
作者&投稿:茌荆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用法:它们都能修饰名词或作表语。例如,nice cake,beautiful girls,be careful,(careful在联系动词后作表语),The story is interesting.等等。另外,形容词还可以加后缀变成副词的。
This is a red flag. 这是面红旗。
I’m glad to meet you. 见到你,我很高兴。
I found the book very interesting. 我发现这本书非常有趣。
There is something new in today’s newspaper.
如:afraid, ill, asleep, awake, alone, alive, unable等。
The little girl is afraid of dogs. 这个小女孩怕狗。
I am ill in bed today. 今天我生病卧床休息。

用法:修饰动词。例如,write carefully,play happily,He runs slowly等等。

下面这些希望可以帮到你: 用在形容词前面的副词(短语) a.程度副词(短语) 1737 大多数修饰形容词的都是程度副词(短语),它们通常都放 在形容词前面: —否定: 1)The stars are not visible.(但:No stars are visible.No star is visible.Not a star is visible.) Such accidents are common.Such accidents are not uncommon.(意思和common差不多,但较弱。) It is not unpleasant.It is not impossible. 2)It is never(or nothing)easy.It is not a bit (or not at all,not in the least, not in any way,in no way,no ways,in no respect, nowise,by no manner of means, by no means,far from,anything but,nowhere near,not nearly so,not half)easy(=It is extremely difficult). —较低程度或中等程度: 3)The horse is slightly(or rather,somewhat)tired. He is something funny.This theory is half(or partly, quite[Br.])correct.The rope is fairly strong.The situation is pretty(or sort of,kind of,more or less, in some way,in some sort,in some fashion) peaceful. The statement is,in a fashion(or sort,way,sense, manner,measure),correct.He is none too(or not too,not so,not altogether,not all that,not very,not extremely,not over-)happy.It is comparatively(or relatively)easy.He felt some better,but not any too comfortable yet. —不足程度: 4)They are scarcely(or hardly)(=not quite) helpful, and barely(=only just)enough(不令人满意).They are almost(or nearly) enough(令人满意).He is all but(=almost)dead.It's about(=almost)(口语说 法)ready. 5)There is scarcely any(=almost no)one in the house. He said scarcely a word,He spoke to nearly every member.I can do hardly anything.Almost nothing can stop his plan.(限定形容词有时可以用副词修饰) —较高程度: 6)It is very exciting(or fascinating,striking,trying, tempting,distressing,depressing, stimulating,etc.). (表示情绪的现在分词可用作形容词。) It is very deserving(or becoming,rewarding).He is very grasping(or knowing,uncompromising,uncomplaining).(这些特殊的现在分词可用作形容词,可用 too或very修饰。) He is very pleased(or delighted,amused,gratified, soothed,contented,satisfied;vexed,annoyed,disgusted;astonished,amazed;shocked,frightened,terrified; worried,harassed,distressed,concerned;agitated,up- set,disturbed,excited;embarrassed,ashamed;tired, exhausted,wearied;dejected;devoted;determined; charmed;enlightened;relieved;interested;preoccupied).(表示情绪的过去分词可用作形容词,可用too或very修饰。) 但:He is much(or highly, greatly,considerably)respected by others.(在作动词时,分词不可用very或too修饰。) 7)They are very good(or bad,many,few,far,new).It is very little(or much).(very常和good这类形容词一 起用) He is more than usually alert.He is quite honest. He is right (or almighty,extra)(口语中用法) smart. 