翻译 急急急!

作者&投稿:璩馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译 急急急!!!!!!!~

作者(蒲松龄)说:身居高位,却不忘记贫苦,这就是王六郎成神的原因.如今有地位高贵的大人物,愿意重新认识贫贱时结交的故人吗?我家乡有位同乡家里很穷,于是想到了儿时朋友现正任肥美之差,于是竭力的打点行李前去寻求帮助,不想却遭了闭门羹。连回家的路费也没有了,最后卖掉自己的马换了一驴才得以回乡. 他同族的弟弟认为这很好笑,就做了首月令嘲笑他道:这天,哥哥到了,解下貂皮帽子(变卖),也不打开伞盖,马变成驴,才不用走路回家。想到这里就可以为之一笑了。

读书有三到,谓心到、眼到、口到。心思不在书本上,那么眼睛就不会仔细看,心和眼既然不专心致志,却只是随随便便地读,就一定不能记住,即使记住了也不能长久。三到之中,心到最重要 。心既然已经到了,眼和口难道会不到吗?


  • If you listen to the radio every day, you can lean various affairs around the world.


尽管他失败了好多次,但他一点都不气馁,继续进行实验。(be discouraged)

  • Despite that he failed many times, he is not discouraged and will continue his experiments.



  • What disappointed us was the Shenhua couldn't prevent their opponent's goal(s).



  • I am glad to have the chance to communicate with foreigners in English.


睡觉前一定要把煤气关了,否则要出事故的。(be sure)

  • Be sure to turn off the gas before sleep, or else accident would happen.


他不习惯住在高速公路旁,因为他不能忍受窗外的各种噪声。(be used to)

  • He is not used to living by the expressway, because he cannot bear the noises outside the window.



  • He walked into the room by standing on his toes, afraid of awaking the sleeping kids.


这项工程还在进行中,可能一两个月就能完工。(under way)

  • The project is still under way, and will be completed in one or two months.




If you listen to the radio every day, will be able to understand what was happening around the world ( various ) although he failed many times, but he was not discouraged, to continue the experiment. ( be discouraged ) we are disappointed that the Shenhua team failed to stop the other goals. ( what; prevent ) I am very happy to have the chance to communicate with foreigners in English. ( communicate ) be sure to turn off the gas, otherwise accident. ( be sure ) he is not used to living in the highway, because he can't stand the noise outside the window. ( be used to ) he tiptoed into the room, for fear of waking up the sleeping child ( awake ) project is still in progress, may will be completed in one or two months. ( under way )
如果你每天听广播,就能了解世界各地发生的事(various) 尽管他失败了好多次,但他一点都不气馁,继续进行实验。(be discouraged)使我们失望的是申花队没能阻止对方进球。(what;prevent)我很高兴有机会用英语与外国人交流。(communicate)睡觉前一定要把煤气关了,否则要出事故的。(be sure)他不习惯住在高速公路旁,因为他不能忍受窗外的各种噪声。(be used to)他踮起脚尖走进房间,唯恐吵醒睡着的孩子(awake)这项工程还在进行中,可能一两个月就能完工。(under way)

If you listen to the radio every day, will be able to understand what was happening around the world ( various )Although he failed many times, but he was not discouraged, to continue the experiment. ( be discouraged )To our disappointment, Shenhua team failed to stop the other goals. ( what; prevent )I am very glad to have the opportunity to communicate with foreigners in English. ( communicate )Be sure to turn off the gas, otherwise accident. ( be sure )He is not used to living in the highway, because he can't stand the noise outside the window. ( be used to )He tiptoed into the room, for fear of waking up the sleeping child ( awake )The project is still in progress, may will be completed in one or two months. ( under way )

德安县17797049446: 英语翻译,急急急! -
卷叛三臣: He looked like so unhappy__I like sports is swimming and skiing___I'm good at English___I'm glad to recieve your letter~there is a big buliding in front of road, There are varities of books ,newspapers and mages in the library,

德安县17797049446: 翻译成英语 急急急
卷叛三臣: 1.我到这儿来一趟不容易 It's not easy for me to come here. 2.保护眼睛对我们来说很重要(protect our eyes) It is very important to protect our eyes. 3.请记得按时(on time)刷牙 Please remember to brush your teeth on time. 4.请记得关掉电脑 ...

德安县17797049446: 英文翻译!!急急急! -
卷叛三臣: 等待某人某物

德安县17797049446: 英语翻译 急急急!!!!!
卷叛三臣: 1.doesn't matter 2.mostly same 3.physics subject 4.school life 5.break time

德安县17797049446: 英语翻译,急急急!!!!! -
卷叛三臣: 1.Mike went out to play without finishing his homework.2.I got up so late this morning, that I had no time to eat breakfast before school.

德安县17797049446: 翻译 急急急...... -
卷叛三臣: 伯牙与钟子期两人一起去泰山的北面游玩,游兴正浓的时候,突然天空下起了暴雨,于是他们来到一块大岩石下面避雨,伯牙心里突然感到很悲伤,于是就拿出随身携带的琴弹起来.开始弹绵绵细雨的声音,后来又弹大山崩裂的声音.每次弹的时候,钟子期都能听出琴声中所表达的含义.伯牙于是放下琴感叹地说:“好啊,好啊,你的听力能想象出我弹琴时所想的意境,我的琴声无论如何也逃不掉你的听力!”

德安县17797049446: 英语翻译急急急 -
卷叛三臣: 1:Mom always told me not to be late for class2:I forgot his address, unable to his home希望能帮到你:)

德安县17797049446: 英语短语翻译急急急 -
卷叛三臣: lose the match 输掉比赛go on a diet 节食take exercises 做体操,做运动stay up late 深夜不睡,迟睡keep pets 养宠物ask for leave 请假one after ano...

德安县17797049446: 急急急!英语翻译!!
卷叛三臣: Hello, my name is li hua, I am a student from chongqing 60 secondary school students, I see your search on the net friend revelation, I be very interested in, I am willing to make friends with you. I'd like to help you, I can give you speak Chinese five ...

德安县17797049446: 翻译 急急急!!! -
卷叛三臣: they all want to be the king.

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