
作者&投稿:钟离枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ビフェナゼート 英文 bifenazate 中文学名 联苯肼酯,单剂杀虫剂的一种。

Although we still face difficulties, but I am sure that our Chinese can achieve the peaceful reunification of the country by their own wisdom

Work is being recognized, I am proud.
Working in the training department, as a training assistant. In the process of substitute I enjoyed learning environment. Themselves of continuous growth. I would like to also recognized for my abilities, so I recommended to the sale, perhaps like most of the girls, I am not very interested in the sale. Still hope that we can develop in the direction of the training division.
I can be independent large-scale meetings, training. Higher levels can be completed as Assistant to the task. Assist the work of a higher level.
Hope that I can count intern posts, your company can learn more things. After learning in 1-2 years, can do the work

The work gets approbation, make me very proud of.
Work at the training department, Be train assistant.I enjoy the environment of study very much in the generation the process of the lesson.Oneself also continuously grows up.I miss the ability that the supervisor also approves me, so recommend me to change direction sale, perhaps be like greatly part of hair girlses similar, I for sale the work isn't very interested in.Or hope to can develop toward the training teacher direction.
I can independently organize a large meeting, training.Being an assistant can complete the mission that the superior hand over to.Help the superior's work.
The hope can get trainee's post, can learn to more things in your company.Can be competent a work of train the lecturer in laterly 2 year of studies of one -s.
The problem add:Hope oneself can translate of, don't be to use a translation a machine a translation.
More the circle is smooth, the translation machine translation come out of too stiff

The work obtains the approval, lets me very be proud. the assignment in the training department, the achievement trains the assistant. In serves as a substitute teacher in the process I enjoy the study very much the environment. Own also unceasing growth. I want to be in charge of also approve my ability, therefore recommends me to change the sales aspect, perhaps looks like sends the female student to be the same majority, I am interested very much regarding the sales work. The hope may to train the teacher direction to develop. I may organize the large-scale conference, training independently. May complete the task which as the assistant the higher authority gives. Assists higher authority's work. the hope may obtain the intern post, can learn more things in your firm. In the later 1-2 study year, can be competent trains the lecturer the work. the question supplemented: The hope may translate, is not with interpreter translator. is clearer, the interpreter translated is too stiff

The work get approve, make me very proud of.
Working at the training department is a training assistant.I enjoy the environment of study very much in the generation the process of the lesson.Oneself also continuously of growth.I miss a supervisor also approve my ability, so recommend I change direction sale aspect and perhaps be like big part hair girl similar, I for sale work isn't very interested in.Or hope can to training teacher direction development.
I can independence the organization large meeting, training.Be assistant can completion the superior hand over to of mission.Help superior of work.
The hope can get trainee's post, can learn more thing in your company.In laterly one - 2 the study the year, can competence training lecturer of work.


句子1:为了尽量满足贵方要求,我司将另派技术人员前往贵国进行设备现场调试生产,具体时间为一个月,其工资及差旅费由贵方提供。In order to meet your request, our company will send another technologician to test the production of the equipment.The specific time will be a month. His sala...

1. Ensure a thorough understanding of each customer's conscientious information to excel in managing their subjects.2. Perfect and organize customer rational transport thinking data, addressing daily malfunctions, particularly those related to lavatory use.3. Propose personal views and timely...

翻译翻译 求助

Original:首先,谢谢你多方面的大力支持。 First of all, thank you for a wide range of support.如你在电话里所说产品A的价格为×××,经与客户商谈可以接受这个价格。 If you are on the phone said the price of product A × × ×, after discussions with the client can accept this ...

翻译 汉译英 求助求助
In recent years, the teamwork approach has become a means necessary for the survival and development of businesses and other organizations. Highly efficient teamwork has demonstrated great vitality in business operations.团队自身要想高效率的运作,在很大程度上依赖于团队内部成员的构成和沟通的...

