请帮忙翻译一下First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.

作者&投稿:除英 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

了解中西方之间在观念,思维,习俗,人际交往上的差异会有助于彼此建立起更良好的关系 中国和欧美两个地方的文明基础不同,中国是农业和大陆文明,欧洲是海洋文明和商业文明。
Understanding between Chinese and western in the idea, thinking, customs, interpersonal differences will help to build a good relationship with each other in China and Europe and the United States two different local basis of civilization, China is an agricultural civilization and the mainland, Europe is the ocean civilization and commercial civilization.
According to the different living environment may lead to the production way is different, the mode of production will also lead to form between people get along is different, the values of friendship then also is different.
China since ancient times is a kind of hierarchy is guarded the social system, from the root to emphasize the inequality of human beings;
Western is the commercial civilization, business have to emphasize the equality of people exchange, offer landing also money, ten thousand days later from equality in business development in current human equality.
If you saw the movie "the king's speech", will remember king George go to the doctor's treatment of stuttering inside disease, when the king the doctor when you pick up the cigarette smoke just grabbed the king's hand and said: "smoking is not allowed here."
King said angrily: "I am king." the doctor rightfully said: "my place I have the final say."
The king also had to reluctantly accept.
The scene in the Chinese view it is unthinkable, in China [wheresoever, murphy wang soil; "servants"], but in Europe and the United States is different.
In China appeared a level that is both on behalf of the people will be classified, [door stop home to] the word you maybe you have heard, it reflects the interpersonal level form China.
Because of this kind of unfair, belong to the same level of people closely rely on together.
Ancient Chinese upper or because of competing interests and struggle, and lower level of people has little interest, they are exploiting class, misery loves company, so when you see a peasant uprising basically was a local uprising would cause knock-on effect, blossom everywhere, so in rural or in the city low income community, you hear a lot of coarse speech and language, behavior and crude, but human especially keen, hard one hundred iai was party support.
But in China you see business people is relatively close to commercial civilization of interpersonal relations, interpersonal starting point is basically interests as the center.
European and American business cultures, the business is to deal with their own things, business is good, is the individual itself to consider.
Phase with in Europe and the United States, self-centered, and handle their own things in life is the most important.
And the Chinese deal with each thing basically all want to consider the overall situation or influence on others around, like and friends go out to play, when you want to buy something to drink when will ask what he want to drink and help him to buy it for yourself, and don't have to pay his drink, don't want to drink if he says, the Chinese people will appear two situations, one is you don't drink, accompanied him not to drink, don't is a kind of drink, he will pull down not to drink.
The embodiment of the Chinese people it is a polite way.
In the foreigner is unlikely to appear this kind of circumstance.


1. “当你喝第一杯的时候,就会接着喝,然后就会上瘾” (这位F先生貌似是alcoholic....from google..)
2. "好莱坞并不如外在那样光鲜美好“(直译为”在好莱坞那层假金属包装之下有着真正的装饰物“)
3.”有人说我绝对是个混蛋,但这不是真的。我有着一颗现实中难以发现的纯洁心灵。”("the heart of a young boy....."也许是想说这个意思, 因为他罐子里的那个虚拟的可以被看做人的物体是有着纯洁心灵的小男孩)
4. "多数抽象词汇在霍皮语中是动词,而非欧洲语系里面的名词” (Hopi:霍皮人,美国亚利桑那州东南部印第安村庄居民,霍皮人使用的语言。 这句话是说不同语言之间差异很大)
5. "你敢在我这里把'派对'当动词来用!?" (这句话出自一个喜剧"Black books", 具体意思只能参照前后台词和故事情节,你有吗?)
6. "汽车, 环绕在乡村田野间,就像那些有了内耳的苍蝇们--他们发出嗡嗡声,停下来,暂停,起步,换挡,停车,停稳,刹车, 而且这整个就是一神经质的令人不安的奇怪说话音调。”(我想他也许不很适应工业革命后的新鲜变化......"a village green"是乡村田野)


FIR是一个常见的英语缩写,全称为"Forumul Inventatorilor Romani",中文翻译为“罗马尼亚发明家论坛”。这个缩写在英语中代表着论坛的全称,具有一定的流行度,特别是在罗马尼亚语境中使用。FIR主要被归类为一个国际性缩写词,其应用领域主要集中在罗马尼亚的创新和发明交流上。对于那些需要查找缩写词含义的人...

firs 英['fɜ:z] 美['fɜ:z]n. <植>冷杉( fir的名词复数 );[例句]Firs, spruces and pines are conifers.冷杉、云杉和松树都是针叶树。[其他] 原型: fir

可数名词讲解:枞树,杉 不可数名词讲解:冷杉木,枞木

FIR滤波器,其全称为有限冲激响应(Finite Impulse Response),是一种常见的信号处理技术。它的核心特性在于其响应仅依赖于当前输入和过去输入的记忆,没有未来输入的影响,因此被称为有限的。在使用FIR滤波器时,一个关键点是其初始状态或零状态响应必须与滤波器的设计指令相匹配,这是保证滤波器正确运行...

