汉译英! 请求急救,可追加分数

作者&投稿:杜缸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Reflect the beauty of classical culture
Rhythm is strong, poignant
Like the fans of the country music to account for 27% of the whole class

百分数是Percent,1%就是ONE Percent

1. "Incentives" causing a person's efforts and the efforts of degree; 2. The actual performance depends on the ability of the size of the effort and the depth of understanding required to complete the task, specifically, "role concept" is a people understand their role is clear, whether their efforts to point the right direction, to seize his main duties or tasks; 3. incentives to performance-premise, not a reward after the first performance, but must first complete organizational tasks can lead to spiritual, material rewards. When employees see their rewards association with poor performance, the award will not be a stimulus to improve performance; 4. Incentive measures will have satisfied, depending on whether the incentive reward those that get fairness. If he thinks that the principle of equity, of course, be happy, otherwise you will feel dissatisfied. Well-known fact that satisfaction would lead to further efforts.

1. 我们应该尽快地把她送进医院。
we should send her to hospital ASAP.
2. 她成功地造出了一台新机器。
she made a new machine successfully
3. 别瞧不起这本书,它有它的用途.
Don't ovrlook this book. it has its own use.
4. 她高兴得说不出话来。
she is too joyful to talk
5. 我除了书之外什么也没有。
i have nothing but books.
6. 你听说过那个地方吗?
Have you heard about that place
7. 他从来没有想过要当一名教员。
He had never thought to be a teacher
8. 本店为你提供一切必需品。
My shop provides you all the necessities
9. 我们学习和生活的方式大体上(或多或少)差不多。
our way of studying and living is (more or less)almost the same
10. 火车上全是人,根本没有空座位。
there are full of people on the train/the train is too crowd, there are no seats available at all.
11. 这一定是那个时代的书。
it must be the book from that age.
12. 你会发现使用下脚料的真正价值。
you will find out the real value of using offcuts.
13. 他把所有的钱都花在买书上了。
he spent all his money on buying books.
14. 她的成功鼓舞了我们所有的人更加努力工作。
her success encouages all of us to work even harder.
15. 我猜想她很可能做出了一个错误的决定。
I guess she is more likely to have made a wrong decision

1. We should as soon as possible to her admitted to hospital.
2. She successfully created a new machine.
3. Do not look down on this book, it has its uses.
4. She was pleased to say a word.
5. I Apart from the book of nothing.
6. You heard of that place? »
7. He never thought about to become a teacher.
8. OUR to provide you with all the necessities.
9. We study and life in general the way (more or less) almost.
10. On the train is full, there is no empty seats.
11. This was something that era book.
12. You will find that the true value of the use of waste.
13. He put all the money spent to buy books on the.
14. She encouraged by the success of all of us work harder.
15. I suspect she may have made a wrong decision.


1 we should send her to the hospital ASAP
2 She successfully made a new machine.
3 Don't ovrlook this book. It is useful.
4 She is too glad to speak
5 I have nothing but books.
6 Have you heard of the place?
7 He had never thought to be a teacher.
8 My shop provides all the necessities.
9 Our styles of study and life are almost the same.
10 the train is full of people. There is no empty seat.
11 this book is definitely out of that time.
12 The will find the value of using wasted materials.
13 He spent all the money on books.
14 Her results encouraged us to work even harder.
15 I guess he must have made a mistake.

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