
作者&投稿:陈维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Once upon a time in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.


2. Although he had everything in his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.


3. But then, one winter“s night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.


4. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turns the old woman away, but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within, and when he dismissed her again, the old woman”s ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.

5. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart and as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there.


6. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.


旁白:The story happened when my grandfather and my grandmother were alive.(道具和人出场)
They lived in the forest. (父母出场,跳舞)
They have three daughters, one was beauty, but the other two were ugly. (两个姐姐上场,跳舞。美女在旁边扫地。下场)
One day they decided to ask a witch for some magic water to make their ugly daughters look better.
父亲:Here it is. It’s six o’clock. The witch is coming.
母亲:Daring, are you sure she will give us magic water to make our daughters more pretty?(父亲抹掉脸上的口水)
父亲:Yes , of course. We loved each other .母亲伤心地走开
父亲:Hey,twenty years ago, hey,twenty years ago…追上母亲
女巫A: Are you ready, baby? Let’s go
女巫A:Let’s go, O(∩_∩)O哈哈~(女巫打女儿,跳舞上场)
女巫A对父亲:I’m waiting for you.
妈妈盯着女巫的女儿看:Oh , my god 晕倒
父亲指着女巫B:So, she is my….
女巫A: Ha, get away, but she is my daughter. (蹬脚,笑,演)You owned me twenty years ago, now you must marry me, or I will change her(母亲) into a beast.
父亲:You dare!
女巫B:Oh , mom, there is a prince.
女巫A:Oh, yes. Hi, I’m waiting for you.(跑向王子)

旁白:Without magic water, parents tried their best to marry off their daughters. One day, the prince passed by their house, their parents prepared a party in order to let him marry their daughters.
父母邀请王子到家,父亲:Darling ,are you sure you can marry them to the prince in this way?
旁白:Everything is so sudden. In this moment, they like close friends who have known each other for many years. And they fall in love at the first sight.
王子:I’m so sorry! 抬头看到了美女。
王子:May I? (公主和王子开始跳舞)
王子:Who are you ?
公主:I’m the youngest daughter.
王子凝视着公主的脸说:You are so beautiful,my angel! Meeting you is the most beautiful accident. (公主脸红低下头去)

两个姐姐很气愤,叉腰“哼”,一起说:He is mine
姐姐A:How dare she do that, she steals my prince。
姐姐B:I won’t let such a stupid thing happen , it’s really a joke.
姐姐A: So~ 相视一笑
两个姐姐一起说:let’s look for the witch!
姐姐A:my dear witch .I really need your help!
女巫:Why must I help you?
姐姐A:If I can become the queen ,I promise that you will own the whole forest and a lot of money and slaves.
女巫:Ok. Keep your promise.
旁白:The next day, the family of the beauty wake up.
父亲惊呼一声:Who are you? (姐A跳出来:X-man?)
王子:It’s me, prince. (姐B:oh, you are X-man.)I’m here to seek for your sister, the sweetest sister.
美女对王子说:He is coming, he is coming. I know his voice, he is my prince.
王子握着美女的手:I just come to say goodbye to you. I must go now. There is nobody knows me, nobody needs me, nobody accepts me, even my parents. How, can a beast stay with an angel . Don’t cry for me, baby. I’m okay, I’m nothing except a person who will stay with you, love you, and will love you forever.
王子:But now I must hide it in my heart ,and keep it someplace far away.
美女:no , you should stay here, and marry me until we die .
父亲:you are the beauty of our family ,you should marry a king or his son ,not a beast or a monster.
美女:no but, please don’t go. I don’t need others, I just want you. No matter you are a prince or not, no matter you are handsome or not, I don’t care. Don’t you feel my heart, I say I love you. Yes I promise.
母亲醒来,oh , my god 看见野兽,又晕倒
王子:看见母亲的反应,更加坚决I am sorry ,I … I really can’t do this.
美女; no ,it’s not your fault.
王子:That’s enough , I must go
美女甩开父亲:Please! trust me. I won’t change my love for you.
I need you ,I love you ,~~`重复 两个姐姐把美女拉走
王子孤独的蹲在角落里:It’s the end of the world.
旁白:since the prince has disappeared, the beauty looked for him day and night. Someday the beauty was exhausted that she fell in a faint.
王子:Are you ok? Are you hurt? Are you pain?
王子:why do you come here? It’s dangerous.
王子:It’s all right. It’s all right. My sweetheart, please don’t cry.
I won’t leave you alone anymore, baby, just be happy. Come here, my angel.
美女:Welcome back, my prince.
王子:I love you.
旁白:From now on , they have a happy life.
What about the sisters?

