求英语翻译 这和我上次去的是同一个地方 在线等

作者&投稿:官栋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

That's really a good place worthy to go.

你去了其他特别的地方吗 ? Have you been somewhere special ?

It's the same place that (as) I went last time.
This place is the same as where I went last time.

This is the last time I went to the same place.

This is the same place where i last went

The last time I went to the same place.

This is the very place l got to last time.

This is the last time I went to the same place

怀化市13231518071: 求英语翻译 这和我上次去的是同一个地方 在线等 -
雀奔消痔: It's the same place that (as) I went last time. This place is the same as where I went last time.

怀化市13231518071: 英语翻译我原以为和上次是一样的,所以是按照上次的范围看的,把重点放在了有直接问题的章节,但我没想到情况发生了变化,所以我答的不是很好.正如你... -
雀奔消痔:[答案] I''ve thought it is the same as the last time,so I reviewed the range according to last time experience,attached great ... exam.but now I'm somewhat unconfidence. but really thank you for your help which is really very important for me. 我的绝对是自己翻译...

怀化市13231518071: 求翻译成英文!! 老师,我是xxx,就是上次没来上课的那个.很抱歉,今天下午我能不能请个假?我的一 -
雀奔消痔: Dear Sir/Mdm(依老师性别而定),my name is XXX who have missed your previous class.My apology, I would like to take a leave in the afternoon to meet my best friend. He is arriving Wuhan this morning, but leaving for Hefei in the late ...

怀化市13231518071: 求一句英文翻译(你上次给我的那份资料我看了
雀奔消痔: "fee"改成tuition fee, too much 改成"a bit too much"更符合原文的意思 I've read the materials you gave me last time.But the problem is that the tuition fee is really a bit too much for me. 最佳答案请给"whitebearbother"

怀化市13231518071: 一个英语问题我上次看到一个笑话Ihaveabikewithmew
雀奔消痔: would like a book,please. B light? [休闲类的吗?] doesn't matter,I have a bike with me. light此处意思为:轻松愉快的: Let's see a light film for a change. 咱们看部轻松的影片调剂一下. Customer把light听为"轻的"了.

怀化市13231518071: 在这次考试中,我犯了和上次相同的错误.翻译英语 -
雀奔消痔: I have made the same mistake as before in this test.

怀化市13231518071: 1、We had a lot of fun on our holiday.(同义句) 2、When was your last trip?(翻译) -
雀奔消痔: 1.We enjoyed our holiday.2.你上次旅行是什么时候3.我每天都和我表哥表姐表弟表妹堂哥堂弟堂姐堂妹们玩的很开心

怀化市13231518071: 英语翻译1.谢谢你寄的照片2.我常常想起我们一起度过的时光3.你还记得那个湖吗?我们在那还一起照过相呢4.和我们一起玩的那些朋友还好吗5.我昨晚做了... -
雀奔消痔:[答案] 1Thank you for the photos that you sent me.2.I usually think of the times that we spent together.3.Do you remember the lake where we took photos together?4.How are the friends who played with us?5.Las...

怀化市13231518071: 英语翻译1 你上次去上海旅游是在哪一年?2 我上次去上海旅游是在2003年.3 你有多久没去过北京了?4 我大概5年没去过北京了.5 每束花多少钱?( 每朵.)... -
雀奔消痔:[答案] how long from you travel to beijing last time? which year did you travel to shanghai last time? i traveled to shanghai last time in2003 强调2003用it is in the year2003 when i travel toshanghai last time there is about 5 years from the last time i went to beijing...

怀化市13231518071: 急切求助:英语翻译段落,内容如下...求助:英语翻译段落,如下 -
雀奔消痔: On the National Day, avoiding the busy city, my friends and I went to the beach. This is the second time I have seen the sea but this time the colour is golden as the sunset is ...

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