FIR是Fairyland In Reality的缩写 中文翻译为 现实中的梦幻仙境是一个在台湾发迹的三人乐团 这个乐团从一出道就充满许多传奇成绩故事2004年出道的首张同名专辑的 Lydia 和 Fly away 就被韩国与日本AVEX艺人翻唱LIVE演唱的足迹从全台湾的校园开始 延烧至中国大陆 香港 韩国 新加坡 马来西亚 美洲国家FIR音乐创作曲风多元 ...

防火门的英语翻译 防火门用英语怎么说
请保持防火门常闭翻译 fir 翻译成英文:常闭防火门,请随手关门。Keepthefiredoorclosed.常闭防火门,请随手关门。这两句其实是一个意思,就是保持防火门是关闭的。警示语要求简洁醒目,所以“Keepthefiredoorclosed”就可以表达其中文意思了。

如何区分first,firsly,at first
第一个是形容词 第二个是副词 第三个一般放在句首或句尾 可以翻译为首先 第一 谢谢采纳啊 第一次回答

“cherry ”就是樱桃的意思 或者可以用霏儿的协音“fir”也行啊

飞儿乐团 《无限》中英文的翻译
we are f.i.r.我们是FIR hold your tears 任住眼泪 no matter what the people say 别管人们说什么 music and eternity音乐和永恒 searching for music and eternity寻找音乐和永恒 now let's continue our stories about 让我们继续寻找我们关于音乐永恒的故事 searching the eternity in music there...

原先三人成立乐团后,英文团名很快便拍板定案,F.I.R.(“现实的仙境”Fairyland In Reality) 然而中文名字却一直搞不定,直到一次突发而想,将中文团名取为飞儿,曾一度想放弃不用,华纳唱片决定使用此中文团名。 在台湾,众多主持人介绍出场,皆是使用F.I.R.,而在大陆则多称呼他们为飞儿乐团。

准格尔旗13510939915: 请帮忙翻译一下First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you. -
矣炒厄多: 试着翻译了一下:1. “当你喝第一杯的时候,就会接着喝,然后就会上瘾” (这位F先生貌似是alcoholic....from google..)2. "好莱坞并不如外在那样光鲜美好“(直译为”在好莱坞那层假金属包装之下有着真正的装饰物“)3.”有人说我绝对是个...

准格尔旗13510939915: 帮忙翻译一下把, 英语日常用语 -
矣炒厄多: 认识你的网站:the website to know you 第一次见到你的时间: the first time to see you 第一次见到你的地点: the first place to meet you 第一次一起吃饭的时间, 地点: the first time and place to have dinner together

准格尔旗13510939915: 请帮忙翻译一下~要英文的 -
矣炒厄多: Please allow me to call you like this. Since the first time I saw you, my heart beats so hard. There is no other girls can drive me so crazy like this. All my friends said that I fell love with you, but I think that it is maybe just an impulsion----I didn't know who ...

准格尔旗13510939915: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译2个句子,英文翻成中文.“首先,我要声明,这绝不是一封诈骗信,我是认真的,请您读下去!”"我真的十分的诚恳,请您认真考虑... -
矣炒厄多:[答案] First of all,I want to declare,this is not a scam letter,I'm serious,please read on I am really very sincere,can you think about it,please?Thank you

准格尔旗13510939915: 请帮忙翻译一下下面这两句话: -
矣炒厄多: 1.If god wants to send one a grand mission he must first put his heart and will throught trials and tribulations.2.You should first make your mind as still as water and immerse yourself into self-cultivation before acting as the roaring waves slashing the bank or flapping your wings soaring high in the sky.

准格尔旗13510939915: 请帮忙翻译成英语 -
矣炒厄多: 当你需要帮助或有人在你身边时,不管那时我在哪里,在做什么,我都会第一时间回到你身边,就算永远只能做你的朋友,我愿意!When you need to help or some people when your side, no matter I in where,...

准格尔旗13510939915: 急..请帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢;)请不要用翻译软件..拜托.. -
矣炒厄多: First of all, please allow me, on behalf XXX to y...

准格尔旗13510939915: 麻烦帮忙翻译一封邮件,急!!! -
矣炒厄多: First of all, you must be a "Z" (occupation) visa to enter China to bid for "foreigner residence permit", after the success of this card, valid travel...

准格尔旗13510939915: 请帮忙翻译一下 -
矣炒厄多: Dear Mike:First, please accept my sincerest and deepest apology, beacuse of my mistake at work, the motorcycle data you need has been delayed until now.I really hope this wouldn't affect our future cooperation. Thank you! Yours ...

准格尔旗13510939915: 请帮忙用英文翻译一下"如果你明天要传照片跟我,请先发短信跟我说" -
矣炒厄多: If you must pass on the picture tomorrow with me, please first send the short note to say to me

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