8)This theory is largely(or mainly,principally,mostly,chiefly)(=for the most part) correct.I should think this remark is,in a large measure(or in a great degree),believable.He is not a little worried.I am only too(or but too,all too) glad to do it.He is no end (or ever so,more than)happy to hear it. —完全程度(常和不宜用于比较级的形容词连用,起加强语 气的作用): 9)It is entirely(or completely,thoroughly,quite,absolutely) harmless(or pure).This man is extremely(or exceedingly) dangerous.They are fully aware of the danger.The plan is all-important.It is utterly(or to- tally,downright)wrong(or false)(或其他表示令人 不快的形容词). It is altogether(or purely,complete- ly) fictitious. He is just(or simply) wonderful.It is the very best(or very latest,very first) one. 10)It is sufficiently strong(但:strong enough). —有限程度: 11)He has no more than(or just) three dollars.He has not more than(or at most) three dollars.He has not (or less than)three dollars.He has only(or just)one daughter. —过份程度: 12)The city is too(or excessively) noisy.He seems to be over-cautious.He died only too(or but too)young. It is extravagantly expensive.He has more money than enough. —渐增程度: 13)Our situation becomes gradually(or steadily,increasingly) better.His future became more and more (or still more,yet more) brilliant. 1738 用so来代替一个形容词时,它本身也可由一个程度副词(短语)来修饰: The room is big,too much so(=too big)for a child.The teacher is severe,so much so(=so severe)that most of the students dare not go to school.His family is very happy,more so(=happier) than most of the families in this village.I am glad to see him,more so(=more glad) because I haven't seen him for years. She is pretty and even the most so(=the prettiest)in her class. 1739 程度副词(短语)常常修饰形容词的比较级和最高级: This is much(or far,greatly,lots,a lot,every bit,a good deal) better than that. That is considerably(or tremendously,decidedly,immeasurably,incomparably) larger than this.This is three times better than that.Lilian is somewhat(or a little)taller.Mary is not(or little) more intelligent than her younger sister.The younger brother is much(or by far,in every way)the more intelligent of the two.Is this any larger than that?This is larger by a long shot. She is much(or by far,a long way,a good deal,far and away,out and out,out of sight,head and shoulders)the tallest(or the most beautiful)of all. 1740 一个前面带数词的名词,称作“副词型形容词或名词”,可以 用来修饰形容词,说明程度,通常都放在它前面: 1)The log is twelve feet long(or in length),one foot thick (or in diameter),three and a half feet round(or in circumference).The lake is two miles across(or in diameter),about twenty feet deep(or in depth).He is a head taller than I. He is four floors above,living with a lady. He is ankle(or waist,shoulder) deep in water. The watermelons are mountains high. The husband and the wife are a world apart. 2)The theatre is nine-tenths full(or empty). He is half dead. Mary is part happy,part angry. 3)He is five minutes(too)late. She is five months pregnant. He is forty pounds overweight. He is two,months overdue. The date is four days wrong. I am fifty years old. 4) Our army is a million strong. 5)The pork is two pounds heavy(=in weight). 6)I am five dollars short. b.肯定副词(短语): 1741 肯定副词(短语)也可修饰形容词: This war is decidedly(or clearly,avowedly) disastrous. This method is probably(or perhaps,possibly) good. His remark is,to all intents and purposes(or to all purposes, to all appearance),correct.(这些短语也可放在形容词后 面) c.方式副词: 1742 方式副词可以修饰形容词,在这样用时它们必须放在形容词 前面。