
作者&投稿:恽骂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
高分追加 帮忙翻译一段话 尽量用词简介~

Before in the eighties, wrestling and boxing is like a very serious campaign, and in 1982, this movement will become a more entertaining nature of the game.
Professional wrestling has been popular in the United States more than 100 years, initially in the origin of soldiers in the army how to enjoy themselves. Wrestling is not wrestling, including punching, kicking, elbowing, and fell behind almost all free-hand combat techniques, allow the extension of the playing field to the stands to break even indoors. Therefore, a more primitive among wrestling, free, popular, exciting game fighting. Wrestling and wrestling in the game have very different form, such as the most popular cage hell Competition, World War 30 and so on, which is impossible in the wrestling competition for emerging
Competition There are many different roles, just like Dan Yousheng drama of the net at the end of ugly, but these roles are not fixed, and sometimes will switch to negative roles of hero, to being an antagonist can also be heroes. It is precisely because of its ups and downs than the drama of the story but also, and even the bloody battle field, so wrestling is gaining popularity all over the world have begun to broadcast its games, and now a week of nearly 500 million viewers.
Alternative Sports Wrestling experience the charm of it
Wrestling cage wrestling contest Hell Hell in A Cell 30 people Royal Rumble battle villains heroes face characters left elbow elbow hell kicked suplex throw fist punch kick

Hello! everyone ,Let me introduce myself.My name is_______(姓名),I‘m__(年龄)years old.I live___________(住址).I have a mother ,a father ,(还有其他家人的话继续写就好了),I'm very happiness.My best friend is _______(最好的朋友谁谁谁),he/she is a good boy/girl.We ofen go to school togher.

The melody that the English song is beautiful, the unique one listens to the sound result, and the information in every aspect such as the national society, custom, history and culture of Great Britain and America that they transmit, have created the loose environment for classroom instruction, make students' imagination and creativity get abundant full play, but the great their enthusiasm of transfer, train them to study the interest of English, let them experience: It studies to be can on listen to teacher uninteresting preach totally, remote even, and just in their life, is a part of their life. Compared with simple language, the song is sound and having musical sound, having songs, adjusting, the students' union is easier to accept, the sympathetic response emerges.

The English learners should mostly pass through and study the regular course of the pronunciation, especially study in the continuous language flows how to use reading, omit, lose voice technology such as blowing up, assimilation of transliteration, sentence stressed, strong reading and weak reading, reduction of the sound, falling tone, rising tone. It has always been one of the difficult points on phonetics class how to succeed in applying voice technology to the real English expression, speak and even read aloud, pursue acceptability of language and have person who emphasize only usually, so, speak or may not strictly observe the pronunciation rule to read aloud, making some voice technology unable such as reading, losing blowing up, assimilation of the sound,etc. in succession be strengthened. English song has a continuity, rhythm, melody and cooperation of the lyrics of the song are mandatory, the persons who do not allow to sing stop arbitrarily, arbitrary pace of change and rhythm, must coordinate lyrics, melody, rhythm, will make the natural voice melodized. And the lyrics are read, skimmed, been stressed, lost and blown up etc. and often presented in succession, will help the English learner's pronunciation greatly, through studying the English song, the ones that remedied phonetic symbol exercise are dry as dust, can correct the pronunciation, there is very great facilitation to daily oral communication of English.

English song beautiful melodies, unique acoustical effects, and they convey the BAR country's social, customs, history, culture and other aspects of information for classroom teaching to create a favorable environment so that students have the imagination and creativity full play, arousing their great enthusiasm, to develop their interest in learning English so that they can feel: Learning to be able to listen to the teacher is not entirely boring preaching, and also is not far away, and in their life, They are part of life. And simple language, compared to songs sound, rhyme, song, stressed that the students more receptive, generate resonance.

English learners must go through the process of learning the rules of voice, especially in the continuous learning how to use language linking flow, the omission, loss of blasting, the sound of assimilation, the sentence read, strong and weak reading read, the sound of weakening, demotion or transfer such as voice technology. How to use voice technology to the real success of the English expression to voice class has always been one of the difficulties usually only read words and the pursuit of the acceptability of the language without stress, and therefore, may not speak or read strictly abide by voice rules, making certain technologies, such as linking voice, loss of blasting, and sound assimilation not be strengthened. Consistency of English songs, songs, the rhythm, melody and lyrics with a mandatory, not singing to halt arbitrary, arbitrary changes in the speed and rhythm, melody and lyrics must, rhythm coherence, will enable natural voice change a really pleasant to hear. And linking lyrics, skim, read, loss of phenomena such as frequent blasting, the pronunciation of English learners will be of great help, through learning English songs and make up for the transcription of boring exercises can correct voice, the English daily verbal exchanges very great role in promoting.

can write such atmospheric article, believe heart is also important.第二个在这里呵呵:这是一个动听而又近人情的故事。动人心弦、平缓舒雅、略带感伤。字里行间却鼓涌着一股无可抑制的冲击波,激起读者强烈的心灵震颤与共鸣。情节文字饱含浓度和广度,演绎出一场脱离世俗而合乎秩序的爱恋。This is ...

Human resources are not like project management or sales, who are good at generating revenue for the company. My job is more detail focused. So after a year, it is very difficult to quantify what I have done. The role of human resources is a helpful hand at the backbone. ...

The life should be likes the running water same, but is not thetranquil change. The life significance lies in the experience life,the pure life is tasteless, also is arid. Has only experienced thegood and bad in life, can say is the true experience life, lifepleasure not too ...

