翻译成英语 学舞蹈是一种享受

作者&投稿:缑菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Looking at the beautiful moon is really enjoying.

可以快点么,我时间不多 Listening to music is enjoyable for me

It is a positive delight to be learning dance
It's really enjoyable that to be learning dance

Dance is a kind of enjoyment

Learning dance is an enjoyment.

It's a pleasure to learn to dance

全州县17393906092: 翻译成英语 学舞蹈是一种享受
成王响佐科: 学舞蹈是一种享受 It is a positive delight to be learning dance 学舞蹈是一种享受 It's really enjoyable that to be learning dance

全州县17393906092: 翻译:你曾经学过那种舞蹈 -
成王响佐科: 为你解答.你曾经学过那种舞蹈.(What kind of) dance have you ever learnt?解释:what kind of,什么种类的.

全州县17393906092: 学习舞蹈的过去式英语是learned to dance还是learned dance? -
成王响佐科: learned to dance侧重强调”动作“,learn dance侧重强调”整体概念“.所以至于用哪个,要看你想要表达的侧重点. 如果满意答案,请记得及时采纳,谢谢!

全州县17393906092: 请各位帮忙翻译这几句中文转英语跳舞是一种很好的放松,而且可以塑造身材,锻炼身体.相信有很多人都热爱跳舞.跳舞也是目前比较时尚的一种娱乐活动.同... -
成王响佐科:[答案] Dancing is not only a good relaxation way ,but also shape and exercise the body,.I believe there are many people who love to dance.Dancing is currently the more fashionable form of entertainment.Can a...

全州县17393906092: 【英文翻译】我最喜欢的爱好是舞蹈,因为它使我整个人都热情起来 -
成王响佐科: My favorite hobby is dancing which makes me energetic.

全州县17393906092: 英语翻译我的梦想 不知道从什么时候开始,我喜欢上了舞蹈.它不仅丰富了我的生活,而且是我最感兴趣的东西.我觉得舞蹈是表达自己的另一种形式.它可以让... -
成王响佐科:[答案] 唉,反正无聊.发你一个,看不看随你吧! My dream I don't remember the time from it,I love dancing.Dancing not only riched ... I will dance before a mirror for myself,just for fun.Of course.If there is another life for me,I must be a professional dancer,and I ...

全州县17393906092: 英语翻译当我很小的时候,看到电视上跳舞的女孩我很羡慕,因为她们翩翩起舞的舞姿美得就像天使,我幻想自己有一天也能像她们一样,所以我从小就学... -
成王响佐科:[答案] When I was a child, I admired the dincing girls in TV very much, for their graceful poises were so beautiful that they just liked ... “会跳得更高更远”...若按照你的原文译,势必会译成中式英语,那就会成为“中国人看得懂,英美人看不懂”的句子了;因...

全州县17393906092: 我喜欢跳舞用英语怎么说 -
成王响佐科: 我喜欢跳舞的英文翻译是I like dancing. like doing是一种短语句型,区别于like to do,前者表示状态,持久的,后者表示动作,瞬间的或短时段的. like的基本意思是“喜欢”“喜爱”,指对某人或某事赞赏或发生兴趣,有好感或不厌恶,主要用...

全州县17393906092: 我的爱好是跳芭蕾英语 -
成王响佐科: 您好,翻译为:My hobby is .dancing ballet 希望帮助你

全州县17393906092: 翻译成英修身养性.陶冶情操. 学习艺术对于一个人的素质的提高有很大的帮助. 艺术就是能给人一种美的享 -
成王响佐科: 修身养性.陶冶情操. 学习艺术对于一个人的素质的提高有很大的帮助. 艺术就是能给人一种美的享修身养性.陶冶情操. 学习艺术对于一个人的素质的提高有很大的帮助. 艺术就是能给人一种美的享受,让人放松. 一般学艺术的人都比较长...

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