is going to be和is going to have的区别

作者&投稿:浑王 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
is going to be和is going to have的区别~

首先,be going to是个固定用法,表示将要......的意思,可以大致等同于will

i am going to be a teacher. 我将会成为一名老师。
you are going to have a bike. 你将会有一辆自行车。


"there is going to be"用于描述未来某个时间或地点将会发生或存在的情况,而"there is going to have"则用于表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。两者的构成方式相似,都是由主语+谓语+动词不定式组成。在使用环境上,"there is going to be"更常见于日常对话和各种文章中,而"there is going to have"通常用于谈论未来的计划或变化。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:
"there is going to be"指的是某个事件或情况将会发生或存在。
例句:There is going to be a party tonight.(今晚将有一个派对。)

"there is going to have"则表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。
例句:There is going to have a new manager next week.(下周将有一位新经理。)

2. 语法区别:
"there is going to be"是一个固定短语,由主语+谓语+动词不定式构成(be动词的不定式形式)。
例句:There is going to be a meeting this afternoon.(今天下午将有一个会议。)

"there is going to have"同样也是一个固定短语,由主语+谓语+动词不定式构成(have动词的不定式形式)。
例句:There is going to have a test tomorrow.(明天将进行一次考试。)

3. 用法区别:
"there is going to be"通常用于描述未来某个时间或地点将会发生或存在的情况。
例句:There is going to be a storm tonight.(今晚将会有一场暴风雨。)

"there is going to have"则通常用于表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。
例句:There is going to have a new car next month.(下个月将会有一辆新车。)

4. 使用环境区别:
"there is going to be"经常用于日常对话、新闻报道、书面文章等各种情况。
例句:The weather forecast says there is going to be heavy rain tomorrow.(天气预报显示明天将会有大雨。)

"there is going to have"通常用于谈论未来的计划、安排或变化。
例句:The company announced that there is going to have a reorganization.(公司宣布即将进行一次重组。)

is going to be和is going to have的区别为:


1、is going to be:将会是。

2、is going to have:将会有。


1、is going to be:is going to be是be的一般将来时。

2、is going to have:is going to have是have的一般将来时。


1、is going to be:be用作助动词时可与动词的现在分词连用,也可与及物动词的过去分词连用,构成被动结构。

2、is going to have:have用作助动词时,可与动词的过去分词或“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态。

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析is going to be和is going to have的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "Is going to be"表示某人或某物将会变得或处于某种状态或情况。

- "Is going to have"表示某人或某物将会拥有或经历某种事物或状态。


- "The weather is going to be sunny tomorrow."(明天天气将会是晴朗的。)(is going to be)

- "She is going to have a meeting with her boss this afternoon."(她今天下午将会与老板开会。)(is going to have)

2. 用法区别:

- "Is going to be"通常用于描述某个预期或计划将要发生的情况、状态或事件。

- "Is going to have"通常用于描述某个预期或计划将要拥有或经历的事物、状态或经验。


- "They are going to be married next month."(他们下个月将要结婚。)(is going to be)

- "He is going to have a vacation in Hawaii next week."(他下周将要去夏威夷度假。)(is going to have)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "Is going to be"和"is going to have"在使用环境上没有明显的区别,两者均可在口语和书面语中使用。


- "The concert is going to be amazing!"(这场音乐会将会很棒!)(is going to be)

- "We are going to have a party to celebrate his promotion."(我们将要举办一个派对来庆祝他的晋升。)(is going to have)

4. 形象区别:

- "Is going to be"强调某种状态或情况的变化或发展,通常指向未来。

- "Is going to have"强调某人或某物将会拥有或经历某种事物或状态。


- "He is going to be a doctor when he finishes medical school."(他毕业后将成为一名医生。)(is going to be)

- "She is going to have a baby in a few months."(她几个月后将要生一个孩子。)(is going to have)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "Is going to be"和"is going to have"都强调某种状态、情况或经历的发生,没有明显的影响范围区别。


- "The project is going to be completed by the end of the month."(该项目将在本月底完成。)(较大范围的状态变化)

- "He is going to have dinner with his friends tonight."(他今晚将与朋友一起吃晚饭。)(较小范围的经历)

首先我们来看下going to be、going to have的大致意思

going to be:词性为短语,going to be是“be”动词后加上“going to”,表示将来某个时间点或状态。可以用来表达计划、打算、预测等。

going to have:词性为短语,going to have是“have”动词后加上“going to”,表示将来某个时间点或状态下会拥有。可以用来表达计划、打算、预测等。

通过下面的表格我们了解下going to be、going to have的含义、发音和用法


🚀🚀🚀going to be:

I'm going to be at work tomorrow.