My intention is only to treat you, why do you have only a perfunctory me?I can't understand,Was what I did so wrong?Or I was making to you?You is say, I went to correct.But, not so this to me!I really can not stand!Even if my character is not so perfect,But, ...


Text 10 W: Oh, Frank’s in your class? He was in my class last term. I didn’t like him at all.奥,弗兰克在你班里啊?他上学期在我们班里,我一点都不喜欢他。M: What? You didn’t like Frank? He’s one of my best students.什么?你不喜欢弗兰克?他是我最好的一个学生...

1, we use the platform, client resources and financial assets to develop and maintain close we keep good communication with customers, good customer service and relationship maintenance.2, we provide investment advisory services, continue to dig and to provide personalized financial services...

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求 翻译 下面两段话 在最好是自己翻译的 拒绝机翻 和在线翻译 万分感谢...

I am always interested in editing.From the secondary school period, I have published articles. I have strong talent in words presentation and writing,be fond of literature, drama and history and with many years of theoretical study and related professional practice. I have a better ...

莱州市13747982353: 请高手帮我翻译一段话,翻的好我追加分It would also be interesting to examine the evolution of these linkages over time. The values of [N—N*] in 1980, 1985 ... -
祖士氨苄:[答案] [疑问]:OECD指的是“经合组织”还是某个地区的缩写?没有上下文很难判断.考察这些联系随时间的变化也很有趣.图4绘出了1980年、1985年和1990年[N—N*] 的价值表(均表示成1985年恒价形式).显然,[N—N*]估计值随时间的...

莱州市13747982353: 翻译一段英文,翻得好的话追加奖励. -
祖士氨苄: 休斯顿火箭队除了用一种最新最强的兼具进攻性和防守性的冲击使NBA球迷激动外.无论是在某人头上的暴扣,夺下三分球的篮板,抢下篮板球或者阻止投篮拖到另一个(24秒)进攻时间.姚明在NBA的赛季已经象冲天火箭一样人气直升.————基本对了,我敢说……验收吧,关键词glass篮板 rebounds篮板球dunk灌篮与喜欢yao的人共勉

莱州市13747982353: 100分.中译英两句话.不要直译,要有文采.我等的是大神.翻得好我追加100以梦为马,一路披荆斩棘回忆总是将我们推向过去,却忘了回头有多难. -
祖士氨苄:[答案] Ride on your dream and blast your way through.Ride on your dream and shoot your way to the finish line.以梦为马,一路披荆斩棘Memories always bring us back to the past,though we are paddling on the rive...

莱州市13747982353: 英语高手帮忙翻译两段话!! 好的话另外追加分! -
祖士氨苄: 1. The second Monday of October, NBA Bobcats team announced layoffs of 36 people, first of all to break the NBA has been economic prosperity. Next, the club have made ticket prices propaganda language, hoping to recover some losses2. ...

莱州市13747982353: 求翻译下列英文翻得好还有追加 -
祖士氨苄: 能源形式:动能(物体或物料由于运动而具有的能量,可由电力发动或处于惯性滑行状态) 能源来源:叶片(或桨叶)、飞轮、在供电分线箱或储线仓内的物料 上锁挂牌指引:制停及阻隔机器零件(如制停飞轮并确保它们停止回转),检查整...

莱州市13747982353: 100分.中译英两句话.不要直译,要有文采.我等的是大神.翻得好我追加100
祖士氨苄: Ride on your dream and blast your way through. Ride on your dream and shoot your way to the finish line. 以梦为马,一路披荆斩棘 Memories always bring us back to the past, though we are paddling on the river of no return. Memories always push ...

莱州市13747982353: 高分翻译两段英文(机器翻译者勿进!),翻的好的可以再追加! -
祖士氨苄: 实体,理论上是由最初理想状态下成组的关系紧密的分子构成的.如:乘积变量, Misfields,二分表. 为了获得正确的产品形式,酶分裂产物也会有高度的同族关系,甚至其垂直路径也会被更改.时而会发生一种单一的方式成功代替一种产品变量的...

莱州市13747982353: 帮忙翻译一下这段话,谢谢~~翻得好有追加悬赏~~ -
祖士氨苄: 通过集中关注各种资源部署之所在以及他们第一层命令效应预期要实现之处的各种活动、惯例以及公司流程,公司经理或许能够更好地衡量赋予他们公司的这一资源,并能识别那些应当予以利用、开发和保护的资源.从短期和中期来看,尽管一个公司在改变自己各种资源配备方面的能力是有限的,但公司经理或许能够重新设计一个公司的各种活动、惯例和公司流程,从而能够更有成效地利用公司现有的各种资源和能力.从这个意义上来说,整合这些之前对公司表现互相矛盾的各种阐释或许最终能够强化战略管理这一领域的适用性.手工翻译.

莱州市13747982353: 求高手翻译两句话!!谢绝翻译器~采纳快!追加高分! -
祖士氨苄: 1. Standard Chinese, or Putonghua is the standardized language of modern Han nationality, linguistically based on northern dialects, phonologically based on the Beijing dialect, and grammatically standardized to the modern literary works that ...

莱州市13747982353: 高分 求翻译一段对话!!!!如果翻得很棒..再追加100分! -
祖士氨苄: 我爱日本.我认为这是口音.口音?怎么没有人重视他们像这样的口音?又是如何画,滑稽的谈话紫罗兰占据了百年中国?它是扑朔迷离的.

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