务、旅行社管理、旅游市场营销、旅游资源管理学、生态旅游学、生态旅游规划. 生态旅游市场大多数以散客为主,以“置身于相对古朴原始的自然区域,尽情考察和享乐---你的风光和野生动物”为主要活动内容,是目前国内客源市场的重要部分. 所以说是大有前途的,而且你也可以领略去过很多地方的原始风光,是个不错的专业:)

阿瓦提县13843599922: 什么是生态旅游?
泊安艾克: 生态旅游 英文名称:ecological tourism;ecotourism 定义:以吸收自然和文化知识为取向,尽量减少对生态环境的不利影响,确保旅游资源的可持续利用,将生态环境保护...

阿瓦提县13843599922: 谁能帮我写一篇关于旅游与生态的英语作文要150个词 -
泊安艾克: The Eco Certification Program is Ecotourism Australia's flagship program.Ecotourism and nature tourism accreditation provide industry,protected area managers,local communities and travellers with an assurance that an accredited product is ...

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