
作者&投稿:锻兴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.选A。take place发生=happen。由于是this morning,过去时间,所以用过去式、
2.B。正确语序是数词+million/billion/thousand+名词。表示过少....也可以说billions of,但是这里不行,因为前面有about了,billions of本身即有大概的意思了

We are going to relocating factories to the suburbs to keep the urban area from heavy pollution.
&combine the city parks with residential area so that natual environment will be more available.
&explore new sourses of energy other than burning fossil feuls and coal and apply to this city to reduse the air pollution.

八年级上册英语选择题,明天要讲一道题,麻烦一下各位,我知道答案,不知道为啥 I want to sit at the table near the window.
Sorry,_________ already
A it took B it takes C it is taking D it has been taken
答案是D 要翻译、重点,和为什么不选其他的。答:看来是一个新老师。译:我要坐窗口附近的那张桌子。 对不起,那张桌子已经有人了。析:it指那张邻窗的桌子。它和take (占用)是被动关系,所以用被动语态。四个选项中只有D项是被动语态,且为现在完成时的被动语态,强调影响和结果:你不能坐那张桌子了。
1. 不太符合生活。这对话应发生在餐馆,顾客和服务生之间。餐馆不会只有一扇窗吧?就是一扇窗,邻窗的桌子也可以不止一张。
2. 一般顾客说:我要一张邻窗的桌子:I'd like a table near the window (near a window),不太说:I want to sit ...

现在完成时的形式为have done,所以选D



1.took 桌子本身不能被预定,同理,A,B,C被排除;


应为是被动语态,桌子是单三,take的延续性动词是been taken 所以用has been taken ,前三个不选,选D
你懂了吗?希望帮到你 望采纳谢谢

一、单项选择(每题2分,共24分)( ) 1 He’s in New York___ his cousin, Simon.A at B with C for ( ) 2 Tell me more ___the Great Wall. A about B How long C in ( ) 3 ___is it ? It’s about six thousand kilometres.A How B How long C How about ...

“Self-driving cars would be able to send you to the workplace and then pick up another person instead of stopping in a parking lot.” 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 41. We don’t know the price of the self-driving car because ___. A. it is on sale onl...

六年级上册英语选择难题 回答者出 加上正确形式填空 共三十道
1.My brother is two years _older__(old)than me.2.Tom is as __fat_(fat) as Jim.3.Is your sister ___younger___(young) than you?Yes,she is.4.Who is ___thinner___(thin),you or Helen?Helen is.5.Whose pencil-box is ___bigger___(big),yours or hers?Hers is.6...

Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。( )16. Miss Green is an ___ girl.A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. nice ( )17. Are these ___?A. you bag B. your bag C. you bags D. your bags ( )18. ___ are in the same scho...

初一上册英语填空 、选择题
( )1.These books are ___. ___ are in ___ bags.A. my. You, You B. My, Yours, your C. mine, Your, Yours D. mine, Yours, your ( )2.Would you like ___ your mother cook supper?A. helping B. to help C. help D. helping ( )3....

一.单项选择:( )1. –Good morning. -___A. Fine. B. Thank you. C. Good morning.( )2. ___ are you, Helen -I’m OK, thanks.A. How B. how C. What ( )3. –Good evening, ___. –Good evening.A. cindy B. to Cindy C. Cindy ( )4. ...

▶▶▶新人教版八年级英语上册期末测试题◀◀◀ :第Ⅰ卷选择题 共85分 Ⅰ. 听力测试20分 A 听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子,每个句子听一遍。 5分 1. A. How often do you shop? B. She’s going camping. C. I have sore throat. 2. A. What’s the best radi...

一、听力理解 (略)二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)( )31. — What do you want to be when you grow up?— ___ scientist like Einstein!A. The B. An C. A D. \/ ( )32. The teacher told us a story ___ the beginning of the class.A. at B. to C. o...

七年级英语期末考试试题第一卷选择题(50分)I.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is ___ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. \/ ( )2. We don’t like___. A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolies ( )3. ___. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C...

八年级上册英语题:(单项选择)Do you need___help?A.any B.a C.some...
C help是不可数名词哦 这里some是用于一中委婉的说法 属于特殊用法 help用法 vt.1. 帮助[(+with)][O2][O3]Could you help me up with this suitcase?你帮我把这箱子搬到楼上好吗?2. 援助;助长,促进[O2][O3]Foreign investments help our economic development.外国投资有助于我们的经济发展。3...

新乡县19461218773: 英语高手进.八年级上册的一道选择题.谢谢~下面题目为什么要选A呢?(A) 3.Mother suggested me ( ) lunch at home.A.to have B.have C.had -
蓍古芙格:[答案] suggest sb to do sth这是固定搭配

新乡县19461218773: 八年级上英语选择题 -
蓍古芙格: -------I can't undersand the story.------Don't worry .I can ...D.... the story into Chinese for you.A.change B.send C.read D.translate 我不理解这故事 不要担心,我把它翻译成中文给你 希望能够帮到楼主

新乡县19461218773: 8年级英语基础选择题1道onlyCan you work ( ) the math problem in 5minutes A.forB.onC.outD.inPS:what it is 和 what is it 的用发区别是不是前者用在肯定句,... -
蓍古芙格:[答案] Can you work ( ) the math problem in 5minutes A.for B.on C.out D.in答案是:C work for 为…工作 eg:work for a computer company work in+地点 在哪里工作而what it is 和 what is it I woner what it is .中的...

新乡县19461218773: 八年级英语单项选择题,要讲解 -
蓍古芙格: d b

新乡县19461218773: 英语问题(八年级上)两道选择题急急急!!!!!! -
蓍古芙格: 1 B( there be +名词+ doing ;因为前面已有动词were,故后面的动词要用ING 作状语,故A错)2 因为LAST SUNDAY 上周日,已过去,故要用一般过去时,故不能选A,正确的是B

新乡县19461218773: 八年级英语选择题一道 -
蓍古芙格: 选择C. tastes首先可以看出句中缺少一系动词,所以可以排除B.does,再因为milk是不可数名词,所以系动词只能用第三人称单数(简称单三)故选C.有不会的欢迎提问,随时解答

新乡县19461218773: 一道八年级英语选择题
蓍古芙格: 选C 这里room是表示不可数,“空间”的意思 如果表可数,那么前面要用there are

新乡县19461218773: 英语选择题 八年上
蓍古芙格: 选A这是初三年才学的现在完成时

新乡县19461218773: 8年级英语选择题1道 -
蓍古芙格: 您好!希望我的回答对你有帮助!应该选B,There is going to be将会有...如果选Ahold,a sports meeting 应该是被举办,是被动关系选hold解释不通祝学习进步!

新乡县19461218773: 一道初二英语选择题2september18,1931isthed
蓍古芙格: 选C,这道题里september 18,1931 is the day做的是forget的宾语,而不是一般的时间状语,所以用which或that引导

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