
作者&投稿:友周 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有哪些词加to do和doing表示不同的意思~

1) be afraid to do 不敢、害怕、胆怯去做某事
be afraid of doing 担心、恐怕出现

2) forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未做)
forget doing sth. 忘记做过了某事(已做)

3) remember to do sth.记着去做某事(未做)
remember doing sth.记着做了某事(已做)

stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事
stop doing sth. 停止做某事

5) regret to do sth. 遗憾地说/告诉…
regret doing sth. 后悔做了…

6) try to do sth.表示尽自己最大能力做某事,等同于try one'sbest to do sth.
try doing sth.表示尝试着做某事

7) start to do sth 开始做另一件事
start doing sth 开始继续做这件事

8) like to do 表示短时间的喜欢做某事
like doing 表示长时间的喜欢做某事

动词 + to do sth(doing sth)

A. remember/forget to do
sth.记住/忘记未做之事;remember/ forget
doing sth.记住/忘记已做之事。如:

(1)I’ll remember/ won’t forget to turn off the computer when I leave. I
don’t think you need to worry.


(2)Do you remember/Haven’t you forgotten our meeting each other at the
station five years ago?


B. regret to do sth.(对即将做或未做之事表示)道歉、遗憾;regret doing sth.(对已做之事感到)后悔、遗憾。如:

(1)I’m always regretting selling my favourite Chinese-English


(2)We regret (are sorry) not to tell you the truth at the very moment.


C. stop to do sth.停下来(停下手中之活)做(去做另外的事),不定式短语用做状语,表示目的;stop doing sth.停止做……(停下来手中正为之事),动名词短语用做宾语。如:

(1)Will you please stop to help us? We are in
great need of help.


(2)Will you please stop making so much noise?
Nobody can hear what the lecturer is speaking about too clearly.


D. go on to do sth.(搁下手中之活)继续做(另外之事);go on doing sth.继续做(手中之活)。如:

(1)Let’s have a little rest and then go on doing what we’re dealing
with now.我们稍息片刻,然后接着做我们现在所为之事。

(2)The teacher asked the students to stop reading aloud and then told
them to go on to make notes of what he was saying.


E. mean to do sth.想要做某事,意欲做某事;mean doing sth.意思是,意味着。如:

(1)I didn’t mean to get you into trouble, but ...

I’m really sorry.


(2)Revolution means liberating productive force.


F. can’t help to do sth.无助于做某事;can’t help doing sth.情不自禁做某事。如:

(1)We can’t help to do this for you, so we must say sorry.


(2)The audience couldn’t help cheering when they saw the little girl’s
wonderful performing.


G. try to do sth.努力,(想方设法,尽力)做某事;try doing sth.试着,尝试做某事。如:

(1)He tried hard to give up smoking, but failed.


(2)After we had begun to learn English for some time, we tried speaking
English in English class.


like/prefer/dislike/hate to do sth.(某时具体的)喜欢/不喜欢/讨厌做某事;like/prefer/dislike/hate doing sth.(一般倾向性或习惯性的)喜欢/不喜欢/讨厌做某事。如:

(1)She liked/ preferred to play tennis when she studied at middle


(2)I disliked/ hated to be spoken like that when I was young.


I. want/ need /require to
do sth.想要/需要做某事;want/need/require

/require to be done需要……(动名词主动形式表示被动意义)如:

(1)Her daughter wants to go to Qinghua University.


(2)I think our teacher needs/requires to explain the difficult
questions to us once again.


(3)The question wants/needs/requires explaining again.=The question
wants/needs/requires to be explained again.


J. begin/start/cease to do
sth.开始/停止做某事(指一般情况);而(表示有意识地)开始/停止做某事,则begin/start/cease doing sth.如:

(1)We began/started to work at once.


(2)They began/started working on the project about three months ago.


K. see/hear/watch/notice
/feel+宾语+do sth.看见/听见/观看/发现/感觉……做了某事(强调宾补语动作发生的过程和结果),其被动结构为:be
seen/heard/watched/noticed/felt to do sth; see/hear/

watch/notice/feel+宾语+doing sth.看见/听/观看/发现/感觉到……正在做某事(强调宾补语动作的进行),其被动结构为:be seen/heard/watched/noticed/


(1)On arriving at the theatre, we noticed them singing the popular


Arriving at the theatre,
we noticed them sing quite a few popular songs.


Arriving at the theatre,
we noticed several popular songs sung.


(2)The teacher watched the students making the experiment.


The teacher watched the
students try the experiment.


The teacher watched the
experiment done.


(3)I felt someone pat me on the shoulder.


I felt someone patting my


I felt my shoulder patted.


(4)Passing his house, we heard Father scolding his daughter.


