Below the mountains ,the sunshine reflcts on the many lakes,-----them shine like diamonds--the

作者&投稿:容矩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.The old woman insisted that the book Mr Tomason talked about .
A was worth reading B be worth reading
为什么不能选B呢? 因为句中的 insisted 表示“坚持说”,也就是说句子主语认为其后宾语从句所表示的内容是“客观事实”,故用陈述语气。

2.The Wolves hid themselves in the places couldn't be found.
A that B where
如果是they couldn't be found 就是选B吗?没错,原题选A,因为定语从句缺主语;但若定语从句改为they couldn't be found ,则填B。

3.Don't you believe me? ,I'll believe you say.
A yes nomatter what B yes whatever
为什么不能选A?因为no matter what 不能引导宾语从句。注意 no matter what 和 whatever 在引导状语从句时,可互换,但引导宾语从句时,只能用 whatever。

4.With her health ,she had to quit her job.
A having broke down B broke down
为什么不能选B?因为这是考查“with+宾语+过去分词”结构。如果选B,则broke down 为谓语动词,显然与句子结构不符。

5.Below the mountains,the sunshine reflects on the many lakes,making them shine like diamonds the rich countryside.
为什么选against?against 在此表示“衬托”“相映”。又如:The skier's red clothes stood out clearly against the snow. 滑雪者的红衣服在雪的衬托下显得分外醒目。


小题1:stepped up小题2:belong to小题3:for protection小题4:making, against小题5:result in /lead to 小题1:考查动词短语。step up“加紧”。故填stepped up。小题2:考查固定短语。belong to“属于”。which some people say是定语从句。故填belong to。小题3:考查介词短语。for+名词构成介词短语,作目的状语。故填for protection。小题4:考查非谓语动词。make的逻辑主语是the sunshine,是主谓关系,故用making。against“衬托,映衬”。故填making, against。小题5:考查固定短语。result in="lead" to“导致”。故填result in /lead to。

Below the mountains ,the sunshine reflects on the many lakes,-----them shine like diamonds--the rich countryside
A.make ,in make ,on
C,making ,in
首先,in the rich countryside 在富裕的农村里
其次,making 引导状语,说明主句的作用

Below the mountains ,the sunshine reflcts on the many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.

against在这里是对照;对比:以…的布景或背景相对比的意思。against the rich countryside是在富丽乡村的背景/衬托/布景之下的意思。


making them shine like diamonds in the rich countryside 应该是伴随状语吧。




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