your neighbour arcoss the street 意思

作者&投稿:戴波 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
cross arcoss 的区别~

cross 作动词用,“穿过,越过”的意思。主要表示在物体表面上横穿。如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与go across同义。
例如,Be careful when you cross the street.过马路时要小心。
Cross (Go across )the bridge, and you will see a big buiding.过这座桥你就会看到一栋大楼。


如,The Great Green Wall is across the northwest of China.绿色长城横跨中国西北。across与go/walk等动词连用表示“穿过,越过,横穿”的意思。与cross基本同义,也是表示从物体表面经过。
例如,Go across the road , you will find the post office on your left.


your neighbour arcoss the street



宁河县13578933613: 用英语写十条家规,用do not开头的 -
滕山健拓: don not fight with your neighbour(不要和邻居打架) do my own laundry (自己洗衣服) do not talk loudly(不要大声说话) do not play computer for too long (不要玩太长时间的电脑) do not stay out late after 10 in the evening. Do not work or amusement for a long time. Do not watch TV on school nights

宁河县13578933613: Our neighbour are( friendly)括号里的提问 - --- - -----your neighbours -
滕山健拓: How are/were/was your neighbors? 你的neighbours是错的哦, 应该是neighbors!!!

宁河县13578933613: Your neighbour says your flat was burgled thes afternoon什么意思 -
滕山健拓: 你的邻居说下午你的轮胎被偷了

宁河县13578933613: 英语小寓言此地无银三百两
滕山健拓: 此地无银三百两: (1)never try to prove what nobody doubts (2)A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence. (3)There is no silver buried here 此地无银三百两 (1) 有人把银子埋藏地下,上面留字写道:“此地无...

宁河县13578933613: 英语作文 -
滕山健拓: What is a neighbour?A neighbour is a person who is living next to you or very near to you.Therefore,you have to meet him nearly every day.As a good neighbour,you should be ready to offer a hel...

宁河县13578933613: how is it that your answer and your neighbour's is/are identical -
滕山健拓: 这里只能用are,因为你的答案和你邻居的答案,是两个答案,即使最终证明是相同的

宁河县13578933613: Your neighbour looks on in disbelief 是什么意思 -
滕山健拓: 翻译应该估计是:您的邻居带着怀疑的表情干什么之类的

宁河县13578933613: 英语作文以my neighbourhood为题目,参考下列问题,50字左右,不要少于50字What is your neighbour like?Do you like it or not?Why?What kind of ... -
滕山健拓:[答案] my neighbour is a happy family with 2 parents and a little girl.the girl is very friendly and i like to play with her very much.i like my neighbour because they often cook good food and invit me to ea...

宁河县13578933613: your neighbour says your flat was burgled thes afternoon.翻译成中文是什么意思? -
滕山健拓: 你的邻居说你的公寓失窃了这个下午 楼主 你好.很高兴为你解答 若您的问题已得到解决.请点击我回答下面的“采纳为答案” 务必要五星与好评, 举手之劳,谢谢!祝你每天都有好心情!~

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