We heard Father scold his


When we passed his house,
we heard his daughter scolded.


L. have+宾语+do sth=get+宾语+to do sth.让(使)某人做某事;have+宾语+doing sth.让/使(一直做)=get+宾语+doing sth.(进入某种状态);have+宾语+done=get+宾语+done让(别人)做某事。如:

(1)How large manpower do you think we will get to/have help with the
summer harvest?


(2)I won’t have anyone cheat me.=I won’t get anyone to cheat me.


(3)She’ll have you doing all the housework if you are not careful.


(4)The lecturer soon got all of us thinking.


(5)My hair is too long. I’ll have to have/get it cut.


remember to do记住去做 remenber doing记得做过
regret to do遗憾的做 regret doing懊悔作了
forget to do忘记去做 forget doing忘记做过
try to do努力去做 try doing试试去做
help to do帮助做 can't help doing禁不住
need to do客观需要 need doing需要被做
want to do主观想要 want doing需要被做
stop to do停下去做(目的状语)stop doing停止做
go on to do接着做 另一件事 go on doing继续做

remember to do sth 记得去做某事(还未做)
remember doing sth 记得做过某事
forget to do sth 忘了去做某事
forget doing sth 忘了做过某事
stop to do sth 停止这件事去做另外一件事
stop doing sth 停止做这件事
start to do sth 开始做另一件事
start doing sth 开始继续做这件事

具体到具体动词意思也不一样!比如,stop to do sth .表示停下来做某事;stop doing sth .表示停止做某事!又如,forget to do sth 表示忘记去做某事;而forget doing sth 表示忘记做过某事!所以说,你的问题应具体问题具体分析!

动词后加to do 表示将要做什么的意思;
具体可以记个句子:I want to eat something表示我想要吃点什么(现在没吃,想将要吃)I am eating apple表示我正在吃苹果。


like to do 表示短时间的喜欢做某事
like doing 表示长时间的喜欢做某事

stop to do 停下正在做的事去做别的事
stop doing 停下正在做的事

forget to do 忘记做某事(没做)
forget doing 忘记做过某事(做过了不记得)



to do和do和doing的用法
四、既用带to的动词不定式又用ing形式的句型:1.stop to do\/ doing 2.forget to do\/ doing 3.remember to do\/doing 4.go on to do\/doing 5.like to do\/doing 6.love to do\/doing 7.prefer to do\/doing 8.hate to do\/doing 五、下列结构用带to的动词不定式和ing形式含义相同:1.begin...

like to do 和like doing的区别
like表示“喜欢,爱好”时,其后接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be+) adj.\/v -ed”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语;作“想要”解时,用作like的宾语的动名词可用属格或者宾格的代词,表示其逻辑主体。adj. (形容词)like用作形容词时,其意思是“相似的,相同的”,...

I'd like to是I would like to的缩写,两者的中文意思都是“我想、我要”相当于I'm a boy =I am a boy 读法上I'd like to谐音读法为:艾 得 来克 图 would like to谐音读法为:武 得 来克 图 如果您对我的回答满意,麻烦点击左下角“采纳答案”o(∩_∩)o!赠人玫瑰,手有余香!祝...

英语:动词+doing sth.和动词+to do sth.的区别在哪里?
do和doing 意义各不同(习题讲解)1 stop doing\/to do stop to do 停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事。stop doing 停止做某事。They stop to smoke a cigarette.他们停下来,抽了根烟。I must stop smoking.我必须戒烟了。典型例题 She reached the top of the hill and stopped ___on a big ...

manage to do sth和manage doing sth哪个后面可以跟todo?
都可以跟。1、manage to do sth意思是:尽力做某事,用to do的时候表示这件事已经尽力做,但是还没有做完。2、manage doing sth意思是:尽力做完了某事,用doing的时候表示这件事已经尽力完成了。manage 读法 英 [ˈmænɪdʒ] 美 [ˈmænɪdʒ...

你可要多加小心。I tried gardening but didn't succeed.我试着种果木花卉,但未成功。7 go on doing\/to do go on to do 做了一件事后,接着做另一件事。go on doing 继续做原来做的事。After he had finished his maths,he went on to do his physics.做完数学后,他接着去做物理...

