
作者&投稿:貂孔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.There is a zoo near my house. I like to go there and see them. In the zoo we can see many a .
Look! There’s a k in the tree. He’s eating leaves. Isn’t he cute? Under the tree, there’s a g . Her neck is so long. She’s a c girl. Where’s the p ? She’s there eating the bamboo. She’s k of shy. But the e is interesting. He’s playing with kids with his long nose(鼻子). They’re v fun. Look! In the pool(池子), there are two d . They’re f to people. They are playing with their balls. How happy they are!
2.I am an American girl. My name is Alice Green. I am a middle school s . I am fifteen. I have two b . They are middle school students, too. We go to school from M to Friday. We don't h any calsses on Saturdays and Sundays. My father and mother are teachers. They always say China is great. I like reading. I am reading a Chinese storybook. I t it's very i . My brothers and I like p football and basketball. What s do you like? Let’s b good pen pal, OK? Please w to me soon.
3.T for your letter. I’m happy you like your new school. Let u tell you about my school life in C . I go to school from M to Friday. I have f classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. My favorite subject is m . I have m things to do after class. I often play soccer and s . On Tuesday evening, we have an English party. We all s English there. The g food at school is very nice. I really like it. I hope you can come to see me soon.

Mr sSmith was not married, he lived in an old house a_________ , He liked nothing b______ drinking.. One evening he drank a lot and could h________ stand. He was made into a taxi to go home. W_________ the help of the driver he got out. The taxi went a________ , but he couldn’t p________ the key into the key hole. W________ he was t______ to do it, a policeman cane. “ Can I help you, ?”The policeman asked. “Thank you, sir “ said Mr Smith, “The house is circling now. If you can s_______ its moving, I can open the door m_________.”
Here’s a part of an e-mail answer from Joe giving advice to his son in college.
When I was young, I often met t_______ about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to worry about those things. Io_______ did them once a year or once a lifetime. I__________, I should try to do well those things, and I do them every day. For example, I need to eat every day, so I should learn how to c________. I need to talk to o________ every day, so I should learn how to work with d_______ people and know how to s_______ well. I walk every day, so my s__________ have a good rest. Taking care of the e________ things m________ that you do a better job of the once—in—a—lifetime things as well.
Mr Grey was the head of a small office in London.. He came up to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office if it was not r_________, because it gave him some e__________. One morning he was walking along the street w________ a stranger stopped him and said to him, “You may not r¬¬¬¬¬_________ me, sir, but five years ago, I came to London w_______ any money in my pocket. I s_________ you in this street and asked you to lend me some m________, and you lent me five founds, b_________ you said that you wanted to take a chance to give a man a start to success.” Mr Grey thought for a few seconds and then said, “Now I remember you. Go on w_______ your story. “ “Well,” answered the stranger, “Do you s______ want to take a chance ?”
Once a Spaniard and his wife went to a foreign country in their car. They drove a________ for several days. One day something in their car was b_________. They had to have it mended. It was already evening. They had to look for a hotel to l________ in. At last they r_______ a small hotel. There were no l________ in it. The Spaniard went to the door and k_______ at it, but nobody came to a________ the door. At this time, an old man looked out of the window and said, “What do you want ?”
:Good evening,” the Spaniard said, :Have you got any f_________ room ?”
“Who are you ?”
“We are Don Ramen Roberts Manuel Claudius…”said the Spaniard.
“There are a lot of you. This is a small hotel. It can only h______ two people.” The old man said and c________ the door.
In the future, life will b¬¬_______ much better. Maybe there will be visionphone in every f________. People can have a medical examination without a d________ or nurse in the room and do some s_______ without leaving their homes. And what about education? There will be more educational programs on the radio or TV. So many children who live in faraway village don’t n______ to go to school every day. They prefer to have lessons at home rather than s________ at the school. If the room on the earth is not enough, perhaps some people will go to the m______ for a holiday and some scientists can live under the s_______.

Yesterday morning Paul said to himself, “If I’ve to write that economics paper today.”
He sat down at his desk and put a piece of paper into his typewriter. He looked out of the widow, ate some fruit, got up to get a drink of water, brushed his teeth, and sat down at his desk a_____ .
I haven’t written to my f______ since Christmas, he said to himself, “I’ll write them a letter f______ .”
Paul wrote his family a long letter, “My typewriter needs a new ribbon, I’ve to change this ribbon b______ I write my economics paper.”
The typewriter ribbon got his hands very dirty, so he washed them and washed them. While he was washing his hands, he found that his fingernails were much t______ long. He cut them very carefully and then went back to his desk. He p______ a piece of paper into his typewriter, looked out of the window, and looked at his w______ . It was noon.
“I’ll have my l_______ now,“ he said to himself, “After lunch, I’ll write that paper, if I don’t do any thing else.”

.(你感染了流感)You should drink more hot water and take some ______(前面已经写过medicine了,这里最好不要写).

2.My grandfather never watched TV.He thought that it took people too much t____ to watch it.Some of his friends often talked about sports programmes,the f____ and plays.Grandpa said to h_____,"They never read any books or go out in the e____".So he didn't buy a TV set.
Two years ago,he began to watch all the n____ programmes.He knows m____ more about the world now. And he reads more books,too.
Now grandpa will get very a_____ if you trouble him while he is watching TV.I can't understand that one can change his i____ when he is 60.

Jimmy is my neighbour.He is worried b____ he has to look for his newspapers every morning.The paperboy doesn't put them in the same p___.He just throws them everywhere.
One day,Jimmy learned f___ the paperboy's mother that the boy wanted to be a basketball player.Then he had an idea.When he got home,he put a basket on the front door.The n_____ morning he found his newspapers in the basket.In this way Jimmy never h___ to look for his newspapers again.

When I t___ a walk around Washington Square Park,I often see many people walking with dogs.It is still t___ that a dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world,but people have changed the reasons w___ they keep dogs as pets.They u___ to keep dogs in order to keep safe,but now they keep them as f___,because the city can be a lonely place.For a dog is his p___ when they f___ lonely at home.For old couples,a dog is their child when their r___ children have grown up.Now you can see the reasons why people keep dogs.

My son gave a party one Saturday night.I was hesitant (a )having a group of teenagers in our home, but to my (s ),they were all charming .The kids complimented me on my energy,and how (y )I looked(I was 34).When the party was (o ),I told my son how (m )I enjoyed his friends and their comments .He smiled and asked if I felt like a (t )again.
"Yes,"I responded ,"and I felt wonderful."
"I'm glad,"he said."By the way ,I told everyone that you (w )54."

1.What are the w-------- teachers doing? 答案 women

2. What time does your sister u------- go to school? usually
3.Linda often does her homework in the evening,b ------this evening she is watching TV.
4,,That little girl in a red skirt is our t------- daughter.


答案 1, women ,2, usually
,3 。but 4.teacher’s


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