(注意,表示方式的副词短语也可修饰形容词,但它们 需要放在后面,可参阅1747。) She is miserably poor(=poor and miserable,or poor to the degree of misery),uncommonly pretty(=pretty and uncommon,or pretty to an uncommon degree),indescribably clever(=so much so that her cleverness cannot be described),hopelessly lonesome,seriously ill,lamentably thin,incredibly patient,deplorably innocent,foolishly honest,desperately fond of flowers,naturally disgusted with city life. It is provokingly ugly,exceedingly large,practically use- less,dangerously shaky. These activities are highly important,exclusively cultural, wonderfully beneficial,delightfully simple,tolerably ex- pensive. This is remarkably(or noticeably,tremendously,manifestly,exceptionally) better than all. The situation is dangerously peaceful.Her dress is beautifully simple.He is infamsouly famous.She is blissfully innocent. He is awful[ly](or dreadful[ly],fearful[ly],terribl [y](=extremely)wise. 1743 有些形容词和现在分词可以用作形容词的修饰语,这时带有 口语色彩,且较强调(参阅1661): He is devilish handsome,deuced clever,extreme wilful,real stubborn,marvellous merry,prodigious active,mighty glad,pretty wise,plenty strong. He is dead drunk(or stupid,slow,asleep,tired,sure of his future). He is broad awake. He is stark naked(or mad,blind,wild). He is rare honest, bitter poor,awful sad,right glad I am jolly(or mighty)glad.I am precious sorry. He is raging(or raving)mad,stinking drunk,biting sarcastic. It is exceeding small,thundering good,passing strange, shocking bad,blazing strange,flattering sweet. It is uncommon fine,jolly nice,damned cheap,dead easy, desperate windy,bitter cold,pestilent cloudy. It is monstrous thick,dreadful dirty,beastly stuffy,confounded difficult,sickly white and rotten pink. It is blazing(or burning,smoking)hot,flaming red,biting cold,groping dark,shining bright,soaking(or pouring) wet. 1744 在口语中某些“形容词+and”结构可有“very”的意思: He is good and tired(=very tired). It is rare and hot today. The coffee is nice and warm. John is fine and astonished. Keep the kitchen sweet and clean. She leaves the house rare and dirty. 1745 副词还可修饰一个作定语的名词: It is a really first-rate policy,a purely family problem,a strictly business affair,a fairly average condition.These are partly state affairs,somewhat old-world customs,very everyday affairs. 用在形容词后面的副词(短语) 1746 a.副词很少放在它所修饰形容词的后面。但有少数程度副 词短语可放在后面。由in引起的短语,通常放在所修饰形容词前面(参阅1737),但为了强调可放在后面。to引 起的短语却特别地放在所修饰形容词的后面: The accident is strange in a high degree ( or in the extreme). This statement is correct in a fashion(or a sort,a measure,a sense,a way,a manner). It is believable in a great degree(or measure,extent). It is satisfactory in every way(or in every respect,in all respects). He is covetous(or obstinate,miserable) to a(or a certain,a small, a large,a great,the last)degree(or extent). He is kind after a fashion. 1747 b.除了程度及肯定副词短语,所有其他副词短语(包括时 间、地点、方式等副词短语)通常都放在所修饰形容词后面: He is late for dinner.It seems easy to me.The rod is thick at both ends.He grows clever in every way.The book is famous in China.A man cautious all the time might make a gross mistake.This dog is black around its eyes.He is generous to a fault.The fruit is rotten to the core.It is satisfactory in all respects. 1748 在上面许多例句中,所有被修饰的形容词都在句中作补语,用在系动词后。但被修饰形容词也可在其他位置:This machine is wonderfully useful.This wonderfully useful machine can cut any metal.This machine,wonderfully useful, can cut any metal.Wonderfully useful, this machine can cut any metal.He finds this machine wonderfully useful.Those people are very interesting.Many of them are very interesting people.Those people, very interesting, can do something for our city.Very interesting, those people can do something for our city.I find those people very interesting. 副词可由副词(短语)、不定式和状语从句修饰。但修饰它们最多的是副词(短语),通常放在副词的前面