前面的as far as I know 你可以不去看它,因为它作插入语,这样这句句子就很简单了,to表目的。逗号后面不能加to do 这句话的前提是逗号前面的东西不是插入语。

Would you like not to do有这个句型吗
答:没有。理由:不合逻辑。析:I‘d like to do sth.= I want to do sth.我想做来某事。to do sth.是去做某事自,指一个将要百发生的动作。如果我不想做某事,则说度:I don't want to do sth.是心中没有要做这个事情的想法。而I want not to do sth.=\/=I don't want to do...

find sth doing\/ todo和find sth done什么区别?
应该选D选项,处于丢的状态。miss [误] I found my bag missed.[正] I found my bag missing.[析] missing为形容词,其意为"不见了"、"丢了"。在句中用作宾语补足语时不要误用missed,它作动词时多为及物动词,要接名词或动名词,而不接不定式。如: I...

advice doing和todo的区别
日子平淡如水,一如既往地过着。他,习惯每天请示报告之后,悄无声息地做着家务;她天天絮絮叨叨,习惯居高临下地发号“司令”。2、词性不同 advice doing是名词。例句:Your advice seems to be doing me a favor .你的建议似乎对我有帮助。advice to do是动词。例句:That you could give me ...

崇州市15531559525: 动词后加todo和doing表不同意思的词有什么 -
颜阀来可:[答案] remember to do sth 记得去做某事(还未做) remember doing sth 记得做过某事 forget to do sth 忘了去做某事 forget doing sth 忘了做过某事 stop to do sth 停止这件事去做另外一件事 stop doing sth 停止做这件事 start to do sth 开始做另一件事 start ...

崇州市15531559525: 动词后加todo和doing表不同意思的词有什么 -
颜阀来可: remember to do sth 记得去做某事(还未做) remember doing sth 记得做过某事forget to do sth 忘了去做某事 forget doing sth 忘了做过某事stop to do sth 停止这件事去做另外一件事 stop doing sth 停止做这件事start to do sth 开始做另一件事 start doing sth 开始继续做这件事

崇州市15531559525: 动词后接to do与doing的异同 -
颜阀来可: 后加不定式表示具体某次想做的事情, 后加动名词表示一种习惯,爱好 , 不因为时间,地点等条件的制约!如like 有些此后加不定式是表示没有做过的事情,加动名词是表示做过的事情,如remember doing sth.意思是 记得做过的事情,remember to do sth. 表示记得还没有做的事情. 以上回答仅供参考, 加油,你一定会学好的!

崇州市15531559525: 有些动词后,加to do和doing意义不一样,帮我区分一下有try regret remember forget mean,分别把加to do和doing的意思写一下, -
颜阀来可:[答案] try to do——试着去做某事 try doing——试着做某事 regret to do——后悔去做 regret doing——后悔做过 remember to do——记得去做某事 remember doing——记得做过某事 forget to do——忘记去做某事 forget doing——忘记做过

崇州市15531559525: 英语中,动词加to do和doing的区别,和用法
颜阀来可: 一,动词加to do一般表示要做还没有做的事情:例如 I forgot to close the window 我忘记关窗户了(没有关)还有的表示暂时想要做某事:例如 I like to watch TV now . 我现在想看电视.二,动词加doing一般表示已经做过某事:例如 I remember seeing you somewhere. 我记得在某地见过你(已经见过).还可以表示喜欢,长时间的爱好:例如 she likes swimming. 她爱好游泳.

崇州市15531559525: to do和doing的区别 -
颜阀来可:[答案] 一般情况下,to do 是一般将来式,是打算去做什么 ;doing 是现在进行式,是现在正在做什么,也有例外,具体情况具体分析. to do和doing 意义各不同 1 stop doing/to do stop to do 停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事.stop doing 停止做某事. ...

崇州市15531559525: 有些动词后,加to do和doing意义不一样,帮我区分一下 -
颜阀来可: try to do——试着去做某事 try doing——试着做某事 regret to do——后悔去做 regret doing——后悔做过 remember to do——记得去做某事 remember doing——记得做过某事 forget to do——忘记去做某事 forget doing——忘记做过

崇州市15531559525: 在英语的动词中有的后面要加to do有的加doing,这该怎么区别? -
颜阀来可:[答案] to do 和doing的用法区别 stop to do 停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事. stop doing 停止做某事. They stop to smoke a cigarette. 他们停下来,抽了根烟. I must stop smoking. 我必须戒烟了. 典型例题 She reached th...

崇州市15531559525: 怎么区别动词后是用to do还是用doing -
颜阀来可: 其实重点是你想说什么 to do指的是只做一次,比如WANT TO DO就是现在想做,以后不见得还会做 doing则指的是一直做,这时候动作已经被名词化.你已经把一个动作当作一个东西或者概念来说了.比如LIKE DOING,指的是喜欢这个活动.就是会不断的做.

崇州市15531559525: to do和doing有何不同之处? -
颜阀来可: 一般情况下,to do 是一般将来式,是打算去做什么 ;doing 是现在进行式,是现在正在做什么,也有例外,具体情况具体分析. 下面是有关该问题的习题讲解,希望有所帮助.to do和doing 意义各不同(习题讲解)1 stop doing/to dostop to ...

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