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作者&投稿:载储 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
i am writing not speaking是什么意思~


Both corn and soy crops overlap on the growth of land, if single crops, farmers will choose economic benefit is better crops. This makes the game relation between corn and soybeans. - strip cropping soybean interplanting corn, however, can make the corn - soy performance edge line advantage, make full use of light and land resources, so as to achieve the effect of increase production. Also because soybean nitrogen fixation, its fixed free nitrogen except for their growth needs, can also be absorbed by corn root system and reduced the corn into the amount of nitrogen needed, saving the cost of fertilizer. Maize and soybean intercropping can also increase the diversity of ecological system, to enhance the stability of ecosystem, for natural disasters is strong to resist. So the maize and soybean intercropping pattern for two crops has certain significance.

One day, the professor aske me to go to his office. I said,"peofessor, I'm coming." He said," solomon, why did you get such a low GPA while having such high IQ?" I answered," maybe it is because I'm not so accustomed to your teaching style, but I'll try my best to get accustomed soon." In the following exams, I made obvious progress. I am good at reading and writing but not speaking, maybe I can't express what I want to say in such a short time, so I'll make it brief.
Nowadays, more and more people focus on whether a student made progress, not just having a high GPA. My GPA is a little bit low indeed, but I will try to adapt myself to the teaching style of every teacher as soon as possible in the following days. I had served as class monitor in my traditional Chinese senior high school,so I am very good at managing and organising. I hope to study in your school, and if I am lucky enough to be enrolled, I would prove that you have made a completely right choice by my grades and action.


One day, the professor called me into his office, I reply, "Professor, I'm here." He speaks, "Solomon, you have great intelligence, but why is your GPA so low?" I answer, "Maybe it's because I'm not used to your teaching style, but I will try to compromise with everything as soon as possible." At the exam after, I clearly improved. I'm better at reading and writing, not speaking. Maybe it's because iin such a short amount of time, I still haven't learned to express my thoughts concisely. Nowadays more and more people care about a student's improvements; it's not only their high GPAs. Even though my GPA is a little low, but in my future education, I will compromise with each teacher's style in a timely manner. I had once gone to a traditional Chinese high school and took responsibility as class president. I have great strengths in management and teamwork. I hope to enroll in your school. If I have the honor to be accepted, in the futre college life, I will use results and actions to prove that you have made a completely right decision.


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宣眨枸橼: Dear xx:I wish that I can protect you forever,give you forever,love you forever.Happy Lovers' Day

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宣眨枸橼: 亲爱的,谢谢你和我一起看电影并且送我回来,是的,你送我去的是个非常美丽的酒店,我知道这座酒店非常美丽,我知道这里的住房也是非常的漂亮(但是亲爱的,我们需要一张双人床) 希望能在夜晚拥你入睡,我看到的一切都令我高兴 是的,亲爱的,当我知道我到达的日期的时候我可以预定那里 亲爱的,接下来的两个星期,当我见你的时候我就知道了这个约会,亲爱的,我希望能得到关于出售我公司的消息. 亲爱的,你知道并且了解 亲爱的,如何感受这全部的时间,亲爱的,你的工作,你的女儿, 让我了解你更多些吧,我的爱人 你真的爱我并且希望我能找到我的另一半,亲爱的??但是我非常希望我的那一半是你 我送给的问并且我是一直如此的思念你. (个人翻译,仅供参考)

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