下面这些希望可以帮到你: 用在形容词前面的副词(短语) a.程度副词(短语) 1737 大多数修饰形容词的都是程度副词(短语),它们通常都放 在形容词前面: —否定: 1)The stars are not visible.(但:No stars are visible.No star is visible.Not a star is visible.) Such accidents are common.Such accidents are not uncommon.(意思和common差不多,但较弱。) It is not unpleasant.It is not impossible. 2)It is never(or nothing)easy.It is not a bit (or not at all,not in the least, not in any way,in no way,no ways,in no respect, nowise,by no manner of means, by no means,far from,anything but,nowhere near,not nearly so,not half)easy(=It is extremely difficult). —较低程度或中等程度: 3)The horse is slightly(or rather,somewhat)tired. He is something funny.This theory is half(or partly, quite[Br.])correct.The rope is fairly strong.The situation is pretty(or sort of,kind of,more or less, in some way,in some sort,in some fashion) peaceful. The statement is,in a fashion(or sort,way,sense, manner,measure),correct.He is none too(or not too,not so,not altogether,not all that,not very,not extremely,not over-)happy.It is comparatively(or relatively)easy.He felt some better,but not any too comfortable yet. —不足程度: 4)They are scarcely(or hardly)(=not quite) helpful, and barely(=only just)enough(不令人满意).They are almost(or nearly) enough(令人满意).He is all but(=almost)dead.It's about(=almost)(口语说 法)ready. 5)There is scarcely any(=almost no)one in the house. He said scarcely a word,He spoke to nearly every member.I can do hardly anything.Almost nothing can stop his plan.(限定形容词有时可以用副词修饰) —较高程度: 6)It is very exciting(or fascinating,striking,trying, tempting,distressing,depressing, stimulating,etc.). (表示情绪的现在分词可用作形容词。) It is very deserving(or becoming,rewarding).He is very grasping(or knowing,uncompromising,uncomplaining).(这些特殊的现在分词可用作形容词,可用 too或very修饰。) He is very pleased(or delighted,amused,gratified, soothed,contented,satisfied;vexed,annoyed,disgusted;astonished,amazed;shocked,frightened,terrified; worried,harassed,distressed,concerned;agitated,up- set,disturbed,excited;embarrassed,ashamed;tired, exhausted,wearied;dejected;devoted;determined; charmed;enlightened;relieved;interested;preoccupied).(表示情绪的过去分词可用作形容词,可用too或very修饰。) 但:He is much(or highly, greatly,considerably)respected by others.(在作动词时,分词不可用very或too修饰。) 7)They are very good(or bad,many,few,far,new).It is very little(or much).(very常和good这类形容词一 起用) He is more than usually alert.He is quite honest. He is right (or almighty,extra)(口语中用法) smart. 8)This theory is largely(or mainly,principally,mostly,chiefly)(=for the most part) correct.I should think this remark is,in a large measure(or in a great degree),believable.He is not a little worried.I am only too(or but too,all too) glad to do it.He is no end (or ever so,more than)happy to hear it. —完全程度(常和不宜用于比较级的形容词连用,起加强语 气的作用): 9)It is entirely(or completely,thoroughly,quite,absolutely) harmless(or pure).This man is extremely(or exceedingly) dangerous.They are fully aware of the danger.The plan is all-important.It is utterly(or to- tally,downright)wrong(or false)(或其他表示令人 不快的形容词). It is altogether(or purely,complete- ly) fictitious. He is just(or simply) wonderful.It is the very best(or very latest,very first) one. 10)It is sufficiently strong(但:strong enough). —有限程度: 11)He has no more than(or just) three dollars.He has not more than(or at most) three dollars.He has not (or less than)three dollars.He has only(or just)one daughter. —过份程度: 12)The city is too(or excessively) noisy.He seems to be over-cautious.He died only too(or but too)young. It is extravagantly expensive.He has more money than enough. —渐增程度: 13)Our situation becomes gradually(or steadily,increasingly) better.His future became more and more (or still more,yet more) brilliant. 1738 用so来代替一个形容词时,它本身也可由一个程度副词(短语)来修饰: The room is big,too much so(=too big)for a child.The teacher is severe,so much so(=so severe)that most of the students dare not go to school.His family is very happy,more so(=happier) than most of the families in this village.I am glad to see him,more so(=more glad) because I haven't seen him for years. She is pretty and even the most so(=the prettiest)in her class. 1739 程度副词(短语)常常修饰形容词的比较级和最高级: This is much(or far,greatly,lots,a lot,every bit,a good deal) better than that. That is considerably(or tremendously,decidedly,immeasurably,incomparably) larger than this.This is three times better than that.Lilian is somewhat(or a little)taller.Mary is not(or little) more intelligent than her younger sister.The younger brother is much(or by far,in every way)the more intelligent of the two.Is this any larger than that?This is larger by a long shot. She is much(or by far,a long way,a good deal,far and away,out and out,out of sight,head and shoulders)the tallest(or the most beautiful)of all. 1740 一个前面带数词的名词,称作“副词型形容词或名词”,可以 用来修饰形容词,说明程度,通常都放在它前面: 1)The log is twelve feet long(or in length),one foot thick (or in diameter),three and a half feet round(or in circumference).The lake is two miles across(or in diameter),about twenty feet deep(or in depth).He is a head taller than I. He is four floors above,living with a lady. He is ankle(or waist,shoulder) deep in water. The watermelons are mountains high. The husband and the wife are a world apart. 