《美女与野兽》经典台词中英文对照《美女与野兽》经典台词中英文对照《美女与野兽》经典台词中英文对照《美女与野兽》经典台词中英文对照 Beauty and the beast《美女与野兽》经典台词中英文对照: 1、Although he had everything his hearted desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. 虽然他拥有了一切他想得到的东西,但这个王子被宠坏了,他的脾气非常暴躁,而且自私。 2、An old woman come to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. 一个老太婆来到城堡,给了王子一朵玫瑰花,希望能够换得一处栖身之所,以躲避严寒。 3、Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. (王子嫌弃她形如枯槁的面容,不屑于衣衫褴褛老太婆手里的玫瑰,并且一触残忍地把她赶走。) Repulse [ri'pʌls] vt. 逐退,击退,拒绝 sneer at:嘲笑,轻视 haggard['hægʌd] adj. 憔悴的 Turn sb away:把某人打发走,拒绝接纳 4、There’s a lot of girl in town who’d love to be in your shoes. 这个镇子里很多姑娘们都希望能像你一样。 Be in one’s shoes:处于某人的境地或处境来设想。 5、I’m speechless; I don’t know what to say. I just don’t deserve you. 我真不知道说什么好。我只是觉得我不适合你。 6、You have my word! 我保证! 7、Gaston, you’ve get to pull yourself together. pull yourself together意思:to take control of your feelings and behave in a calm way;to force yourself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way :(口语体)控制自己(的紧张、害怕和失控的情绪),镇静下来,重新振作起来 8、Now the wheels in my head have been turning. 现在,我的脑子在不停转动。 9、My what a guy. 我的偶像,我了不起的伙伴。 10、I’ve got my hearts set on marrying Belle. 我已经决定要娶belle做我的妻子。 Have one’s mind set on doing sth:将心思完全投入去做某事。/决心去某事。 11、It has to be something very special, something that sparks her interests. 那应当是一些非常特别而且能够激发她兴趣的东西。 Oh, lighten up, Cogsworth, and let nature take its course. 哦,葛士华,高兴点,让他们顺其自然吧。 It’s obviously, there’s a spark between them. 很显然,他们之间有火花。 Yes, but there’s no harm in fanning the flames. 没错,管它呢,扇一点火也没什么伤害

http://wenku.baidu.com/view/e5c4776c7e21af45b307a882.html 中英文对照版
http://hi.baidu.com/15926265324/item/eaf3d8fc05ed3cc70cd1c8aa 中文版 剧本
http://www.docin.com/p-311898170.html 英文全剧本

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有以达乐:[答案] Beauty and the Beast 的台词吗? 这里有一些

洛江区15783873070: 谁有《美女与野兽》的英文台词? -
有以达乐: (Suddenly, BEAST grabs BELLE's shoulder and whips her around. She drops the torch she was carrying into a puddle and the room is dark except for one beam of light from a skylight.) BEAST: What are you doing here? MAURICE: Run, Belle! ...

洛江区15783873070: 求迪斯尼动画片美女与野兽的英文台词 -
有以达乐: http://www.fpx.de/fp/Disney/Scripts/BeautyAndTheBeast.txt

洛江区15783873070: 《美女与野兽》里的好词好句有哪些? -
有以达乐: 好句:1.受伤的野兽躲在阴暗的角落舔着伤口, 吸吮不到一丝光明. 尽管墙外的阳光是那样明媚温暖. 可野兽看着周围保护着它的黑暗,犹豫了. 2.尽管它是那样地想触碰,拥抱.那样热爱阳光.却无能为力. 但它害怕,害怕自己会给它伤害 ...

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有以达乐: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:爱新觉罗嘉琦一共7人,角色分别是美女的父亲,野兽,花花公子,美女的大姐,美女的二姐,美女,旁白 旁白:Hello,everyboby!I will tell you a verybeautifulstory.Nowlet me introduce the members of...

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有以达乐: 很久很久以前,在一个遥远的土地,一个年轻的王子在阳光灿烂的城堡里.虽然他拥有了一切,他不仁慈.一个冬天的晚上,一位老妇人来到他的城堡,并给他一支玫瑰.她警告他不要被外表所欺骗,要发现里面的美.如果他能学会爱别人,并...

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有以达乐: 很久很久以前 在一个遥远地方 一个年轻的王子 住在美丽的城堡里 虽然他拥有了一切 他想要的东西 但这个王子却被宠坏了 他的脾气非常暴躁,而且自私 在一个寒冷的夜晚 城堡前来了一个 又冷又饿的老太婆 想要用她一朵玫瑰花 去跟这个王子 ...

洛江区15783873070: 童话《美女与野兽》的中文版!是原文不是剧本! -
有以达乐: 在一个遥远的土地,一个年轻的王子生活在一个光辉的城堡.虽然他的一切,他不客气.一个冬天的晚上,一个老妇来到城堡和给他提供一个单一的上升.她警告他不要被欺骗的外观,美容,发现里面.如果他能学会爱另一个,并获得她的爱的回报的时候,花瓣的最后下跌,然后拼写将被打破.如果不是这样,他将是一个永远的野兽. 故事讲述的主要特征,美女,一个美丽和聪明的女孩.和她的父亲曾经是捕获的野兽.为了挽救她的父亲,她不得不去城堡,并被困在这不是她的父亲.接着,她一直被控制的丑陋的野兽. 在数天前,她讨厌的野兽.只要知道后,野兽在这样的条件,她改变了主意,并试图去与他. 几天后,她住的野兽,她发现里面的善良和野兽爱上瓦特

洛江区15783873070: 日语翻译急用!!求翻译大神帮忙翻译几句话,翻成日语!!很简单的
有以达乐: 1.不要烦我 うざいするな2.让他们来吧,我无所谓了 来てやれ、こっちはどうでもいい3.你滚吧 出て行け4.你...你终于回来了 やっと戻ってきた5也许,这样子更好 多分 このほうがいい6.至...至少我还能看你最后一眼 せめて、最后にお前を一目みたい7.贝儿,是我 ベル、俺だよ

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