
作者&投稿:匡帜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 工料(工程原料)同样可以有更特定的含义,就是指那些已设计好构造的原料应用到特定的物质上以达到切实应用。
3. 第一步就是将图案安置在(待开模的)模板上。图案被覆盖上一层特种优质沙,这种沙子在与熔化的铁水接触过程时有隔热的功效,又可以使图案在模板上留下清晰光滑的映像。


研磨“工具” ,这种研磨材质形态不一,在输送带,轮子或者其他装置中



With the influx of foreign enterprises in China market, they are faced with Chinese enterprises supply chain development in the initial stage of this common problem. In order to better achieve the common development and profit, to prevent the gap between the two brought about the loss, the localization of foreign enterprises settled in China as an inevitable trend. This paper will be passed, vol investigation, lessons learned, comparative analysis of ways and means to describe Wal-Mart supply chain in the Chinese market localization process of localization and the economic benefits, is to prove that the localization of foreign enterprises to enter the domestic enterprises The inevitable process.


With the influx of foreign enterprises in China market, they are faced with Chinese enterprises supply chain development in the initial stage of this common problem. In order to better achieve the common development and profit, to prevent the gap between the two brought about the loss, the localization of foreign enterprises settled in China as an inevitable trend. This paper will be passed, vol investigation, lessons learned, comparative analysis of ways and means to describe Wal-Mart supply chain in the Chinese market localization process of localization and the economic benefits, is to prove that the localization of foreign enterprises to enter the domestic enterprises The inevitable process.

满意吗? 希望我的回答可以帮助到你

Foreign enterprises pour into Chinese market constantly,confronted with a common problem that the supply chain of Chinese corporations is in the stage of begining.In order to develop and make profits together,avoiding ........................无法翻下去了,中文有问题,两者是哪两者?(防止两者间脱节)

的企业文化。其中我觉得最重要的是了解沟通及团队合作在工作中的重要性 今年の一月に、私は杭州**トレーニングセンターで日本语、机械理论基础及び机械図面を作成するこをを养成しました。例えば、轴、携帯、エンジン、ギアオイルポンプ等等です。そのほかに日本の企业文化、ビジネス礼仪、...

双语翻译.高手请进. 30 请将下面一段汉语翻译成日语和英语.提示:马休·佩里(MatthewCalbraithPerry\/マシュー・カルブレース・ペリー)请不要用机器翻译.我看得懂日语,也看得懂英语.日语翻译请尽量... 请将下面一段汉语翻译成日语和英语.提示:马休·佩里(Matthew Calbraith Perry\/マシュー・カルブレ...

请高手介绍一些常用的彝族话,用汉字语音翻译出来,满意再追加金币_百 ...
1、苏木底伟——远方的客人 2、诺楷兹莫——你方平安吗 3、尼用品正——六畜兴旺 4、拉陈麻弱——五谷丰登 5、从共孜莫——人丁兴旺 6、从初则尼——民族团结 7、居祖吉特——社会和谐 8、几信几哈——和睦相处 9、几古几信——相亲相爱 10、确博——朋友 11、等社——你早 12、嘎约...

翻译如下:By then,the country's "green agriculture" centering on water and land will reach its full capacity,imposing the grim challenge of supplying a population of more than 1 billion with food.到那时,这个国家注重“水上种植”以及“土壤种植”的绿色农业将会满负荷运作,十亿人口的...

其实你翻译的不错,就是有一些地方(很少)不太通顺.我自己重新翻译了一下.不错你的真的不错.有很多地方我觉得你写的更好.不过有些地方我觉得我翻译的更简洁清楚.你不是说言简意赅嘛.Alice dreamt this dream a long time ago during summer.In this strange dream,the rabbit\/bunny was wearing ...

老公,知道么,一个晚上不让我聊天,真的难受,很失落很失落,我真的不想干扰你工作,但是只要在这里,听着你们开心的笑,我心里的感觉你是无法理解的。여보(당신) 알고있어요?온 저녁 나/...

(许渊冲译)3).In the Quiet Night So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed--- Could there have been a frost already?Lifting my head to look, I found that it was moonlight.Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.(Tr. Witter Bynner)4). Night Thoughts I wake, and ...


genuinely and try our best to improve .祝您身体健康、一帆风顺。Wish you good health and bon voyage...谷歌...谷歌翻译能用么...你机译出来的东西当然句子不通顺了.放心吧,我的翻译有保障.


勐海县13028421417: 英语翻译请英语高手们帮忙翻译一下以下5个句子:1.这的春天很美.2.有些人上午慢跑,有些人晚上慢跑.3.我的朋友们不喜欢生活在这个现代化的大城市里.4.... -
啜汤呋塞:[答案] 1.spring is beautiful here.2.someone like jogging in the moning ,someone like jogging in night3.my friends don't like living in this big monden city.4.we go to picnic at the seaside twice every year.5...

勐海县13028421417: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一下!! -
啜汤呋塞: 求职不易,应该帮助.人工翻译,放心用.祝你成功! Good morning! My name is xxx. I am 26 years old, and graduated from Feicheng Professional Technical School, majoring in hotel management. After graduation I have been working in several...

勐海县13028421417: 请英文高手进来一下,帮忙翻译一些句子~~谢谢了~~急 -
啜汤呋塞: 1. ask Tagore's famous phrase “only then experience hell suffering, can link discovers creates the heaven the strength; For by the finger which has bled, can discuss the time the pinnacle of poetic creation.”English original sentence what? 2. do ...

勐海县13028421417: 请英语翻译高手进来赐教啊!帮我翻译一个句子.谢谢了.我高分悬赏. -
啜汤呋塞: Sex realtionship is human only when it is brought into the orbit of verbal communication. Without wife or husband, there would be not ta...

勐海县13028421417: 英语翻译请哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话:“我要你知道,这个世界上有一个人会永远等着你.无论什么时候,无论你在什么地方,反正你知道总会有这样... -
啜汤呋塞:[答案] I want you to know that in this world there will have a person waiting for you forever .Whenever,regardless of you in any place,you knew in any case there will have this kind of person waiting for you.

勐海县13028421417: 英语高手请进来帮我翻译一下,翻译好追加奖励! -
啜汤呋塞: Design build show ingenuity, smart windows and doors each modality, elegant, simple and exquisite, taste infinite. The park trees, variety is rich, colorful, and having an antique flavour floor gallery pavilions set off cross-lays, but meantime, walking scene different, is wandering. 采纳

勐海县13028421417: 英语翻译请各位英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的一句话!你那短暂又简单的回答!让我不知道该如何继续我们之间的话题! -
啜汤呋塞:[答案] With such short and simple answers like yours, I don't know how to continue our talking.

勐海县13028421417: 请高手帮忙翻译英语一句 -
啜汤呋塞: 请您尽快帮我把东西寄出来!我很着急用!谢谢!Please help me to send the things out as soon as possible! I am very urgently needed! Thanks!

勐海县13028421417: 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了```要翻译的内容如下: 我放不下你.我感觉自己喜欢上你了.虽然我知道这是不可能的事.但我还是要去尝试一下,我知... -
啜汤呋塞:[答案] I cann't let you go,because I feel like I've fallen in love with you.I will have a try even if it is impossible.I know you love me too,so please don't hide your feeling any longer.

勐海县13028421417: 请英语高手进来帮忙翻译句子 -
啜汤呋塞: 1 John clever and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people. 2 I have decided to compete for the new post. You can also competition. It's up to you to decide. 3 the doctor came soon after my father tried to control the disease. 4 as ...

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