
作者&投稿:酆齿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Nearly two months of working time let me understand a lot of truth, and brought endless fun to my study life, can learn knowledge that books can't learn.
ard conditions, plain food and hot sun make me tired all day. I have thought of giving up countless times, but I think this is the first time in my life to earn money.
Although my skin was tanned and my sweat was solidified, my waist was straight and energetic, and I knew how to deal with strangers better, and the red hundred yuan bill was shining in my hands.
即将捞到的第一桶金,我还是咬紧牙关冲了过去,紧锣密鼓的一个月终于过去,尽管我的皮肤被晒黑,汗水被凝固,但我的腰板笔直,精神焕发,更懂得与陌生人打交道了,并且红灿灿的百元 大钞在我手中熠熠生辉。


Part-time job

In the collages,there are many students take part-time job.Some do it because they lack of money and want to mitigate their parents'burden.Also some want to increase their work experience to help in their future job.Everything has it't advantage and disadvantage.Part-time job has too.
We know that some students are poor ,they want to earn some money to help their study.So for them,taking part-time job is a good way .But if they take much more time in earning money,it must affect their study,as a result,this is disadvantage for them.Also,the reason of some people taking part-time job is not to earn money,but to improve their work experience.Right,this is good.But the same truth,taking more time to do it will also affect their study.If they can't acquire more knowleage,even though they have much experience,lacking of knowleage will affect their job too.
So,I think taking part-time job is good ,but we should arrange our time reasonablily. Taking part-time without affecting the studying is the best way.

nowadays part-time job has become more and more popluar. for this many students want to have a part time job in order to get some pocket money. although it has a huge number of drawbcks,but in my opinion, part-time job has many merits.
first, it can let students enrich their leisure time.
second, it can let people get pocket moeny from working.
next,it will increase their experience,and will help them to find a good job in the future.

for these advantages, i think part-time is good for people.

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