
作者&投稿:友秒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1: Surface of the product should be cleaned.
2:Whorl 11/16-16UN’s level is 6e before electrogilding. whorl M12-1.5’s level is 2A-0.06 before electrogilding.


Living in this hotel for more than 3 days(including 3 days) will be give a free drive from airport. If less than 3 days, every time of driving to or from airport will charge RMB80.00。 Thanks a lot!

In the hotel on the 3rd above (including 3), and free pick-up. Less than 3, each pick-off charges or RMB80.00. Master Thank you, I stay in Lijiang

Free shuttle bus from and to the airport for those stay at hotel over three days (including 3 days),otherwise it will charge RMB 80 per time for the shuttle bus service.

The guests who patronize this hotel for more than 3 days will be received by the hotel at no additional charge.
For guests who stay less than 3 days, there will be a charge of RMB80.00 for transport to and from the airport.

I love Lijiang

Kip in our rummery above 3 days (include 3 days), Free pick-up!Less than 3 days, each pick-up or send-off charges RMB800.

贯彻人译,抵制机译!Actualy, what we need to know is :事实上,我们需要了解以下事项:1. More information on your brand and what do you expect for the range of product you want us to design.更多关于你们品牌的信息,以及你们希望我们设计哪些范围的产品。I mean what is your history...

1-. Pass my glasses to me . I can ___ read the words in the newspaper .A- hardly B- really C- rather D- clearly 答案: A 解释: hardly 几乎不 翻译: 把我的眼镜递过来,我几乎看不见报纸上的字了.2-. My parents don't allow me ___ out at night .A- go B- to go...

生活像一片破碎的镜子 Life is like a broken mirror 是的,破碎的镜子 O, a broken mirror 碎片洒落了一地 With its pieces scattering all over 无情地刺伤了 Cutting my helpless fingers 我无助的指尖 Without mercy 我却依然执着拼凑着 But I'm still trying 拼凑着 拼凑着 Trying to piece...

31. 然后是银行。中国进出口银行(英文缩写EXIM)正在资助260多个项目, 这些项目分布在36个非洲国家。 同时,截至2007年3月中国开发银行给非洲的贷款超过10亿美元。这笔钱至今已帮助修建9000公里的公路和铁路,以及8个大,中型发电厂。32。 其中引起中国相当大的注意力的一个国家是赞比亚。3亿多美元的...

HELP 帮忙翻译成英文
1 Red Star Primary School was founded in 1985, has just set up, only 2 teachers and 23 children, little equipment, very poor conditions.2 in China with the help of Project Hope, the school changed dramatically.3 increased to 200 the number of children, teachers grow to more ...

Weighing feeders adjust the materials mix composition.重量计量进料器会调整原料的混合成分.The self-product cement out of the mill will be sent to the high efficiency classifier by the bucket elevator.从磨机中置换(或翻译成沉淀?)出来的副产品(自我产物?)将由链斗升降机运送到高效的...

fine as well and thanks a lot for your mail. 我希望你们那儿也好,谢谢你的来信。I will not forget to contact you as soon as we will get the new law of importation approved and of course translated 我不会忘记联络你,一旦我们这里的进口新法律批准实施,呵呵,会翻译给你的。

Someone to hold me tight 有人紧紧握着我的手 That would be very nice 那样的感觉真好 Someone to love me right 有人爱着我 That would be very nice 那样的感觉真好 Someone to understand 有人能理解我 Each little dream in me 每一个属于我的小小梦想 Someone to take...

1. Welcome to Taipei! 欢迎光临台北!2. Welcome to British Airways. 欢迎光临英航。3. Welcome to my humble dwelling. 欢迎光临寒舍。4. Welcome to our hotel again. 欢迎再次光临我们的酒店。5. Welcome to our humble abode! 欢迎光临寒舍!

Harmful elements in the air 空气中满是有害元素 Symbols clashing everywhere 符号到处飞舞 Reaps the fields of rice and reeds 收获田间的水稻和野草 While the population feeds 成为人类的粮草 Junk floats on polluted water 垃圾水上漂 An old custom to sell your daughter 旧习卖女儿 Would ...

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译成英文
赧钧泊瑞: i am really sorry , i didn't receive the email from you ,if you have any time ,could you please send the contract to another email ,i will deal with it in time , thank you .

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译一下,. -
赧钧泊瑞: XXX: 截止目前为止,我司财务还没有收到贵司的付款,请帮忙安排一下.希望得到你的帮助,谢谢!不能直译,参考如下:Dear XXX I'm writing to ask for your help to arrange your company to pay us as soon as possible, because up to now our Finance Department hasn't received your payment yet. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,XX 全是我自己来的,还算专业,若帮到了你,记得采纳哦-,0

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译成英语
赧钧泊瑞: 希望你能来我家做客 I hope you will come to my home

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译成英文 -
赧钧泊瑞: Please send me some high quality pictures?Please provide loading pictures of goods under this contract.

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译成中文 -
赧钧泊瑞: 它是一家无数的困难公司与打开业余工作老师,但修士的杆当前与里面的妇女的我在世界等级之下并且无知地决定一个河星期,并且笨拙,它是以前推的集合. 如此它在期间,但不外缘以资历在年龄出生不感觉地方面对充电在问题反对外缘“我尝试听在圆周和资历的妇女剥皮的不更旧的小辈夫妇的实际问题在它宁可似乎年轻的年龄锯并且不同联系在一起,全部,九床罩狂放下面的人比. 它听谈话的它是像那样我在一些期间的地方,并且它了解,并且它给,并且它. Hu Hu Hu. ”笑它下跌. 在多详细的打印的文风冷冻实际戏剧膳食以情况杆呼吸的标准相似地容易地击中. 不相当很好灵魂或企图,但像那样小辈南恋人冷冻实际爱的地方标准的特点是,因为它相同在外缘方面.

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译一句话 -
赧钧泊瑞: 你好!!!翻译得不太好,请见谅.英文 :I would go to Japan one day to see you, waiting for me.日文:私は一日が日本に行くのを见たら、私を待っています.还有什么不明白的地方再问我.谢谢!

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译一句话 -
赧钧泊瑞: 1-有个农村叫张家庄,张家庄有个张木匠,张木匠有个好老婆,外号叫“小飞蛾”,小飞蛾生个女儿叫艾艾. There's a village called ZhangJiaZhuang. and there's a carpenter surnaed Zhang, he had a very good wife nicknamed "little flying moth...

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译成中文~ -
赧钧泊瑞: 고난이 사람을 변하게 한다고,苦难会令人改变,밀어내도 다가오는 &#...

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译为英语,谢谢
赧钧泊瑞: 呵呵,再改一改就对了 Our company is willing to cooperate with customers home and abroad in various forms on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, welcome to visit and negotiate business.

泗洪县15855484868: 请帮忙翻译一下这段话
赧钧泊瑞: 按照您的要求,我们将在明天出货给您,您是安排到我司新加坡仓库上门提货或是我们送到贵司马来西亚仓库? 另外,请安排以下付款,谢谢! As per your request, we will ship the goods to you tomorrow. Would you like to pick up the goods at ...

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