He is going to be traveling.


This project is going to be very successful.


❗❗❗注意事项:表示将来某个时间点或状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow(明天)、next week(下周)等。

🚀🚀🚀going to have:

I'm going to have a new car tomorrow.


They are going to have a beautiful house.


We are going to have an unforgettable trip.


❗❗❗注意事项:表示将来某个时间点或状态下会拥有,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow(明天)、next week(下周)等。

is going to be是be的一般将来时,例如:
He is going to be a boss.他打算成为一个老板。
is going to have是have的一般将来时,例如:
She is going to have some cakes.她打算吃些糕饼。
两个都是一般将来时,意思上,is going to be“将成为”,is going to have“将会有;将要吃(喝等等)”


be going to 是将来时的一种结构,跟will的功能一样,只是表示时态,对句子的基础意思没有构成影响。所以可以放在各种句子里:

1. 放在there be 的句型里,表示 将会有。。。

There is going to be a basketball game.
=There will be a basketball game.

在there be的句型里,不能再使用have这个行为动词,因为there be本身已经表示“有”了,而且这里的“有”更强调“存在”的意义,而have更强调“拥有”。

2. 放在be做谓语的其他句子里,原来的be是什么意思,变成将来时还是那个意思,只是事情发生的时间变了而已:

He is a teacher——把这个句子改成将来时:He is going to be a teacher.

第一句的IS和第二句的BE都是“是,成为”的意思,没有因为时态改变而产生变化,只是单纯把be going to这个结构加进去了,跟把will加进去一样:

He will be a teacher.

一、will be和 be going to do 均可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下区别:
1. be going to 有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有,如:
She is going to go swimming. 她打算去游泳。
He will be here in an hour. 他将在一个小时之内到达。
2. be going to还可表示“有迹象做某事”,
如:It looks as if it is going to rain.看起来似乎要下雨。

二、will have是指将来会有。there is going to have是错误的形式。而there is going to be 是正确的形式,表示there be 的将来时态。因为have和there be均表示“有”的意思,不能并存。


墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: is going to be和is going to have的区别 -
暴毛核酪: is going to be和is going to have的区别为: 一、指代不同 1、is going to be:将会是. 2、is going to have:将会有. 二、侧重点不同 1、is going to be:is going to be是be的一般将来时. 2、is going to have:is going to have是have的一般将来...

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: is going to be 和is going to have的区别 -
暴毛核酪: there is going to be 是there be句型的将来时态,意思是:将会有...;也可以说there will be. 但是没有there is going to have这种形式

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: is to be 和is going to 区别? -
暴毛核酪: 第一个表示一定要做某事,安排好的. 第二个是打算做,不一定做.

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: is going to和is going to be有什么不同 -
暴毛核酪:[答案] 第二种表达上有重复,there is就是有的意思,而后面的have也是有的意思.第一中表达没有问题,therer is going to be表示将要有.,比如There is going to be a basketball game on TV this evening.今天晚上将转播一场篮...

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: is going to be 和 are going to be的用法区别 -
暴毛核酪: 选择 is 还是are 完全取决于主语的单复数形式,即要符合“主谓一致”原则. 如: Tom is going to the club after school We are going to the club after school .

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: is going to be 的用法例:Li Ming with Jenny is going to the park this sunday.此句中be动词为什么不用are 而用的is ,是就近原则吗? -
暴毛核酪:[答案] 是就近原则的用法之一,关键词在于前面的介词“with”,这句话的意思是“李明计划这个星期天带珍妮去公园.” 如果“with”换成“and”,be动词就要用“are”,句子意思就变成了“李明和珍妮打算这个星期天去这个公园.”

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: 英语有关动词问题 is going to be与is going to have的区别 例;There ( )a football match on TV this evening -
暴毛核酪:[选项] A. will have B. is going to be C. has is going to have D. is going to have

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: is going to be和is going to have的意思分别是什么 -
暴毛核酪:[答案] is going to be 即将…… is going to have 之前的那个时刻即将做……

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: is going to be什么时候be换成动词 -
暴毛核酪: 举例说啊,he is going to be a doctor.当表示将要做什么职业的时候用be,因为is(be) going to 后跟动词原形.当句子里有表实际动作的词是就用动词,比如:她要打扫房子了--she is going to clean tha house.能明白吗..?

墨江哈尼族自治县19588549587: Will be 和is going to be 怎么区分? -
暴毛核酪: 1. be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如: He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write a book one day. 2. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情.

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