Distinguished Governor,I'm intended to be a salesman. I will treasure the opportunity if your company gives it to me.I shall spare no effort accomplishing the task assigned to me.I will integrate myself into the company.I have realized that to be a salesman is of great ...

英语翻译 求助
4:恰恰相反,以避免问题在空中的导航、wheelless车辆可能会在不超过3英寸的旅行路面之上。5:一些科学家说,16岁的镜子,每一个大约半英里,能够在一个光的折射瞄准他们在地球上,面积约200英里300英里。6:该计划提供了机会,研究人员从印度出国留学、聚集在预备队attigers以前无法有关他们的习惯 7:如果许多...

assitants manager with daily paper works and client contact,etc.协助经理进行市场分析与决策,建立企业核心竞争力 assitants manager in market analysis and establish the core competition strength of the corporation 经理对我的评价:细心,周到,做事具有开创精神 the manager appraises me as a ...

I have learnt a lot from my 3 years' university life. In this 3 years of school life and social practices, I kept challenging myself and enriching my knowledge. It helped me to build the solid foundation for my future. Academically, I have a good attitude on learning, and ...

1.你离开前采取一些安全措施能保证财产安全,这样你就可以舒舒服服地渡假了.Before you leave, please take some safety precautions for your property. then you'll be able to really enjoy a good vacation.2.这是药方:饭后服两粒,每天三次.This is the prescription, two pills after each ...

民权县17382271406: 求助英语翻译
令垂人参: When I open your message, listening to the beautiful and nice melody, my heart can not be controlled, can not describe, can tell you with the sentence: Thank you, dear!

民权县17382271406: 翻译求助 -
令垂人参: stand by 站在……旁边,引申为帮助,支持,也有袖手旁观的意思你站在我这边么?或者 你支持我么?站在你的人那边 或者 支持你的人man不一定就翻译成 男人

民权县17382271406: 求助英语翻译
令垂人参: 1.I'm very surprised at this accident. 2.There is a true ice skating rink in Xiaogang Park. 3.trees 4.rest 5.taught

民权县17382271406: 英汉翻译 ,求助!!! -
令垂人参: 楼主都说不要在线翻译,这些人偏在线翻译呀 1. There are 20 girls in our class. 2. There are 20 girls in our class like to camp. 3. I have a good idea. 4. I don't think it's a good idea. 5. If you use your head, you'll get a good idea.

民权县17382271406: 求助翻译成英文 谢谢! -
令垂人参: When you are not busy, If you could teach me one word everyday, I think I will be very happy.

民权县17382271406: 翻译求助. -
令垂人参: I loved you. I loved you all the time.

民权县17382271406: 求助翻译英文
令垂人参: 1. they planned tomorrow flies to Shanghai? A 2.LuLy one after next month does not prepare to take vacation. 3. this suitcases do not belong to Sarry? 4. these shoes belong to Marry? 5. the pen is mine.

民权县17382271406: 求日语翻译人士帮忙翻译.日语翻译求助. -
令垂人参: ちょっと失礼ですが、日本何処で何の会社からご来访の方ですか?これは私の名刺です、どうぞお収めになります.お名刺顶けませんか? 私はグローバルマーケットの社员です、弊社は电子ビジネス会社であり、优れた中国制造业の情报を...

民权县17382271406: 翻译求助.英语高手进
令垂人参: 11、这科学家声称已取得了一项重大的发现.(claim)This scientist claims that he has made a great discovery. 12、理论必须和实践相结合.(combine)Theories must be combined with practices. 13、英语学得好有助于找到好工作.(command)A ...

民权县17382271406: 英语翻译求助,急!!!!!! -
令垂人参: 1、注意(或留恋)+(词性)(提示:pay attention,名词、动词等) pay attentionto sth(n./pron.) 2、惊奇地,吃惊地(提示:与surprise有关,两个单词的短语,需要2种形式) be surprised / surprisingly 3、对某事感到骄傲(提示:pride,需2种形式) take pride in/be proud of 4、对某事感到吃惊 be surprised at sth.VS天才翻译家

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