2)The theatre is nine-tenths full(or empty). He is half dead. Mary is part happy,part angry. 3)He is five minutes(too)late. She is five months pregnant. He is forty pounds overweight. He is two,months overdue. The date is four days wrong. I am fifty years old. 4) Our army is a million strong. 5)The pork is two pounds heavy(=in weight). 6)I am five dollars short. b.肯定副词(短语): 1741 肯定副词(短语)也可修饰形容词: This war is decidedly(or clearly,avowedly) disastrous. This method is probably(or perhaps,possibly) good. His remark is,to all intents and purposes(or to all purposes, to all appearance),correct.(这些短语也可放在形容词后 面) c.方式副词: 1742 方式副词可以修饰形容词,在这样用时它们必须放在形容词 前面。(注意,表示方式的副词短语也可修饰形容词,但它们 需要放在后面,可参阅1747。) She is miserably poor(=poor and miserable,or poor to the degree of misery),uncommonly pretty(=pretty and uncommon,or pretty to an uncommon degree),indescribably clever(=so much so that her cleverness cannot be described),hopelessly lonesome,seriously ill,lamentably thin,incredibly patient,deplorably innocent,foolishly honest,desperately fond of flowers,naturally disgusted with city life. It is provokingly ugly,exceedingly large,practically use- less,dangerously shaky. These activities are highly important,exclusively cultural, wonderfully beneficial,delightfully simple,tolerably ex- pensive. This is remarkably(or noticeably,tremendously,manifestly,exceptionally) better than all. The situation is dangerously peaceful.Her dress is beautifully simple.He is infamsouly famous.She is blissfully innocent. He is awful[ly](or dreadful[ly],fearful[ly],terribl [y](=extremely)wise. 1743 有些形容词和现在分词可以用作形容词的修饰语,这时带有 口语色彩,且较强调(参阅1661): He is devilish handsome,deuced clever,extreme wilful,real stubborn,marvellous merry,prodigious active,mighty glad,pretty wise,plenty strong. He is dead drunk(or stupid,slow,asleep,tired,sure of his future). He is broad awake. He is stark naked(or mad,blind,wild). He is rare honest, bitter poor,awful sad,right glad I am jolly(or mighty)glad.I am precious sorry. He is raging(or raving)mad,stinking drunk,biting sarcastic. It is exceeding small,thundering good,passing strange, shocking bad,blazing strange,flattering sweet. It is uncommon fine,jolly nice,damned cheap,dead easy, desperate windy,bitter cold,pestilent cloudy. It is monstrous thick,dreadful dirty,beastly stuffy,confounded difficult,sickly white and rotten pink. It is blazing(or burning,smoking)hot,flaming red,biting cold,groping dark,shining bright,soaking(or pouring) wet. 1744 在口语中某些“形容词+and”结构可有“very”的意思: He is good and tired(=very tired). It is rare and hot today. The coffee is nice and warm. John is fine and astonished. Keep the kitchen sweet and clean. She leaves the house rare and dirty. 1745 副词还可修饰一个作定语的名词: It is a really first-rate policy,a purely family problem,a strictly business affair,a fairly average condition.These are partly state affairs,somewhat old-world customs,very everyday affairs. 用在形容词后面的副词(短语) 1746 a.副词很少放在它所修饰形容词的后面。但有少数程度副 词短语可放在后面。由in引起的短语,通常放在所修饰形容词前面(参阅1737),但为了强调可放在后面。to引 起的短语却特别地放在所修饰形容词的后面: The accident is strange in a high degree ( or in the extreme). This statement is correct in a fashion(or a sort,a measure,a sense,a way,a manner). It is believable in a great degree(or measure,extent). It is satisfactory in every way(or in every respect,in all respects). He is covetous(or obstinate,miserable) to a(or a certain,a small, a large,a great,the last)degree(or extent). He is kind after a fashion. 1747 b.除了程度及肯定副词短语,所有其他副词短语(包括时 间、地点、方式等副词短语)通常都放在所修饰形容词后面: He is late for dinner.It seems easy to me.The rod is thick at both ends.He grows clever in every way.The book is famous in China.A man cautious all the time might make a gross mistake.This dog is black around its eyes.He is generous to a fault.The fruit is rotten to the core.It is satisfactory in all respects. 1748 在上面许多例句中,所有被修饰的形容词都在句中作补语,用在系动词后。但被修饰形容词也可在其他位置:This machine is wonderfully useful.This wonderfully useful machine can cut any metal.This machine,wonderfully useful, can cut any metal.Wonderfully useful, this machine can cut any metal.He finds this machine wonderfully useful.Those people are very interesting.Many of them are very interesting people.Those people, very interesting, can do something for our city.Very interesting, those people can do something for our city.I find those people very interesting. 副词可由副词(短语)、不定式和状语从句修饰。但修饰它们最多的是副词(短语),通常放在副词的前面

