
作者&投稿:弘柯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

select sum(chulishichang1) from: 查询chulishichang1属性值的和
formtable_main_854 t1: formtable_main_854是左表,起别名为t1
left join: 左连接
workflow_requestbase t2: workflow_requestbase是右表,起别名为t2
on t1.requestid=t2.requestid: 通过这两个属性连接两张表
where t2.currentnodetype =3: 筛选条件,右表t2的currentnodetype属性值 = 3

1. 从语法上来说,这样的改写是没有问题的。
2. 但是如果从此句的表达功能和句意来看,改写后差别很大,建议不要改了。
He handed me a pen, with which I wrote down my address for him.
He handed me a pen with which I wrote down my address for him.


1) a flat area for walking on.one built across the space between the sides of a boat or a bus;a type of floor.甲板;(公共汽车的)层面;地板。
2) a set of cards used for playing card games.一副纸牌。
3)to decorate or add something to (something) to make an effect 装饰,装点。
4) slang to hit.to hit and knock down.击倒。

1) exclamation slang an expression of anger or annoyance which is not strong and is not usually considered offensive.该死的;讨厌的。
2)adv.adj.slang very;great.极,非常。
3)to blame or strongly criticize.指责,谴责。
4)to force (someone) to stay in hell and be punished forever.罚入地狱。

refusal to obey orders and/or a violent attempt to take control from people in authority,in a military situation or on a ship.反叛,叛变,叛乱。


1) to fasten together two ends of (a piece of string or other long thin material),or to (cause to) hold together with a long,thin piece of string.结,打结,系,缚,捆,扎
2)If you say that a man ,is tied to his mother's/wife's apron strings, it means that he is strongly influenced and controlled by that person.受某人的影响和管束。
3) a tie is a long thin piece of material that is worn under a shirt collar,by men,and tied in a knot at the front.领带。
4) a tie is also any piece of string,plastic,metal,which is used to fasten or hold together something.(绑扎东西用的)带子,绳子。
5) to finish at the same time or score the same number of points in a competition as someone or something else.(比赛中)平局,不分胜负。

1) to (cause to) go down below the surface or to the bottom of a liquid or soft substance.沉没,陷没。
2) to (cause to) fall or move to a lower level.跌落,变低。
3) to sink a ball is to hit it into a hole or pocket,in golf.击球进洞。
4) to dig (a hole) in the ground, or to put (something) into a hole dug into the ground.掘,挖,埋。
5) to cause to fail or be in trouble.使失败,使陷入麻烦。
6) to pass into a solid object through its surface.渗入。
7) a large open container in a kitchen which holds water,has pipes to supply and remove water and is used for washing dishes.洗涤槽。

adv.almost or not completely.几乎;不完全。

1) a fastening made by tying together the ends of a piece or pieces of string, rope, cloth.(绳等的)结
3) a small group of people standing close together.群。
4)a small hard area on a tree or piece of wood where a branch was joined to the tree.树瘤;(木板上的)节疤。
5)specialized a measure of the speed of ships,aircraft or movements of water and air.One knot is approximately 1.85 kilometres per hour.节(航速和流速单位:1节约等于1.85公里/时)

1) in bad health.有病的,不健康的。
2)if you speak/think ill of someone,you talk or think about them in an unkind way.说某人坏话/认为某人坏。
3)if you can ill afford something,you can only pay for it/give it with difficulty.几乎付/给不起。
4)someone or something that is ill-advised is unwise or foolish.不明智的。

10. wooden
1) adj.木头的,木制的。
2) wooden spoon is the imaginary prize that a person or team is given if they finish last in a race or competition.(赛跑或竞赛中的)末名奖。
3) disapproving (of behaviour) stiff and awkward,or lacking in expression.木头似的,无表情的,呆板的。

1) the hearing of statements and showing of objects in a court of law for the purpose of judging whether a person is guilty of a crime or for deciding a case or a legal matter.审讯;审判。
2) a test,usually over a limited period of time,to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is.试;试验。
3) a person or thing that is annoying and causes a lot of problems.惹麻烦的人;令人讨厌的人或物。

1) a prisoner is a person who is kept in prison as a punishment.犯人,囚犯。
2) if someone is taken prisoner, they are caught by enemy forces.俘虏,战俘。
3) if someone is held/kept prisoner, they are caught and guarded so that they cannot escape.被囚禁。


Use simple words to explain the following words

系 ;领带

deck [dek]
n. 甲板|v. 装饰
damn [dæm]
a. 该死的,可恶的|v. 诅咒,下地狱
mutiny ['mju:tini]
n. 兵变,反抗|vi. 叛变
worried ['wʌrid]
a. 担心的,烦恼的
tie [tai]
n. 结,束缚,不分胜负,领带,领结,鞋带|v. 系,打结,约束
sink [siŋk]
n. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽|v. 下沉,使...低落,陷于
nearly ['niəli]
ad. 几乎,差不多
knot [nɔt]
n. 结|v. 打结|vt. 把...打成结
ill [il]
a. 坏的,有病的|ad. 坏,不利地|n. 不幸,祸害|v. 生病
wooden ['wudn]
a. 木制的
trial ['traiəl]
a. 尝试性的|n. 尝试,努力,试验,试用,讯问,审讯|n.讨厌的事,人
prisoner ['priznə]
n. 囚犯

Use simple words to explain the following words

use your own words to explain the following words

busy 英 [ˈbɪzi] 美 [ˈbɪzi]adj. 忙碌的,繁忙的;热闹的;全神贯注的;占线的;繁琐的,杂乱的 v. 使自己忙于 n. 警官,警察 【名】 (Busy)(匈)布希,(法)比西(人名)[ 复数 busies 第三人称单数 busies 现在分词 busying 过去式 busied 过去分词 busie...

be busy with something,一提到忙于某事,很多人脑海里第一句都是这句。那么,除了这个表述,还有哪些更接地气的短语和句型,可以表示“忙”呢。往下看:1. be in the middle of something. 举例:I'm in the middle of playing computer games.我忙着玩游戏呢。2. be tied up. 举例:I'm t...

