
作者&投稿:萧侦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. This chart depicts our school life.
2. There is a boy standing there.
3. There are some students at playing basketball.
4. At some other people talk to each other.
5. And even have a person playing at Tai Chi Chuan.
6. Sunny.
7. The sky blue.
8. Breeze blowing.
9. The birds in the trees cried merrily.
10. Tree is full of vitality.

He encountered some difficulties in the last test.
The claims examiner demanded him to image a unexpected boy was crossing the road ,and stopping his car when he heard the knock of windows.
He was slow in reacting and stopped his car after a long while.

We can easily turn off the lights;

We can make the best use of fewer plastic bags;

We will be able to refuse classification bagging home;

We can be on time to unplug our phone charger;

We take the bus, we can do not rob, and not crowded, the initiative Rangzuo means;

If we can not throw garbage Qujian others, but we can do not to throw their garbage;

We can not stop others Qutou,去抢, but we can do themselves Qutou, and looting;

We can easily turn off the lights;

We can make the best use of fewer plastic bags;

We will be able to refuse classification bagging home;

We can be on time to unplug our phone charger;

We take the bus, we can do not rob, and not crowded, the initiative Rangzuo means;

If we can not throw garbage Qujian others, but we can do not to throw their garbage;

We can not stop others Qutou,, but we can do themselves Qutou, and looting;


1. 我认为你爸爸的job真实太酷了。我也非常喜欢乐器,我会弹钢琴和拉小提琴。但是水平不是很高。1 and I think your dad 's job real cool. I also like music, I can play the piano and the violin. But the level is not very high.2.我喜欢古典乐,我喜欢Mozart的曲子,它们十分动听...

请帮我把这几个句子翻译成英文,无语法错误即可。 (1)下面我来介绍...
We watched (enjoyed) an exordinary English movie on the afternoon this Thursday.(4)平常休息的时间,会聚在一起把老师布置的作业完成,有不懂的地方就互相帮助。We write our homework in our spare time, and discuss about the difficulties.(5)小组成员也都来我这里背诵了课文。All the ...

行动开始后美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)停飞所有进入美国境内的航班,而将这些航班暂时转入加拿大。3 CFB Goose Bay: Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay[加拿大Goose Bay军事基地]4 Halifax Stanfield International Airport: Halifax机场 地名什么都没有翻译~有其他问题欢迎探讨 希望对你有帮助 ...

22. 22.我喜欢英语吗? Do I like English?23. 23.你明天工作几小时?八小时。 How many hours will you work tomorrow? Eight hours.24.你昨天几点起床的? When did you get up yesterday?25.下周我们要去北京开会。We will go to Beijing for a meeting next week.26.我小时候经常踢球。

1.这本书什么时候出版?When will the book be published?2.这个饭馆什么时候开张?When will be grand opening for this restaurant?3.营业时间是什么?What will be the business hours?4.这个饭馆能座多少个人?How many people will the restaurant hold?5.这个饭馆都有什么服务?What kind of ...

1. you must try to have a nine-hour sleep every night.2. They try to help me to learn English 3. You should eat less meat, more vegetable and fruits.Doing eyes exercise that's good for your eyes 4. How do you keep fit?5. What color is it?6. How much is this ...

一、帮忙把下面的几个句子翻译成地道的英语:1.我很高兴能够成为这个班级的一分子。I am glad to be part of this class.2.我喜欢看电影。I love watching movies.3.“...”是我最喜欢的一句话,在此与大家共勉。“...”This is my favourite sentence and I am sharing with all of you ...

答案:1.科学家认为火星上没有生命。(assume)Scientists assumed that there is no life on Mars.2.不同的民族有不同的生活方式。(way)Different nations have different ways of life.3.健康和饮食习惯有关。(have to do)Health has something to do with diet.4.这两张相片如此相像,我说...

分析句子的时候,可以先找主谓宾,然后再把其他的成分一一确定。26-1 It cannot be denied, that, in the past two centuries of rural development ,the main attention was directed towards increased agricultural production without adequate regard to associated environmental changes.这是一个主语...

of this word?7`It seems that you're worried about something.Is everything OK?8`The food is too much,we could't eat it up.9`My father would leave today or tomorrow.10`Hearing the news,they're all surprised.这些都是我自己翻译的,没什么文采,但确保没有什么语法错误 ...

宣恩县17718731320: 把下列几个句子译成英语 :1.昨天风刮的很猛,雨也下的很大 2.你什么时候到达学校?半小时前 3.复习功课 -
睢劳升白:[答案] 1There was fierce wind and big rain yesterday. 2When did you arrive the school?I arrived here half hour ago. 3Reviewing classwork. 请及时采纳

宣恩县17718731320: 谁能帮我把下面几个句子翻译成英文:一分钱难倒英雄汉.钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能的. -
睢劳升白:[答案] A man without money is no man at all 一分钱难倒英雄汉. Money is not everything,but without it you can do nothing 钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能的.

宣恩县17718731320: 关于英语问题帮我把下列句子翻译成英语1.这是我家人的照片.我很爱他们2.那些字典是我父母的.3.你会用英语说“手表”吗?请准确翻译.如有几种方式请一一... -
睢劳升白:[答案] 1.这是我家人的照片.我很爱他们 This is the photo of my family.I love them very much. 2.那些字典是我父母的. Those dictionaries are my parents'. 3.你会用英语说“手表”吗?你会拼吗? Can you say "watch" in English?Can you spell it?

宣恩县17718731320: 英语翻译还有,请帮忙把下面的句子也翻译成英文:1.夏天很热,冬天很冷,秋天很凉快,春天很温暖.2.你的书在哪儿?我的书在床上.3.TOM准备和他的姐姐... -
睢劳升白:[答案] 1.Summer is hot,winter is cold,autumn is very cool,spring is very warm.2.Where is your book?It's on the bed.3.Tom is going to boat with his sister.4.I don't like English,because its too hard and I'm v...

宣恩县17718731320: 请帮我把下面的句子翻译成英语
睢劳升白: I beg your pardon! Excuse me! I will not English. I would like to tell you that; I come in to help you transfer your air-conditioning. I have a good tune, please do not move it! This ...

宣恩县17718731320: 请帮我把下面几句话翻译成英文 -
睢劳升白: The sunflower wears the corolla which the gleaming dewdrop embellishes, rushes to be first welcomes Chaoyang to be in full bloom, a crowd of group full of affection honeybe...

宣恩县17718731320: 英语翻译帮我把下面的句子翻译成英文:我们应该爱自己的父母,经常帮他们做家务事,多于他们沟通,赞扬他们,让他们也感受到幸福和快乐 -
睢劳升白:[答案] We should love our parents ,sometimes wo ought to help them to do some housework,talk with them ,encourage them ,and let them feel happiness.

宣恩县17718731320: 请帮我用英语翻译下面这几个句子~ -
睢劳升白: 1:编制审计报告时应依照国际通用做法,这家公司的做法明显不符合上述原则.Audit report should be established per international general procedures, which is apparently not what this company has done. 2:由于涉嫌财务诈骗,这家公司被罚...

宣恩县17718731320: 帮我把下面句子翻译成英语,祝我亲爱的妈妈母亲节快乐,身体越来越好,越来越漂亮. -
睢劳升白:[答案] I wish my dear mother happy mother's day, the body is becoming better and better, more and more beautiful.

宣恩县17718731320: 请帮我把下面的句子翻译成英文,...
睢劳升白: A few days before the Internet I bought a recorder, but the sound is not clear, the operation is not convenient, also often appear problem, would you please help me to think of a good solution ...

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