4、副词修饰动词,并且通常放在实义动词后面,这是副词在句子中作方式状语。例如:The man runs fast . (fast 修饰 runs 这个动作 )She jumps high . (high 修饰 jump 这个动作 )He finished his homework quickly . (quickly 修饰 finished 这个动作 )5、副词修饰形容词,并且通常放在形容词的前面...

副词可以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词、介词短语及名词或代词。副词是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。例如:副词修饰动词:You must do it now. 你必须现在做。副词修饰形容词:This is a very good book. 这是本很好的书。

一、副词的基本定义 在语文中,副词是一种修饰词,主要用于描述动词、形容词或者整个句子的状态、程度或者情境。它们能够给句子增添更多的细节和情境色彩。二、副词的功能特点 1. 修饰动词:副词可以描述动词的方式或程度,如“快速地跑”,“认真地学习”。2. 修饰形容词:副词可以用来增强形容词的表述...


汉语中,副词修饰形容词还用“地”还是“的”? 比如非常de好,特别di宝...

形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类:1) 直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:The water is very hot.可以放在名词前面作定语,也可以接在be动词后面作表语。2) 叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这...

形容词,副词或其他结构。副词(Adverb 简称adv.)是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序的副词。具体如下:...

2. 副词修饰整个句子:有些副词可以修饰整个句子,表达某种语气或情感。例如,“显然,他已经完成了任务”中的“显然”是一个语气副词,表达对整个句子的强调或语气上的补充。3. 副词修饰形容词:虽然较为少见,但一些副词也可以修饰形容词,增强形容词的表达效果。例如,“她非常漂亮”中的“非常”就是...



喜德县15522611581: 英语副词怎么修饰形容词.副词的作用. -
征新独活:[答案] 下面这些希望可以帮到你: 用在形容词前面的副词(短语) a.程度副词(短语) 1737 大多数修饰形容词的都是程度副词(短语),它们通常都放 在形容词前面: —否定: 1)The stars are not visible.(但:No stars a...

喜德县15522611581: 修饰形容词的副词做什么语? -
征新独活: 自己举个例子啊.副词修饰形容词可作表语,如:The-water-is-very(adv)-few(adj)作状语(修饰谓语),如:Thanks-very-much,作宾补,如:I-knew-the-news-very-little

喜德县15522611581: 英语副词怎么修饰形容词.?副词的作用.? -
征新独活: ex. very good very就是副词 good就是形容词 副词还可以修饰动词 ex.He runs quickly

喜德县15522611581: 英语副词的用法大全,尽量详细说下副词修饰形容词的部分 -
征新独活:[答案] 楼上解释的很详细,我主要解释一下副词修饰形容词的部分比较简单的一句:【I am very happy】 very是副词,happy是形容词.【This question is extremely difficult】翻译:这个问题极度困难.其中extremely就是副词【极...

喜德县15522611581: 英语形容词副词的用法 -
征新独活:[答案] 形容词和副词的基本用法 A.形容词:就是用来修饰名词或不定代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征的词.形容词主要作定语、表语、补语.如: 1.This is a new pen.这是支新钢笔.(形容词new作名词pen定语) 2.These oranges taste ________. A....

喜德县15522611581: 副词修饰什么词?形容词修饰什么词? -
征新独活: 英语中,副词可以修饰的有:形容词,副词,动词.形容词可以修饰的有:名词,代词,数词. 副词可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序、表完成的副词. 形容词,很多语...

喜德县15522611581: 副词修饰形容词做什么成分副词修饰动词的时候叫状语,修饰形容词的时候叫什么成分? -
征新独活:[答案] very 修饰形容词 beautiful ,作状语呀 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助, 请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,

喜德县15522611581: 英语副词的使用规则是什么? -
征新独活:[答案] 副词用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或整个句子. He run fast.副词fast 修饰动词run He run very fast.副词very 修饰副词fast She is very beautiful.副词 very修饰形容词 beautiful He did his homework carefully.副词carefully 做方式状语修饰整个句子. 副词修饰形...

喜德县15522611581: 副词修饰形容词做状语是应该在形容词前面么?副词修饰动词和修饰形容词的顺序应该是什么? -
征新独活:[答案] 副词修饰动词时位置比较灵活,在动词前、后都可以,也可以放在句末;修饰形容词是放在形容词前面

喜德县15522611581: 英语形容词副词的用法 -
征新独活: 1.形容词:形容词有很多呀,例如,nice(好的,高兴的),beautiful(美丽的),careful(小心的),interesting(有趣的)等等.用法:它们都能修饰名词或作表语.例如,nice cake,beautiful girls,be careful,(careful在联系动词后作表语),The ...

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