I'm busy now, wait chat please.

needn't have done 不需要做而做了

to prove that you are busy, as long as you say, I do not care about 你不用这样解释,忙的时候发个视屏来证明你在忙,只要你说了,我不计较 You don't have to explain, busy time to send a video to prove that you are busy, as long as you say, I do not care about ...

TIM: 当中国获08奥运会举办权时,你在干什么?你还记得吗?BOB:我记得。我在家里。我在电视上看见新闻时我在做作业。PAT:我正和我爸在超级市场购物,当我们从电台听见这个新闻时。我们那天买了很多东西!KIM: 当我听见它时,我正在游泳池里游泳。我应更努力工作。然后,我可能在将来去奥运会。真...

2. 玛瑙 - Agate 3. 水晶 - Crystal 4. 珊瑚 - Coral 5. 琥珀 - Amber 6. 天珠 - Beads 7. 珍珠 - Pearl 8. 松石 - Loose Rock 9. 鸡血宽纯石 - Bloodstone 10. 彩石 - Color Stone 11. 紫云石 - not clear, needs clarification 12. 铁胆石 - not clear, needs clarification ...

这是一个非常地道的美式口语表达。字面意思是“在...中间”,当你忙着做事的时候,不正好是夹在这件事情的中间吗?in the middle of后面还可以加doing sth.有时候 in the middle of是一个很实用的客套话,能帮你推掉一些无聊的社交邀约。而且用这个说法和美国人对话,就显得你的英语自然地道了。...

英语高手帮个忙!翻译一下landscape engineer,tonsorial artist,sanit...
landscape engineer风景美化师,tonsorial artist美发师\/发型设计师,sanitation engineer环境工程师\/卫生工程师.shoe rebuilder 鞋品复原师;plain-looking girl,相貌平平的女孩子.

我在忙的英文是什么 我要写我在忙,你能否帮我接一下电话的英语作文
I am busy.Could you answer the phone for me?

河曲县18092922176: 用一句英语句子解释一下几个单词(简单易懂的)1.dawn 2.sunrise 3.noon 4.afternoon 5.evening 6.sunset 7.dusk 8.night 9.midnight10.manager 11.engineer ... -
简须复方:[答案] 单词:dawn 音标: n.黎明;开端 vi.破晓 单词:sunrise 音标: n.日出(时分) 单词:noon 音标: n.中午,正午 单词:afternoon 音标: n.单词:evening 音标: n.傍晚,晚上 单词:sunset 音标: n.日落(时分) 单词:dusk 音标: n.薄暮,黄昏,...

河曲县18092922176: 谁能帮我解释下这些英文
简须复方: 1 n. 重物; adj. 沉重的; adv. 大量地;笨重地2 最好的朋友损失3. 不能放弃4. 不是很容易5. 像2个人一样6. 在这之前......后来

河曲县18092922176: 帮忙用英语解释一下这些单词 -
简须复方: bright [braɪt] adj emitting or reflecting much light; shining(of colours) intense or vividfull of promisea bright future full of animation; cheerfula bright face quick witted or clevera bright child magnificent; gloriousa bright victory polished; glistening ...

河曲县18092922176: 英语中的词类缩写的解释.
简须复方: n. 名词 adj. 形容词 vt. 及物动词 vi. 不及物动词 adv.副词 prep. 介词

河曲县18092922176: 帮忙解释一下这些英语句子?
简须复方: 1.How to say it in English?It is an orange. 2. What is it? It is a quilt. 3.Please spell it. 4.What color is it ? It is black and white. 5.This key is yellow. 6.This pen is green. 1.你从哪里来?小学 2.你家有几口人? 3.你几岁了? 4.你爸爸是做什么的? 5.你妈妈在哪工作? 6.你喜欢你的新学校吗?为什么?

河曲县18092922176: 帮忙解释这些英文句子.最好快.so he is standing near the counter and waiting for her.Mr.green says kindly…… -
简须复方:[答案] so he is standing near the counter and waiting for her. 因此,他正站在柜台附近等候她 Mr.green says kindly…… 格林先生和蔼地说

河曲县18092922176: 帮忙解释一下英语的从句是什么,要通俗易懂的,别在别的网上复制 我上初二.谢谢 -
简须复方: 简单的说法就是:英语句子大致分为两种:一种是简单句;另外一种是复合句.举个例子:1.I like this small cat.我喜欢这只小猫.(简单句)——只有一个主语、谓语和宾语.2.He is the man who wants to see you. (这个句子中who wants to see you为定语从句,修饰the man;而He is the man为主句,即整个句子为从属复合句,从句是对主句的补充说明)

河曲县18092922176: 帮忙解释一个英文单词的意思
简须复方:interj.再见!一路平安! n.1. 告别话,辞行话,临别赠言2. 告别,离别,辞别3. 送别会,欢送会 adj.告别的,临别的,永别的 vi.告别vt.向…告别:

河曲县18092922176: 这些英文什么意思啊.帮忙翻译一下 Failed to initialize OpenGL.Please restart luncher. -
简须复方:[答案] 初始化程序失败,请重新启动程序

河曲县18092922176: 请各位帮忙解释几个英语句子! -
简须复方: 1、answered with the first thing that came into my head 这得连着看,我觉得意思就是,我按照自己脑子里面想起来的第一个回答作答.其实,其实就是想起什么答什么,没多考虑2、are no use是病句阿,如果非要用被动句,要变成are not used...

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